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dedicated server - 2 questions

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1. do animations work properly in mp on dedicated server?

2. is there a flawless helo extraction for dedicated server - mp coop? i don;t need the chopper to extract players - i just want it to show up everytime. synced trigger to waypoint definitely does not work.



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1. IDK

2. I don't think so, chopper extraction with WPs and triggers is pretty hard to set up.

Have a look here.

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1: sorry dont know.

2: of course it works, have a heli with a hold wp and synch hold wp to a trigger activated by whatever.

Its YOUR use of it that definitely does not work.

How about you provide info on how you tried synched wp to helo and what your trigger looks like??

Then you might get a answer to your question, also search on forums for extract, extraction, pickup, heli transport etc. probably yields hundreds of answers.

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I'm going to take an educated guess and say all animations are client-side, which means they are in no way connected to server, hosted or dedicated.

2. I'm sure it's doable. However, AI+chopper is just too much pain to deal with.

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2: of course it works, have a heli with a hold wp and synch hold wp to a trigger activated by whatever.

Its YOUR use of it that definitely does not work.

incorrect. if i use the sync to a trigger while testing (i build all my missions in the MP editor) the heli ALWAYS shows up although i dont use a HOLD waypoint - i sync it to a move waypoint. however, when i move the mission to a dedicated server the heli either never shows up, or it shows up but flies past the extraction marker. i will try the HOLD waypoint but not feeling confident about it.

and i have searched a lot of threads as i always do b4 starting my own - unfortuantely there does not seem to be a definitive answer out there.

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Please explain clearly what you want to achieve and I'll try to help you.

2. is there a flawless helo extraction for dedicated server - mp coop? i don;t need the chopper to extract players - i just want it to show up everytime. synced trigger to waypoint definitely does not work.

Is not clear enough. You want extraction or not?

This setup works flawlessly.

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From reading that thread, it does not sound like that works in MP.

What I want is this:

Ghosts are dropped off by chopper at the AO and head off to complete objectives (all of this works).

When the objectives are complete, the Ghosts are given the location for extraction and head off to the marker. When they arrive at this location, a trigger will fire which will call in a chopper which will fly to their location. When the chopper shows up I want it to trigger off mission complete and end the mission.

The problem I am having on a dedicated server is the chopper does not show up. I have a trigger synced to a waypoint on a chopper and in SP or MP Lan the chopper will show in testing. But if I play the same mission on a dedicated server the chopper will not show or will show but not land.

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I used the method in this post and it worked on a DS.

1. Create LZ trigger

2. Sync it to a MOVE WP placed on the extraction chopper.

3. Name your helicopter: heliextrac

4. Put an invisible H on the LZ

5. Place a 2nd MOVE WP on the LZ

6. Add this in the On act. of the 2nd WP:

heliextrac land "LAND"

7. Add end trigger.

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jesus!! i just tried it on dedi and it worked!

my only conclusion is that:

a) only the first waypoint can be synched to a trigger, subsequent waypoints will not respond to sycnhronising properly or,

b) you can only ever use on synchronise on the waypoint path of a vehicle, i.e. having one synch at the start to send the chopper to insert, then making the chopper wait somewhere with a second sync for the extraction does not work.

but at least i have a fix now thanks and to be safe i will use one heli for insert which works properly - already test a hundred time.

and a second heli dedicated to extraction only.

very happy now :)

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You're welcome! :smile:

Please next time use a more descriptive title.

It helps when searching the forums via Search Titles Only.

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well i thought about the title and felt these were really specific to dedicated.

but point taken.

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jesus!! i just tried it on dedi and it worked!

my only conclusion is that:

a) only the first waypoint can be synched to a trigger, subsequent waypoints will not respond to sycnhronising properly or,

b) you can only ever use on synchronise on the waypoint path of a vehicle, i.e. having one synch at the start to send the chopper to insert, then making the chopper wait somewhere with a second sync for the extraction does not work.

but at least i have a fix now thanks and to be safe i will use one heli for insert which works properly - already test a hundred time.

and a second heli dedicated to extraction only.

very happy now :)

both a and b statements is wrong.

Ive not so long ago in current patch 1.57 (latest oficcial) done exactly that on DS, several synchs all over, all working perfectly.

edit: i used hold wps synched to switch trigger.

Edited by Demonized

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The only problem I'm aware of is helicopters sometimes refusing to land on a dedicated server when the pilot is AI and there is someone in the chopper who is not local to the server.

And of course there is the problem of helicopters going into combat mode and not arriving, but that is not specific to dedicated servers.

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edit: i used hold wps synched to switch trigger.

i need to investigate this further

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