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ArmA2 Persistent Database Scripts - WIP

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so i have been searching high and low on this whole thread for about 2 days now and i cant figure out why the Arma2NETMySQL folder dosnt exist. the plugin is working according to arma2net log file, i am using the beta. funny thing is i did the exact same thing on my main pc and what do you know! the folder exists. it seems the plugin isnt working but arma2net log says its loaded. any ideas?

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i did its in neither place. Here are some logs of what i do have. Any help is appreciated thank you





i got sick of loading all the ace mods on the server aswell so i droped it to just CBA and Arma2NET. Sometimes it wasnt very friendly with jayarma2lib_new and ACRE

Even though it seems to be writing to the sql server if i check the tables it is bringing back a empty set everywhere


I have a feeling its probably something to do with the msvcr100.dll file. It was erroring out untill i put the dll in the folder. Reading the dev heaven it seems arma2net dosnt work without it. So i removed the dll thinking it was corrupt and installed Visual C and it didnt show up. So i manualy moved it from my computer(a known working version of the dll) to my server and tried it, nothing. Registered the dll, nothing. Moved it to my arma2 folder and it got past the error again but still didnt create that folder. Moved it to the arma2net folder and still didnt create the folder.

Edited by cobra265
Updated suspicions

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nope i have the server runing from my home. i have full administrative privileges. It does in fact work on my pc now. I did try to run this under administrator and it still did not create the folder. I still think its this DLL

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  cobra265 said:
nope i have the server runing from my home. i have full administrative privileges. It does in fact work on my pc now. I did try to run this under administrator and it still did not create the folder. I still think its this DLL

You have to join with a client and let it init before it will create folders.

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i am aware. It dosnt create the folder. In the logs you can see i log into the server and it seems to be writing to the database but the database is clean. Absolutly no entrys at all

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And great job with this!

We just recently added this to our server. We are now running MSO 4.5 with PersistentDB and its awesome!

I got a question.

Is the markers that you add by double-clicking suppose to save to the DB? Cause we cannot get markers to save to DB.. wich makes us loosing markers of vehicle locations out in the terrain when we restart.

Is this a bug, or is the Markers->DB not a feat.?

Thanks for a great mod!

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No the default markers do not save to the DB in MSO since the Arma engine does not have a getAllMarkers function. You can use the MSO marker system (requires a radio) to store persistent markers.

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Hey i wanted to say GREAT work with everything you have done and the time you have put into this. However, im having some issues that i can not seem to track down. Ive followed the install instructions to a T yet im still having problems. Starting from scratch and just using the provided NON ACE missions, the game locks up right after choosing the role and clicking continue. get to see the wonderful PDB splash and "client is getting data from server" or whiter it says. the server logs show this:

Version 1.62.99806

1:35:24 Mission Aftermath.Chernarus: Number of roles (120) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (60)

1:35:44 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl

1:35:45 [4512,74.295,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v1.0.0.179. MISSINIT: missionName=Aftermath, worldName=Chernarus, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true"]

1:35:45 [4512,75.068,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"]

1:35:47 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing Server"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 Mission Parameters"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 persistentDBHeader = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_save_delay_server = 600"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_save_delay_player = 300"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_date_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_weapons_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_landvehicles_enabled = 0"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_objects_enabled = 0"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_objects_contents_enabled = 0"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_locations_enabled = 0"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_persistentScores_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_globalScores_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_log_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 [4522,76.737,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]

1:35:47 [4522,76.746,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, cba_a2=, cba_oa=, "]

1:35:47 [4522,76.794,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=false, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=true, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=0, _sessionId=1, _level=0, _timeOut=false, _game=1, BIS_functions=L 1-1-A:1, group=L 1-1-A"]

1:35:47 ["PersistentDB: pdb settings loaded"]

1:35:47 "############################# Starting PDB for Aftermath zedV1.0 #############################"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 Mission Parameters"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 persistentDBHeader = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_save_delay_server = 600"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_save_delay_player = 300"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_date_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_weapons_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_landvehicles_enabled = 0"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_objects_enabled = 0"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_objects_contents_enabled = 0"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_locations_enabled = 0"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_persistentScores_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_globalScores_enabled = 1"

1:35:47 "PDB-0 mpdb_log_enabled = 1"

1:35:48 ["PersistentDB: pdb settings loaded"]

1:35:48 "############################# Starting PDB for Aftermath zedV1.0 #############################"

1:37:26 "SERVER MSG: count MISSIONDATA, 0"

1:37:26 String STR_EVAL_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION not found

1:37:26 Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>

1:37:26 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>

1:37:26 Error

This error "" 1:37:26 Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>

1:37:26 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>

1:37:26 Error""

seems to spam the server and is also the point at which the client locks up. needing a force quit. Granted this is a log from MY mission however it is the exact same using your example missions.

Any ideas? i would love to get this working if i could. thanks in advance!!

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  Scott_NZ said:
What's the contents of %localappdata%/Arma2NET/<latest log>.log?

yea i was reading more of the comments today so tonight ill check those logs and see what it says.....reading thru all the thread im suspecting CBA_main is out of date and or the plugin.dll might not be in the correct locations though im pretty sure the error thats being thrown mean that the plugin is activating. ill check tonight and get back. thanks for the 'get back'

...or perhaps i might need to add the arma2net folder and dlls into my expansion folder since i run everything from my ARMA2 OA FOLDER. learned alot today getting the chance to look thru all 39 pages of replies lol

ok so here are the logs i could find......from the last attempt

arma2netmysql Logs

  Reveal hidden contents

arma2net logs

  Reveal hidden contents

Arma 2 OA arma2rpt.log (client)

  Reveal hidden contents

Server rpt

  Reveal hidden contents

...again the results are the same when using the supplied missions vs using my mission.

Edited by cowboymiller

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ok here are logs after the last attempt, granted im still using my missions but the results are the same.

Arma2netMysql Logs

  Reveal hidden contents

Arma2net Logs

  Reveal hidden contents

Client RPT logs

  Reveal hidden contents

Server RPT logs

  Reveal hidden contents

Ive ensured it is all up to date, the .dlls are all in the right places...what am i missing?

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oops...double post? i think my last post was too long so its being reviewed, but didnt know that so i posted it again...lol. hopefully the moderator will let it thru haha

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It looks like you're missing the MySQL DLL. This file provides connection functionality to C# for MySQL. Does your download of PDB have this .dll somewhere? If so, try copying it into the Arma2NETMySQL plugin DLL location.

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that was the whole problem, i had installed the 64bit connector....ok so ive got the dll in the right spot. the spam error is gone, abl to log into the game and play HOWEVER there is nothing being injected into the data base. here are the 2 logs showing errors

the server log any time i log into the mission

  Reveal hidden contents

and the Arma2netMysql log

  Reveal hidden contents

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Having a little problem I cant seem to find MySQL.Data.Dll I downloaded MYSQL and MYSQL .NET Connector and I cant find anything.

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check here...

C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 6.6.4\Assemblies\v4.0 (or v2.0)

does anyone have an example of the landvehicles, like a dump? cant seem to get the landvehicles to populate, so entering them manually i dont know what all the Columbus stand for, there is no explanation anywhere so im guessing.

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Thanks cowboymiller for the help I have one more problem now I am running my server and it says its saving under my server rpt. But I restart the server and spawn at base and lose my score.


== C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe
== Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe  -config=Server.cfg -port=2302 -arma2netdev and mod=expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@Arma2NET
Exe timestamp: 2012/08/15 17:47:26
Current time:  2012/12/19 21:24:54

Version 1.62.95885
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Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 692973117)
Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon
[6333,80.247,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v1.0.0.187. MISSINIT: missionName=Co18 PDB Convoy Hell, worldName=Takistan, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true"]
[6333,81.722,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"]
SetFace error: custom face texture not found in c:\users\ck\appdata\local\arma 2 oa\players\diesel\
SetFace error: custom face texture not found in c:\users\ck\appdata\local\arma 2 oa\players\diesel\
Client: Nonnetwork object 1f99a040.
Client: Nonnetwork object 1fa6c080.
Unit not created: Subgroup 0:0 not found
Cannot create object 3:1
Error in expression <s = _this select 2;
_spawndelay = _this select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error position: <select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error Zero divisor
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\mxr_scripts\spawn_groups\third_group.sqf, line 47
[6534,99.729,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]
[6534,99.744,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, cba_a2=, cba_oa=, "]
[6534,100.264,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=false, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=true, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=0, _sessionId=1, _level=0, _timeOut=false, _game=1, BIS_functions=L 1-1-B:1, group=L 1-1-B"]
"UPSMON started"
"PDB-0 Mission Parameters"
"PDB-0    StartDate = 0"
"PDB-0    StartTime = 12"
"PDB-0    Lives = 6"
"PDB-0    MDifficulty = 2"
"PDB-0    MAircraft = 1"
"PDB-0    persistentDBHeader = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_server = 600"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_player = 300"
"PDB-0    mpdb_date_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_weapons_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_landvehicles_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_contents_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_locations_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_persistentScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_globalScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_log_enabled = 1"
["PersistentDB: pdb settings loaded"]
"############################# Starting PDB for Co18 PDB Convoy Hell #############################"
Server: Object 2:971 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:972 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:987 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:988 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:989 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1004 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1005 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1231 not found (message 132)
Server: Object 2:1233 not found (message 132)
"SERVER MSG: MissionName: Co18 PDB Convoy Hell not found"
0:01:50.241 (0:00:00.637) versioning - cba_main - Not running! (Machine: S1 (Diesel))
["PASS: _player: ",S1]
["PASS: _puid: ","5756102"]
["PASS: _pname: ","Diesel"]
["PASS: _playerSide: ",WEST]
"SERVER MSG: Mission ID (ARRAY) is <null>"
"SERVER MSG: Player connected Diesel, puid 5756102"
"SERVER MSG: Adding score 0 to Diesel, playerObject:S1, puid:5756102"
["PersistentDB: SERVER PV - PDB_ACTIVATEPLAYER: ",[s1,"Diesel",false]]


""############################# Starting PDB for Co18 PDB Convoy Hell #############################"
["PersistentDB: SPAWN"]
You are missing the following mod: cba_main
["PersistentDB: PDB_FNC_SERVER_LOADERSTATUS: ","Mission: Co18 PDB Convoy Hell"]
["PersistentDB: PDB_FNC_SERVER_LOADERSTATUS: ","Mission: Co18 PDB Convoy Hell not found..."]
["PersistentDB: PDB_FNC_SERVER_LOADERSTATUS: ","Mission: Co18 PDB Convoy Hell created an entry..."]
["PersistentDB: FINISHED MISSION INIT, time: ",3.389]
["PersistentDB: PLAYER READY"]
["PersistentDB: PDB_FNC_CLIENT_LOADERSTATUS: ","Creating player entry in database..."]
["PersistentDB: PDB_FNC_CLIENT_LOADERSTATUS: ","Loading player global score..."]
["PersistentDB: PDB_FNC_CLIENT_LOADERSTATUS: ","Activating player: Diesel ..."]
["PersistentDB: MISSIONDATE: ",[2012,7,2,11,30]]
["PersistentDB: PLAYER READY: ","Diesel"]
["PersistentDB: _seen: ",false,"BOOL"]
["PersistentDB: New player: ","Diesel","STRING"]

Also I cant seem to find my Arma2Net log file anywhere I have windows 7.

Edited by diesol

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Thanks I thought it was suppose to be in my arma 2 oa folder. So this is what I pulled out of my Arma2net log

I have the Databases.txt here c:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead.

 Info: 20:50:41 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
Info: 20:50:41 - Version number:
Info: 20:50:41 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version:
Info: 20:50:41 - Loading databases...
Error: 20:50:41 - Unable to find the Databases.txt file, are you sure it's there?

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try putting it in the arma2net folder...or the plugin folder....i put it pretty much in all those locations and it finally worked..lol

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Hi Guys,

I seem to be running into this problem where it freezes loading the weapon data of players

I checked the logs and found it spitting out this line

Info: 17:05:12 - Parsing parameters...

Info: 17:07:41 - Received - Database: arma Procedure: UpdatePlayer Parameters: tsc=any,tpos=4487.9|4570.45|0.0017395,tdam=0,tdhe=0,tdbo=0,tdha=0,tdle=0,tdir=202.028,tsta=Stand,tsid=WEST,tveh=any,tsea=,ttyp=BAF_Soldier

Info: 17:07:41 - Parsing parameters...
Warning: 17:07:41 - MySQL error. MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Incorrect integer value: 'any' for column 'tsc' at row 1

I believe its at the beginning > UpdatePlayer Parameters: tsc=any

thats causing the problem but im not sure how to correct it

Edited by Panzerwurst

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ive noticed that if there is a player in the DB with out a weapon then it gets hung up there...try removing the player entirely and letting the script inject the new player data on the next log in. might try setting the player save time to something quicker as well.

Is there anyone that has this all working that could get me an SQL dump of the tables? such as the objects, locations, landvehicles and cms_permissions (whats this for?)

ive pretty much got everything working as in no real errors. i want to wrint an inject script/pl that will inject objects and vehicles into the DB so i need an example dump. Thanks guys!!

...also it might help to add the 'null' values to the sql provided, that way when manually entering data the null values are also added instead of leaving them blank. i think this will help with the hanging up when it cant find data in certain tables. this way it would find the data, even if its a 0 or "" or [],which ever the case would be for certain fields..

Edited by cowboymiller

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Ok solved a big problem that I didn't see for awhile forgot to put the - in front of -mod=expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@Arma2NET

Then I had to copy arma2/addons to my OA folder to run combined ops on the server.

But now I have another problem cant get past Client is loading Persistent player data.


== C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== arma2oaserver.exe  -arma2netdev -config=Server.cfg -nosplash -mod=expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@Arma2NET
Exe timestamp: 2012/12/20 22:16:52
Current time:  2012/12/26 19:55:11

Version 1.62.100257
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Server error: Player without identity Diesel (id 1902719817)
Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon
Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl
[12080,185.916,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v1.0.0.187. MISSINIT: missionName=Co18 PDB Convoy Hell, worldName=Takistan, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true"]
[12080,187.307,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"]
Client: Nonnetwork object 2064e040.
Client: Nonnetwork object 1f588040.
Error in expression <s = _this select 2;
_spawndelay = _this select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error position: <select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error Zero divisor
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\mxr_scripts\spawn_groups\third_group.sqf, line 47
[12246,202.952,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]
[12246,202.966,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, cba_a2=, cba_oa=, "]
[12246,203.409,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=false, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=true, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=0, _sessionId=1, _level=0, _timeOut=false, _game=1, BIS_functions=L 1-1-B:1, group=L 1-1-B"]
"UPSMON started"
"PDB-0 Mission Parameters"
"PDB-0    StartDate = 0"
"PDB-0    StartTime = 12"
"PDB-0    Lives = 6"
"PDB-0    MDifficulty = 2"
"PDB-0    MAircraft = 1"
"PDB-0    persistentDBHeader = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_server = 600"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_player = 300"
"PDB-0    mpdb_date_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_weapons_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_landvehicles_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_contents_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_locations_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_persistentScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_globalScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_log_enabled = 1"
["PersistentDB: pdb settings loaded"]
"############################# Starting PDB for Co18 PDB Convoy Hell #############################"
Server: Object 2:971 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:972 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:987 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:988 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:989 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1004 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1005 not found (message 221)
Unit not created: Subgroup 0:0 not found
Cannot create object 3:1
0:03:31.342 (0:00:00.857) versioning - cba_main - Not running! (Machine: S1 (Diesel))
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
["PASS: _player: ",S1]
["PASS: _puid: ","5756102"]
["PASS: _pname: ","Diesel"]
["PASS: _playerSide: ",WEST]
"SERVER MSG: Mission ID (ARRAY) is <null>"
"SERVER MSG: Player connected Diesel, puid 5756102"
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
 Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>

Edited by diesol

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