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Score Points for Objectives Completed

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Hey guys - another question for a scripter

I want to create some tournament missions with point scoring for objectives that are completed.

Say there are 3 mission objectives - one Primary worth 60 points plus two secondary objectives worth 20 points each.

The only way for a coop team to keep their points is for at least one of the team to make it to extraction.

So it becomes a risk vs reward situation where you can win more points by completing more objectives but if your team dies then you get 0 points coz noone got out alive.

Just not sure how to set this up and fairly sure I need a scripter to do a bit of work for me to create it.

thanx again


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I guess you could set up a trigger that fires if the team dies, that removes the points?

Or even a "punishment" for each team member that dies (and if all of them dies all the points are removed. ie. (total points)/(amount of team mates) , and then remove that amount when one team member dies. As that would also promote keeping the entire team alive?

Just some suggestions, neither should be to hard to do.

Kind regards,


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if all players are dead - mission ends and you wont see a score show up anyway.

i need points to be issued as each objective is completed and stored and added to until end of mission when the score should be displayed on screen for 10 seconds or so so a screenshot can be taken.

also the ability to remove say 5 points for each time player is killed would be ideal too.

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Just keep a variable on the server that keeps track of score, and in the end have a simple outro screen (ex: titleText) running on all machines showing the score.

Removing points for deaths is simple. Easiest way is to count the number of living players at the start and then again at the end. Aka {side _x == WEST && alive _x} count allUnits or create an array of player units in advance and run {alive _x} count myPlayerUnitsArray

Just make sure you keep score management on the server, then use the publicVariable command on the server before showing it on the clients, so they all see the same number.

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its ok i wait for a scripter to roll in and build it for me.

ill just build the missions. :)

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Its a bit late but I think for just a score you can use the addscore in the ext. file BUT I NEED HELP AS WELL IF ANYONE CAN HELP, I want to know if the score like you get for killing enemys is the same as the add score where as is everybody starting at 0 and one enemy kill is like what 100 for rifleman but does a freindly kill knock u down 2000 pts? is that why they target you, and if tru on one of my earlyest missions I made I had to destroy an EMPTY damaged usmc chopper and when i finished the mission my score was like -2200 or so and if it regesterd as killing blufor why was i not targeted by my subornates.. basically im lost about score thank you for any help


researched for myself and found two seprate pages for the same addscore and im guessing they are both the same thing but still unsure, using the wiki search description ext and on there gives you an addscore and some how i also found ADDSCORE under SCORE on a totally different search, they have different explaniations for each????

Edited by benchthis200

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