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Force client to run specific mods on dedi

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Hi Arma players,

I'm hosting a dedicated server for my team and I would like to force the person who connect the server to run the same mods, especially for the ACRE mod.

Because since we decided to use ACRE for our games, some members didn't install the mod and still can join the game which is like cheating because they can talk/hear everyone even if they don't speak in the radio or if they're far in the game.

In the past there was a server setting "Equalmodrequired" which was working fine, but from this link:


They say the parameter doesn't exist anymore and is replaced by "Verifysignatures" parameter.

From the first tests I did the new parameter checks every addon that runs on the client, but if the client doesn't run any addon, he can still enter the game.

How can I force users to run the addons ?

Any help appreciated.

Edited by xjiks
(typing mistakes)

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They say the parameter doesn't exist anymore and is replaced by "Verifysignatures" parameter.

who are they? they are lying. or you missunderstood.

Outdated - replaced by verifySignatures! Only use if you really understand what it does.

Clients require the exact same modfolder naming, order and amount as the server. 1 means active, 0 disabled.

that doesnt meant it doesnt work,

if you want to force a client to use exactrly the same mods as the server this is what you want

equalModRequired = 1;

verifySignatures = 1;

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1) server side addon

2) let it execute on the client

if (!(isClass(configFile/"CfgPatches"/"cfgPatchesClassOfACRE"))) then
//disallow player to play

@ nuxil:

BI just changed recently how equalModRequired works and it is not fully

understood how it works now. Seems like hashes per modfolder or so.

In any case just read the comment again you will see that the advice remains still very true.

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"They" is BI as the link goes to Bohemia official wiki (I provided the link to show ppl this is not my imagination)

To me outdated is something that you cannot use anymore, if I use it, it is not taken in consideration.

And replaced means that Verifysignatures does the job now ?

This is really confusing...

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[72787] New: Mods contents hashes are compared instead of mods lists when equal mods are required on server.

it basicly does what it alsways has done. but now it checks the hashes instead. if not a match you cant play, this is what i understand from it.

Verifysignatures checks the signatures of the pbo's. if thay dont match you cant play. but this doesnt mean equalmods. with Verifysignatures you can use serversided addons.

Edited by nuxil

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You can also add the addon CfgPatches names (e.g "acre_main") to your mission's mission.sqm - those who join without it cannot play then.

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equalModRequired was useless since recently as it only compared the modfolder names,

not their contents.

Initially back in the OFP days it was a first cheat protection approach. This has long

been replaced by verifySignatures.

What Sickboy suggests is the way to go as per mission basis.

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Ok Thanks guys, I will see to edit the missions with the ACRE class in the header, but it's bad that Equalmodrequired doesn't do the job like it did....

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I'm also interested to make my server force the player too use ACRE. Too bad it doesn't work.

But even if there was a force, the other players can easily cheat with just connect to an other TS3-server.

But I hope that it in the future that there is going to be a way to make the players to have ACRE (or maybe a BIS-uppgraded radio in ArmA3? :P) and be connected to the same server and channel.

...Let's hope for ArmA3. :)

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