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- ArmA2 Custom Faces.

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Hi, some people have little problems using the ArmA custom faces on the ArmA2, so i've made a Free For All ArmA2 Custom Face that show the differences on the mapping, between the ArmA and ArmA2 Custom Faces.

ArmA2 Custom Face:


- That's how the ArmA2 custom faces are mapped, and you can see that some parts change.

ArmA Custom Face:


- That's how the ArmA custom faces are mapped, as you can see... on the ArmA2 custom faces, you've the 1St Person View's hands on the left bottom corner and you've the eye detail on the right upper corner; not add those details will create weird issues once in game.

ArmA2 Custom Face Mapping:


I'd modified the white of the eye on the ArmA2 custom face to make it more white so once in game you don't look as if you has smoked a big or very charged joint; seems that the Eye Detail on the faces that come in the ArmA2 human model samples don't look that good once scaled down to 512x512 and saved as: face.jpg , taking less than 96Kb to don't have problems once in game. There're few differences between the ArmA and ArmA2 faces mapping or detail, but the OA faces are more detailed than the ArmA or ArmA2 faces, and loose (i guess) less detail once scaled down to be used as custom faces. I hope that this information helps some players out there. Let's C ya

Edited by wipman

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Cant wait for your converted PAA face pack then ;)

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It's a scary eye indeed - is it used in the mappings or is it just there to scare the bejeezus out of us?

Do you know if there is a photoshop template with layers around for the faces? I have searched but can't find one.

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its just for the model

in arma2 the head is more detailed then arma1, so the eyes move around and the mouth has more detail

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Perhaps someone can help with an issue I am having trying to create a custom face by creating a pbo...

Basically I am trying to add my own overlay to a model that I need to be bald. I have created my paa file using one of the templates of a bald guy and created the classes needed for the pbo. My face config file looks like...

class CfgFaces {
class Man {
	class WBJ {
		name = "Baldy Bloke";
		texture = "\BJHFaces\baldy.paa";
		head = "defaultHead";
		identityTypes[] = {};
		material = "\ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl_white.rvmat";

However, when I load the game, 'Blady Bloke' suddenly has hair. Now, I am new to scripting in Arma 2, but I suspect it is either the 'head' or the 'material' that is causing this to happen. I have extracted the characters.pbo file to try and find which others to use, but I just can't work it out.

In the standard list of faces, there is a bloke called 'Markus K.' - he would be an ideal model to wrap my face around (so to speak), but I can't find where BI have defined him.

Can anyone give me some pointers on how I can do this, or point me in the direction of the hpp file where 'Markus K' is defined so I can use that as a template.

By the way, my paa file works fine and the cammo I have created looks as it should - it's just that the model has hair! I am using hhl_03_co.jpg as the template to create my cammo on, and in this template there is no hair.

Thanks in anticipation.

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Cant wait for your converted PAA face pack then ;)

Hi, sorry but i'd never did a Face pack for the ArmA, just some custom faces for free and i guess that some men did their own Face pack for the ArmA; but im not aware of it.

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------

Good to see your faces in Arma II! :)

sorry man, but i don't gonna do any more ArmA2 custom faces, the .rvmat screws up the look of any .jpg once in game and i don't gonna try 20 times for get the less screwed up face.

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------

It's a scary eye indeed - is it used in the mappings or is it just there to scare the bejeezus out of us?

Do you know if there is a photoshop template with layers around for the faces? I have searched but can't find one.

I don't know of any ArmA2 PS template, i did that custom face using the .tga face that comes with the ArmA2 Human Sample Models as base and pasted and adjusted my own ArmA's custom face to fit into the new ArmA2 face mapping.

I did it to show the mapping changes in the ArmA2 vs the ArmA; i don't know if the small eyes (near the mouth inside) are used at all... but that big eye is the one used at least for the closer head model LODs. And the mouth inside in the ArmA2 have exactly the same detail as in the ArmA = None. The units (you and the AI) are like Withney Houston, teethless... so when you see a big firefight in your screen... what you're really seeing is more a Bum Fights episode.

Can't help you with the face.pbo thing, sorry; but think that if the others (in MP) don't have that face.pbo they'll see the head model as the naked, true white plain default head model. Aside that... the servers where you gonna enter to play (in MP) may kick you if they don't have that face.pbo , that's the bad point of the addons. Let's C ya

Edited by wipman

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It's a scary eye indeed - is it used in the mappings or is it just there to scare the bejeezus out of us?


It's just there so it can Let's C Ya.

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Hi, that big eye is used AFAIK on the closer 3Rd person LOD, i guess that the other two (the ones near the mouth's texture part) are used for the more distant LODs, but could be any, at certain distances... you don't appreciate certain details so it realy doesn't matter that much.

The OA head model uses a slighty different texture mapping than the ArmA2 head model, so a face made for work on the ArmA2, could give some wrong mapping problems because of that. Aside of the 'decoloration' problems that appear on booth the ArmA2 and OA because the model's .rvmat, that's too strong and gives unnatural shining values to the human skin (or anything that you paint on top) aswell to the BDUs, weapons etc etc. As that's a part of the models... can't be corrected/solved with the texture or in, the texture; you can only work with aproximation (to the real colours) by trial and error. Let's C ya

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Hey Wipman, will you please make a skin of "Simon Ghost Riley" From the COD:MW2 and will you please send me the link of the skin wearing a skull mask, which was your signature poster. Please man :bounce3: Thanks ;). Sorry For The R.I.P ENGILSH

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Bro I need your help well I know this is silly but. I want to make my own custom face like captain John price from MW 2019 so what kind of tool should I use like you did to make your own face and can you guide me bcz I'm a.... Little new here in Arma 

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