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Putting stuff in buildings with the editor

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Right now, I'm editing a FOB. But I want to add stuff inside, to make it much more realistic. Problem is everytime I move a table into a building, it clips to the ground and building, and makes everything looks ugly. How can I add it in nicely?

And the building is not from the map, its found under the empty group.

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Right now, I'm editing a FOB. But I want to add stuff inside, to make it much more realistic. Problem is everytime I move a table into a building, it clips to the ground and building, and makes everything looks ugly. How can I add it in nicely?

And the building is not from the map, its found under the empty group.

are you using the 2d editor or the 3d editor?

if your making a FOB and need precise placement of buildings

your better off using the 3d editor - but be warned that when you save anything in it it converts into an sqf file - which is a script, you will need to execute that script inside your 2d editor mission for it to show up

to access the 3d editor you go to the main menu of arma 2, and press ctrl+e

and heres a link of how to use the 3d editor (its different then creating units in 2d editor)


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2d editor. I crash when I go into the 3d editor.

---------- Post added at 01:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

The building is a depot.

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hmm well in the 2d editor its really tricky getting objects inside of buildings, you have to play around abit to find the position you want to the object to be at inside the depot.

however there is another method i can think of.

if you give your depot a name, and name all the furniture and objects your going to have inside it, you could try the attachto command to attach all the objects to the building (there automatically attached to its center) and then offsetting the coordinates to place it exactly where you want it without it looking ugly or sketchy. it might work out better this way.

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Hmm, but how do I know the exact coordinates? Wouldn't I have to trial and error? Is there any other editor other than the 3d editor that makes me crash, or the bloody 2d editor?

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What do you mean by it clips to the ground?

Do you mean that the bottom is inserted underground somewhat?

I saw one method where the items were given a height also, so the weapon crates weren't in the ground.

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Use RealTimeEditor matey, that is what I use for most of my placement. If you want stuff done accurately in the EDITOR (not script based) RTE is the way to go.

RTE Thead - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85766

Tutorial from OP on using with OA/Jaylib - http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1799060&postcount=171

Happy editing,


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What Rexehuk said. RTEditor is probably the easiest way to do what you are wanting.

(thinks to self).....I wish BI would release a true in game 3d editor for mp/sp, now that would be a dream come true. Maybe bundle it with some DLC......

Well, back to reality. Take a look at RTE, I use it for just about all my missions.


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Hmm, but how do I know the exact coordinates? Wouldn't I have to trial and error? Is there any other editor other than the 3d editor that makes me crash, or the bloody 2d editor?
well the attachto command attaches the object to another object, so wherever you put the depot, no matter where the furniture is placed on the map it automatically is moved to where the center of the object depot is, then you can adjust the offset by a few metres to in whatever direction (x, y, z) to fit it in.

but i recommended the editor that is linked above, much simpler method

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I launched the RTE Editor with arma2oa.exe but no RTE editor came out! Its still the same old editor! Help me please!

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First and foremost ... you will need to rename your arma2oa.exe to arma2.exe for RTE to work.

After that, generally speaking you'll want to do your editing in SP. The RTE is reached by pressing escape while previewing the mission... Recommend reading up on the RTE manual and whatnot as most things you need to know are there.

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RTE works fine for me. I did not rename the .exe, just use arma2oa.exe. I only use RTE in MP editor, just a few steps required to make it work. You will need the MP maps from RTE , but you can use RTE on any map once you figure out whats needs to be done.

I had a few problems recently getting RTE to work, but i0n0s posted how to do it and it works fine. Read through RTE for ARMA2 [Alpha] thread. All the info is there.


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Yeah I don't have any issues with RTE myself, SP or MP. My post was intended for the post before mine ;)

Appreciate the info though, I'll have to check it working with arma2oa.exe. Thats good news if it does, not that it changes my setup, but makes things easier for others. :)

And to use RTE in multiplayer, you just need an init.sqf (or whatever) that contains the following:

Player addAction ["Start the RTE", "\ION_RTE\StartRTE_MP.sqf"];

Adding the following to player unit init is also helpful:

this allowdamage false;


Edited by Gnome_AS

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