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Huey in OPF!

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I heard some thing that they will release those vehicles of VBS1.

If not they are stupid F U C K S,

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Airborne, before you go posting false news check that it's valid before you do.

Because posts like this, Are rude and dodgy.

People want a Heuy and that Helicopter is not on Operation Flashpoint.

That picture is from the VBS Web site.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Unl33t on 5:18 pm on Dec. 14, 2001

Airborne, before you go posting false news check that it's valid before you do.

Because posts like this, Are rude and dodgy.

People want a Heuy and that Helicopter is not on Operation Flashpoint.

That picture is from the VBS Web site.

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gee man, this huey IS using the OF engine, VBS=OF+some extra stuff

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if this stuff is using the operation flashpoint engine, can't BIS release it all into operation flashpoint?

that would be really good.

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some stuff mb classified ..... but when its classified they wouldnt show pics of it on their site ...... So the heuy might be released. AFAIK huey's arent classified equipment.

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and some items with classified material could be release by separating the classified informations of the other part of the unit and replace the classified part by something with different caracteristics

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yeah make the supersecret ray gun shoot banana's or ..... think the next few addons will be pretty big ....

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Yeah, well feast your eyes on these:




And the best part is we're not getting them!

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Im beginning to feel as though opflash should have been virtual battle field thingy

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sorry i have been away for a while also im not saying about the units im thinking of the entire game it seems as though this is what opflash should have been

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Errr.I don't mean to be rude, but Devil, no we wont. I think the US military has verbidden BIS to release some of the vehicles. Sure, we may get a few, but these will be unsignaficant vehicles with no real purpose.

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From what i have seen + heard that is going to be the ultimate simulation which is what opflash should have been

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Yea, the US military is getting all the good things...Now we can just hope that one of those soldiers is a l337 h@xx0r d3wd and puts VBS1 on-line...

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I wish people would read the accompying text as well looking at the nice shiny pretty pictures on the VBS site mad.gif

We probably will get 'some' of the vehicles the future. I don't think that majority of vehicles are " confidential ". I mean you can go into a bookstore or look on the web and find pics or info on nearly all military hardware.

The only confidential part of VBS would be the background stuff and the map editor. For me, that would be the abilty to take maps of real world terrain and incorporate it into the OFP engine. Those who have seen the Powerpoint presentation or Quakergamer's screenshots will know what I'm typing about. :biggrin:

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Devil on 11:06 pm on Dec. 14, 2001

For the last f**king time! We will get them!!

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i hope your right,

but im afraid your wrong Devil.sad.gif

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The vehicles in that VBS thing look FANTASTIC.

I don't care if it takes them a year or two, I want most of the vehicles in that program.

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did u see the detail on those desert troops even down to the goggles ontop of the helmit, also the radio man fo the aussie troops

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Look at the Crew Player models Helmet, baddahbing- goggles wink.gif. Give him a new uniform and you have your Marine unit, *hint* *hint*.

(Edited by Rogue at 3:23 am on Dec. 15, 2001)

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Am I the only one that noticed that is not a UH-1 "Huey". Look at the turbine exhausts, there are two. Which means it has two turbine engines which also due to the fact it was based off the successfull UH-1 makes it a Bell 212. Not quite sure of its military designation, but its a great reliable helicopter used worldwide.

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