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Check if black MP "Receiving..." screen is gone?

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Is there a way to check if the black "Receiving..." screen is gone?

Especially in MP it is extremely annoying when you have this screen for quite a time (10 seconds or more) while the world around you is already running and your character is already in the world, ready for being killed and such.

This does not help to check if the blackscreen is gone:

!(isNull (findDisplay 46))

Using it in a trigger as condition, makes the code of the trigger executed already during the blackscreen (or right before the blackscreen while the blackscreen covers the world then).

I am looking for a method to check

1. If the forced map at the very beginning is closed.

2. The black "Receiving..." is gone and you actually see the world through the eyes of your character.

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I just searched for a solution for the "Receiving..." problem but found nothing.

I also tried:

waitUntil { !isNull(findDisplay 46); };

But it does not work (like RogueTrooper said).

So is there any way to check (waitUntil) if the "Receiving..." screen is gone ?

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Beware of the command though, this is left in the notes section

There is a bug in Arma2 that will make this command execute every time the screen with "Receiving..." has been displayed.

If this code is put in the Init.sqf it will run the startcam.sqf script when the loading screen has disappeared

onPreloadFinished "[fire1] exec ""scripts\startcam.sqf"""

It will however also run every time a player change graphics settings, alt-tab or do anything else that will trigger the loading screen.

You will have to script around it with if statements to get it to run only in the beginning of the mission.

This means if you alt-tab, the script will run again. Means you'll wanna watch what you do with it.

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Yes, i saw that to but i think the init.sqf is run only once at mission start.

So there should be no problem with how i use it i hope:


// Waituntil the Receiving screen is gone
onPreloadFinished "Receiving_finish=true";
waitUntil {Receiving_finish};

// Fade in and display loadingtext
if (true) then
   playMusic "Wasteland"; 
   titleCut ["", "BLACK FADED", 999];
   [] Spawn {
       waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")};

       // Info text
       [str("The Jackals - No-fly zone") ,str("by Wiggum")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;

       sleep 5;
      "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;   
  "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [6];   
  "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0;     
  "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0]; 
  "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 7;
   titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 8];
20 fadeMusic 0;
20 fadeSound 1;
sleep 20;
playMusic ""; 
0 fadeMusic 1;
nul=execVM "hint1.sqf";

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yeah it should work, because even if "receiving_finish=true" gets executed every time that you alt-tab or use the map it won't do anything ^^.

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aww so THAT's what the onPreloadFinished is for :D

Btw, why that 'useless' if (true) scope? :D

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Btw, why that 'useless' if (true) scope? :D

Because i need to check if true == true ... :p:D

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true == true always.... so the script will always run... exactly the same as leaving it out. What on Earth is going to make true == false?

It makes no sense to have it there!

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Yes, it was just a joke although i think Chuck Norris can make true == false ! :u:

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onPreloadFinished {someboolean = true; onPreloadFinished {}};

removes the event immediately after the first run again.

And you don't need strings, all onBla events are also accepting code.


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.... although i think Chuck Norris can make true == false ! :u:

Ahaha.. I think he can too! :)

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