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ArmA1 F-22 Conversion (Personal Use)

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@rstratton: thanks, will see to it when I get the chance

@Max_Power: thank you, This is just a little mock up model that I've made a long time ago just fun, but thanks anyway and I'm sure I will still seek help in the future if I'm going to continue making/editing addons

@W0lle: yes, I know and I'm not rushing anyone for reply, it's just that I'm a little anxious, and I have every intention to release the addon once I get the permission to do so. And this thread was not intended as an 'underground' show, I was seeking help about how to improve the handling and speed factors of an aircraft, for the question was poorly conveyed in my thread, I apologize and I got a little carried away when the question about the weapon bay came up

Now, I have flood outside my door (literally) so I might not be able to respond.

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pssychou stated in a Youtube comment to one of his own videos that, as of two days ago, he's about to launch some form of an F-22 in the near future.

Of course, the catch to that is that he's been saying that for like the past year, I believe. Maybe PM him and ask about how you can fix the speed loss in your model?

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One option could be to copy the flight config characteristics of a plane addon you already think is close to what you want then tweak it to your needs

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@dingyisun: I had a look at the YouTube vids, and they are scar's F-22 ported, which is one of the reasons that he's showing 'his' wip in the forum because it would be against the rule for I doubt he has permission from SCARs and I doubt he'll release it to the public

@DaveP: thanks, I've been trying that when I started this thread, I feel that plane is too heavy for the power output, so I decided to use trial and error. :)

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SCAR's "personal webpage" seems to have gone defunct...

Yea, that's been like that for a while now, if you want his old addons for ArmA 1 or OFP, you'll need to look up Armedassault.info or Armaholic

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The F-22 from ArmA 1 looks nice (and does function…sort of), but it could use a little updating. I hope you're able to contact the original author to get it fixed up all nice and pretty for ArmA 2.

Edited by kage74

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