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Rocket Pods and Pilots

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So why can't I use rockets as a pilot? It seems every weapon system on the aircraft is given to the gunner AKA no simultaneous attacks (rockets and gun for example). Every aircraft I know of, rotary and fixed wing alike, have rocket pods at the pilots control (and gunner if need be). The Mi-24D even has crosshairs for the pilot, but no weapons. Is this a bug or a feature to promote team play?

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So why can't I use rockets as a pilot? It seems every weapon system on the aircraft is given to the gunner AKA no simultaneous attacks (rockets and gun for example). Every aircraft I know of, rotary and fixed wing alike, have rocket pods at the pilots control (and gunner if need be). The Mi-24D even has crosshairs for the pilot, but no weapons. Is this a bug or a feature to promote team play?

Switch to manual fire.

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He means that pilot should fire those unguided missiles like what is in ACE2

Then gunner will fire the 30mm cannons and guided missiles

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I don't need any ACE to fire rockets manually. I have a button on the stick that says "manual fire" to override the gunner.

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I'm currently training with the Raptors learning to fly an MV-22 Osprey for Pale Horse. Granted the only weapons we get are door/ramp mounted MMGs (aside from the occasional M61 or M134) for the crew chiefs, but I still know a thing or two about weapons in aviation. :p

Any pilot has complete control over avionics, hydraulics, flight plans, and rocket pods. The co-pilot (gunner) may at any time take control over any of the aforementioned systems in the event of catastrophic pilot failure. I don't know how the Russkies do it with their Kamovs but I imagine they are similar.

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Meh I used to love ACE but it makes everything too... clunky for me. I've stopped using it. :(

Yep, ACE2, the only combat envirovement prepared for players vs players, makes most operation become even complicated.

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Meh I used to love ACE but it makes everything too... clunky for me. I've stopped using it.


Anyway, ACE includes exactly the feature you're looking for. It also makes it so the rockets aren't unrealistically pinpoint accurate as they are in vanilla.

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Yes I think especially the visible at distance fixes are quite usefull

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