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About benchthis200

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  • Interests
    physics,visual basic,HVAC,
  • Occupation
    Not relavant

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  • Biography
    Hate call of duty, belive an unpaid moron can make a better game
  1. Its a bit late but I think for just a score you can use the addscore in the ext. file BUT I NEED HELP AS WELL IF ANYONE CAN HELP, I want to know if the score like you get for killing enemys is the same as the add score where as is everybody starting at 0 and one enemy kill is like what 100 for rifleman but does a freindly kill knock u down 2000 pts? is that why they target you, and if tru on one of my earlyest missions I made I had to destroy an EMPTY damaged usmc chopper and when i finished the mission my score was like -2200 or so and if it regesterd as killing blufor why was i not targeted by my subornates.. basically im lost about score thank you for any help ...................................................................................................................................................... researched for myself and found two seprate pages for the same addscore and im guessing they are both the same thing but still unsure, using the wiki search description ext and on there gives you an addscore and some how i also found ADDSCORE under SCORE on a totally different search, they have different explaniations for each????
  2. yea so i searched for the last 3 days on how to make a border for a smaller game area, my own common sense tells me to use a trigger set up as anybody not present with a hint telling you to get the f back in the game within 10 sec, I used a map veiw border with a plain marker that looks like a line but for my "setdamage 1" trigger i cannot figure out how to make the AI or person leaving just get killed Im thinking about trying to use 16 differnt triggers placed at the same spot somehow synced togeather for each individual player so only they get killed... I found (but cant get back to due do the dissorderly way of "search" on this site something like _x setdamage 1 thislist forall or something but it failed called for boolean which is asking for a true or false, basically i cant figure out if the script is wrong or i just need an idiots explaniation on exactly where the players "names" would go and the exact placement of the code in the trigger, Also it could be possible to use a distance to object greater than to kill every one but that seems like there could be an easyer way... and im new at this whole deal found out .ext sqf. respawn all that by myself but i cant find this and at least i should get credit for hating call of duty.. thanks for any help recived
  3. benchthis200

    arma 2 money system

    whilist search under "money" i got nothing but types of computers and how much you must spend to buy a good enough system and how much the game costs
  4. benchthis200

    Area boundaries ?

    another way to help a user see or get a sense of the "play area" for the deathmatch type mission use a rectangular MARKER i use the color of black and just make axis a like 5 and axis b as long as you need enough to cover over top of your trigger area that way they can see at the beggining where they can go before they see a perfect vantage point and right before the rock sets a boundry sighn.. as well im personnally interested in finding out how to keep the AI out of the kill zone of the play area couldnt find nothing for that