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Scar L reskin, help needed

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I'm trying to create a new texture for the Scar L and late on for the Scar H also. The texture work is no problem so far, but I realy need help with the configs and the other stuff to get a replacement addon.

I've found the right texture for the Scar L ("scar_l_co.paa" for the weapons_e.pbo) and I made a kind of ACU texture for it.

This is how it looks so far:

[/img]http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/236/scarlcoreskin.png[/img] >100kb

I know that it looks quite similar to these Weapons White/Gray Futuristic/Winter weapons

but I made it all by myself.

So my question is if sby could help me with the replacement config, because I'm unskilled with configs and scripts.

Please pm me or reply in this thread.

thx in advance,


Edited by Zipper5
Image > 100kb

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Doing a search in addon edit thread should be your fist step. Second if you can't fin answer you can try in the addon edit configuration section (go fig).

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you might wanna get rid of the 2mb file before some mod sees it and spanks you for it :)

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