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Screw zombiez when you have Alienz lurking around making creepy sounds ;)



Forget Day-Z...it's DayE-T.

Where are you with this mate?

Wondering if you'd ever consider making this an online CTI? I think it would be very interesting!


I just saw your post:

A new map will be made for Zetaborn Aliens v2.0 addon. Its based on a real area in USA (sorry, not Roswell or any other similiar place). Its a small rural area with three towns an an airport (or two). Perfect for human vs alien MP event with several scenarios I'm already putting together ;) it should be fun.

Can't wait!

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Yeah, dcal rocks. ROTN is also my fav.

BadBenson & I were both busy with some other projects and activities, so please hold for the release.

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Thanks for all the kind words on my vids guys. I have two other videos planned when the new Zetaborn mod is released. One will be a trailer showcasing the new Zetaborn mod and the other will be in the same style as ROTN and Onslaught. As of right now both will be in 2D like my early videos. I am just waiting for the mod to be released and I will begin. I already have the scenes played out in my mind, just need to make it happen in the game engine and edit it all together.

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Looks awesome, would be cool if they could get thermal vision :D

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Looks amazing Ice. Benny's Warfare and your Zetaborn aliens would be incredible. OpFor/BluFor vs Zetaborn. It's waiting to be done...

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Wow....I had not checked back in a while because of messing around with Arma 3. This looks great....hope to see it in A3 at some point too.

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looking forward to it ice, did you say it would be released this week? in the duala thread

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Mods: please close this topic, as there is new Alienz Mod topic about these units. Thanks.

Edited by IceBreakr

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