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Questions about invisible objects:

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I haven't the first clue about scripting, but am thinking about starting up a script that will give the player the ability to properly have subordinates provide supressive fire against locations (as opposed to units).

1) Is it possible to create an object that can only be seen by certain units and which is indestructible?

2) Can such an object be created at a location designated by the player's cursor/crosshair upon activation of a menu command?

3) Can said object be removed upon activation of another menu command?

My idea is simply to be able to point at a location and have selected units fire there whether they are aware of/can see enemy there or not for the sake of having realistic suppressive fire.

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I think there was an invisible object in dear old 'flashpoint' that was invisible because it had no res LODs just geometry and fire LODs - the AI hated it!. My memory isn't what it was tho'.:o

So I think you would have to create something similar before working with scripts.

Nice idea, hope someone has some more input.

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I haven't made a mission since OFP, but have you tried placing a GameLogic object somewhere and then using:

this doTarget gamelogicobjectname; this doFire gamelogicobjectname;

I'm not sure if it works, but good luck to ya!


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CreateVehicle an object (like a skeetDisk or notebook) and run deletecollection on it. Then make your unit dotarget it and then dofire on it.

Then deleteVehicle the object when you're done.

See my All Round Defense script for an example.

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1. yes, but not sure what you mean by being visible here

2. yes

3. yes

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hmmm. Seems the dofire function is broken and can't be used on neutral or game logic targets.

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If its anything like the udk, you could simply make a collision mesh. That would be extremely low poly, completely invisible, and completely indestructable.

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