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Really need a simple step by step guide

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System = Packard Bell ipower g5800

intel core tm i7 cpu 870 @2.93 ghz

8 gig ram

GT330 Nvidia card

Playing on win 7 64 bit.

Arma 2 max fps on default test = 26

Arma 2OA = about 20

I have read some threads but just got lost in many areas. Can someone just point me to very simple step by step guides on how to make the game run better on my type of system.

I dont understand when someone says add this to target line, can someone show examples e.g. maxmem ets

Thanks in advance


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Your GPU is too weak. reduce in the video settings anything that relates to the GPU which is everything except Viewdistance, Terraindetail and Objectdetail. This should give you better performance to the price of lower quality.

Make sure 3D Resolution is not higher than the screen resolution, reducing or even disabling AA/AF will also give a boost.

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So the GT330 is a load of tosh? This was supposed to be a gaming card with 2 gig ram?

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Sorry, no offence, all i can do here is to compare with what i have (HD5870).



Sorry for the german links but the english hasn't those easy-to-compare sheets. Scroll down to "Leistungsdaten" and compare your GT330 with the HD5870.

Don't take me wrong, it's just to pointing the fact that even with my card i can't max out everything, certain things i had to reduce to normal settings. You can imagine yourself what this means for your GPU.

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Let's say it like this, your card is way too weak. The 3xx series are just rebranded GT 8800 series, which are ancient and insufficient by nowadays standards. Ask your warrant holder if you can change the GPU without voiding the warrant. If not, then you either void your warrant and get a new GPU or leave it like that.

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Right after changing the gfx card i'd advise to overclock ur CPU to about 3.5 - 3.8 Ghz (depends if your ram can take it). Also, buying & installing ArmA2 on a OCZ Vertex2 SSD would seriously reduce lags ingame.

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Thanks folks

Obviously being lazy and buying a SO called gaming premade serves me right but hey I can afford it so what the hell :D.

Anyway you are both correct and yes the current GPU is tosh as stated and I will be upgrading the GPU asap (hhmmmm in fact in about 1 hour and sod the voiding the warrenty rubbish :). The game satisfaction is more important.

I am a bit stuck on the overclocking CPU part though? if its a premade can i do this and how?

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I am a bit stuck on the overclocking CPU part though? if its a premade can i do this and how?

No offence but if you have to ask this question you should better keep your hands off of overclocking. If you can afford it (as you say :P ) maybe consider replacing the CPU by a faster model is the wiser choice.

Else, google will help you find articles about "overclocking CPU".

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Be sure the CPU is not the bottleneck, means no need to overclock.

Update the GPU and check again.

Although the I7 cores are well overclockable you should know what you do.

But seriously in this case no need for a CPU clocking.

I guess u are driving DDR3 ?

Keep your fingers off the ATI HD6xxx series , as the 5xxx GPU series still are on higher perfomrmance.If u can afford it take one of the big 58xxHD series, but do yourself a favor and check reviews and benchmarks.

Keep fingers off crossfire and Vram > 1000mb (just my personal opinion).

I am not in Nvidea cards atm on the market, so this is also up2u, but i guess it should at least be on of the big 4xx series.But here again (imho), keep fingers off SLI.

Edited by Nephris1

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ok some feedback

Just got myself a GTX460 and wow what a difference. Nothing ultra but 59 fps is a huge jump from 25 and now makes the game playable.:yay:

Any tips or tricks to try are appreciated



EDIT getting 69 for arma OA and only 59 for Arma = hmmm wtf is going on lol

Edited by goochy123

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