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dragon zen

How can I get the Cargo of Ammobox??

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Hey friends, I have a question:

I know there are "addMagazineCargo" and "clearMagazineCargo", but how can I get the Cargo list of the Ammobox?

I want to move those ammos in Ammobox into another Ammobox or Car, how can I make this?

Thanks for your help.

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By using getWeaponCargo, getMagazineCargo, getBackpackCargo script commands.

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@Dragon Zen:

Just want to say there are also global versions of those commands, like addMagazineCargoGlobal. Might be important for MP missions, although I recently experienced some problems with them when loading them in and out of vehicles.

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Okay, I'm adding them to the biki ;) In waiting, you can enter a command (addBackpackCargo as example), put the cursor somewhere on the command and press F1. I'm going to add many more than that on the wiki.

Edit: You can now found getBackpackCargo getMagazineCargo getWeaponCargo on the wiki

Edited by tom_48_97

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Probably true, but I guess I'm far from reaching that overfill limit. My problem with rucks is that when put into a vehicle, it seems to loose connection with it's contents. So a ruck with custom content is referred to as type rather than object, so when you pick it up again you get the default contents.

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I see the update at biki. But, getWeaponCargo is introduced in OA 1.54.

Though I have combine AA2 and OA in my PC, but my mission is designed for pure AA2.

Does somebody make sure that those codes OK for AA2 1.08??

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I see the update at biki. But, getWeaponCargo is introduced in OA 1.54.

Though I have combine AA2 and OA in my PC, but my mission is designed for pure AA2.

Does somebody make sure that those codes OK for AA2 1.08??

A2 is dead, long live OA! :) Pretty sure it's OA only since it's 1.54 but you can certainly test it. Just type out getWeaponCargo and click on the word and press F1. If you get the context sensitive help then you can use it.

You really should upgrade to OA though, you're missing a TON and basically most engine advancements and all DLC.

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A2 is dead, long live OA! :) Pretty sure it's OA only since it's 1.54 but you can certainly test it. Just type out getWeaponCargo and click on the word and press F1. If you get the context sensitive help then you can use it.

You really should upgrade to OA though, you're missing a TON and basically most engine advancements and all DLC.

I never knew that about 'F1'!

Thank you! :D

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A2 is dead, long live OA! :) Pretty sure it's OA only since it's 1.54 but you can certainly test it. Just type out getWeaponCargo and click on the word and press F1. If you get the context sensitive help then you can use it.

You really should upgrade to OA though, you're missing a TON and basically most engine advancements and all DLC.

Sorry? Where to type out, click and press F1, in editor??

BTW, I also want to design my mission for latest version, but I think RU and USMC are more comparable rather than US versus terrorist.:D

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When you're writing something in a unit's init field, click the command, i.e. click in the middle of 'moveincargo' in an init field (just an example), then press 'F1'. You'll get an info box explaining the command :)

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