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police chase ??? (singleplayer)

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how to do pcar1 and pcar2 follow(chase) car1 ? i tried to find it by my self but I couldn't .

I tried this

pcar1 doFollow car1
didn't work

also this :

while {true} do { pcar1 doMove (getPos car1); sleep 1; };
didn't work because pcar1 stopped were the car1 was created

is there a way to make pcar1 follow(chase) car1 ??

Edited by zombo

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These commands (Dofollow or CommandFollow) works only if the two units are in the same group.
that explains alot of things :D, I thought it worked for all units

For now doMove is the best solution or try the script posted in the thread above

yes it looks like domove is the only solution for now:(

thy for help

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Making a proper police chase with ArmA driving AI would be next to impossible, I'm afraid. You could an AI vehicle to follow a player vehicle, but it would be incredibly easy for the player to lose the tail, so to speak.

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If the player isn't driving the getaway car, the chase could be handmade with UnitCapture.

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_unit = _this select 0; //must be a unit, not a vehicle
_target = _this select 1; //must be a vehicle

scopeName "notFollow";
for "_a" from 0 to 1 step 0 do
_unit domove (_target modelToWorld [0,-5,0]);
waituntil {unitReady _unit};
   //prevent crashing into the car that is being followed when not moving
if ((position _unit distance position _target) < 12) then
	vehicle _unit setvelocity [0,0,0];
       //stop following while the unit is too far away
	if ((position _unit distance position _target) > 1000) then
		breakTo "notFollow";

I've written this code. It makes a unit follow another unit (written for vehicles). It's a pretty good script, works well if both units are AI units. Has some bugs but I really think it's the best of the simple solutions. Feel free to modify it, the loop is infinite and you need to script more events when you want the chase to end. For now the only condition to exit the loop is when the followed vehicle is 1km away from the follower.

Edited by RazorX

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If the player isn't driving the getaway car, the chase could be handmade with UnitCapture.
this is very cool I didn't know about this until now, this is perfect if you play as a cop chasing a civilian vehicle or if you only want to see a police chase :D , I tried it and it works very well , but I want to be the criminal who runs away from cops no the chaser :)
I've written this code. It makes a unit follow another unit (written for vehicles). It's a pretty good script, works well if both units are AI units. Has some bugs but I really think it's the best of the simple solutions. Feel free to modify it, the loop is infinite and you need to script more events when you want the chase to end. For now the only condition to exit the loop is when the followed vehicle is 1km away from the follower.

I will test it , thank you for the script :) if i have a question I will post it later :D

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Isnt Unit Capture only working for Helos?

At least thats what i remember one of the Devs said...

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Isnt Unit Capture only working for Helos?

At least thats what i remember one of the Devs said...

It has always worked for any vehicle. Aircraft motion capture is where it's best suited, though.

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IMO UnitCapture is only good in cut scenes. Hell, I hate scripted and predictable behavior - perfect for dumb asshole fans of CoD and MoH :P

Edited by RazorX

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