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Multiplayer Editor

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Here's my Idea, it actually comes from a friend of mine called Ralta. He had the brilliant and gorgeous idea of having a Multiplayer enabled editor in ArmA2.

What I (or he) mean(s) with that is, that you can edit a map with multiple people at the same time like in the normal editor, just with 2 to 4 people or sth. I personallly think that would be great for the next ArmA2 CO Patch and would love to have that possibility.:)

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Hmm, it is an idea and having the option to do so would indeed enhance the mp editor, In other way

I dont see how one could get anything done with everyone's hands in the bowl at once as the old saying goes.

I mean what is it that you are going to accomplish with 2-4 guys all editing at the same time? What type of mp mission needs 2-4 guys,

like what exactly are they going to do, at this point communication between the few of you would have to be on spot or

one guy is screwing over another guy's work.

Anyone that has ever edited mp missions like myself need peace and quiet, and concentration, and their imagination and creativity to be running,

I'm sure you could brain storm with more folks but tbh i get things done faster when I do them by myself,

with maybe some help on the outside if I run into trouble with scripts.

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It would be cool though if you could place fortifiction objects in mp missions. Lets say your team has captured a town and then you get 10 minutes to set up barbwire,H-barriers, bunkers and static defenses before the other side tries to (re)capture the town. Although this should also be possible with scripting in the mission probably.

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yup, you can do that with this script


you build an FOB, and once built you can further build the base, as well as fortifications, many other things.

it says Ace 2 required but theres a a couple of features in the script where you can call for an ammo drop and vehicle drop,

and by default they are set to drop ace ammo boxes and vehciles, you can easily switch that.

Anyways back on topic.

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i think maybe it should be limited to 2 people then, or some kind of safety in the editor.

saying you make something, make it so that no one else can delete or move stuff you placed. we thought about this to be like someone building the main mission (like millions of ammoboxes and putting an init in all of them and the other person is placing triggers.

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Lol millions of ammoboxes, :D what will you do with all that ammo.

But seriously what you need to learn is how to edit a mission and know the limits of what your computer can handle,

to much stuff on the screen at once is asking for trouble.

Other then that not like you cant e-mail your friend a mission to ahve him add this or that, or even message it over.

It is an aspiring idea but I dont think it will go anywhere unlees you really put out some details of what you wish the feature

to have and or do, I think we have the general concept which is a start, but details bake the cake, and of course thats what

these posts are for to help add to or fill in the parts that you yourself cannot think of.

Ideally If it were implemented, 4 could be the limit, the thing I wonder is how would this be setup in MP, LAN? I never used LAn

nor really understand how it works, but in the mp editor I know that you can run multiple games at one time.

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I love this idea, and have wanted it for quite some time;

My unit make at least 2 missions a week, the closest we've ever been able to get to this is using a whiteboard application and teamspeak, and then people make their respective areas of the mission (for example, I do ambient life while someone else does hostile patrols, another does the FOB etc. etc.), save the files, send it to one person who Merges all the files together, checks for incompatabilities, and hey presto.

However, would be much better if multiple people could edit a mission at the same time, would result in much higher quality missions, I think.

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This would require a lot of data transfer and synchronization. Depending on implementation, the simplist way is to have all editing players controlling the same screen more or less, but that's not at all practical. Instead, you'd have to let each person work with their own interface and controls; but you'd still have to share the same data files. You would need to be constantly writing to and reading from them via remote connections too; I don't think this part could work. The only other practical solution would be to have local copies on each client and have a synchronization feature that checks for any differences with the files/lets you check things in and out; but for that you need to have a file repository (on the hosts machine?).

This would be cumbersome to do through ArmA (especially since it's not designed/optimized for these things), but to be honest you can already do this (using the third approach) with free 3rd party revision control software (ex: SVN or CVS). All you have to do is check out the mission folder before editing, check it in after and you and any number of friends can all be working on it independently and simultaniously. Of course if you all want to test it (if it's a multiplayer mission) together it's as simple as working out of the MPMissions folder and having one of you host a game (you can host WIP missions in your own MP game, as well as edit them there).

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