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i5 760 not enough?...

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Its really annoying for me that im running a intel i5 760 quad core 2.8ghz, 6 gigs of ram, and a GTX 470 and missions like RUBE Fire Ant which have a decent amount of ai, it becomes a lag fest with 20 FPS (looks like a slideshow to me) and when i press escape I go up to 70 FPS... Isnt a i5 good enough for this game?...

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Haven't tried "RUBE Fire Ant" but AI eats CPU like a hungry horse after a diet.

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I play that RUBE fire ants mission without issue on an [email protected] and an HD6850, the mission doesnt seem that intensive really.

EDIT mind you, 'without issue' for me might not be the same as 'without issue' for you. Ive played OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 for years and with some very shit hardware at some points.

Edited by xmongx

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the i5/i7 series is notorious for producing unstable performance. that is, fps can vary so greatly that it feels like a slide show. one moment 100 fps, the next moment 20. use vsync to remedy this, but it does have a side effect of making the game sluggish.

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Ok something wrong here...

I have an I5 750 and 460GTX GPU, also 4GB of RAM and my settings in game are:

Everything on the highest setting apart from AA on normal, pp very low. View distance is 5000m and 3D res is 100%. Screen resolution is 1920x1080. HDR quality is set to normal.

I vary from 25fps up to 53 fps on that very same mission (RUBE fire ants).

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AI in this game will decrease performance no matter what setup you have.

Take this line seriously. On top of that, I have a friend with an i7 920 and 5850 and he has ~25 FPS in PVP with 60 ppl, just like me with a much weaker rig.

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