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How to make new NVG?

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hey guys, i made a model of the lucie NVG goggles for arma

i was wondering is it posssible to make this model appear instead the default goggles?

or has anyone got an idea how to config NVG goggles? couldnt find any in the BIS configs, then again im rubbish at serching :P



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Bit of an old thread, but there is a good chance this method still works:

Custom nvg proxy

If you have just the NVG model and no unit to add them to, then you might be able to override the following class in CfgWeapons:

class NVGoggles : Binocular
displayName="NV Goggles";
muzzlePos="usti hlavne";
muzzleEnd="konec hlavne";
Class Library
        libTextDesc="Night vision goggles are intended for observation and terrain orientation at night. They work by intensifying the already available light in conditions of low illumination using, for instance, light from the moon or the stars.";

descriptionShort="Night Vision Goggles";

Edited by UNN

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i know its a bit of a bump but need some help

i got the NVG in game in a way

in your gear they are called Lucie NVG which is what i want, however, even though the model path is correct, the model on his head is the standard NVG

any tips?

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i know its a bit of a bump but need some help

i got the NVG in game in a way

in your gear they are called Lucie NVG which is what i want, however, even though the model path is correct, the model on his head is the standard NVG

any tips?

The soldiers use the PVS7 by default cos its a proxy referance "\ca\weapons\NVG_proxy"

Only way to change that is to edit the weapons.pbo (from what i know) or Hex edit the models you want changed..

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even though the model path is correct, the model on his head is the standard NVG

Did you try overriding the default NV class with your own config?

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Ok... I got it working. This is what you need to do to get a new (YOUR) modeled NVG into game, and for it to work properly and appear ingame when you are using NVG's.

This is for adding custom NVG to your modeled Units

1. In your addon folder create a file named "proxies"

2. In the folder "proxies", create another folder named "nvg"

3. In the "nvg" folder place your "yourNVG.p3d" and create a file named "data"

4. In "data" folder I placed my texture, picture file, and rvmat.

5. Now move onto the config stage

6. Add this (this is my example) THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT:

class CfgNonAIVehicles {
class ProxyGoggles;  // External class reference
class ProxyBysta;
	class proxy[color="SeaGreen"][b]PVS14[/b][/color] (this class name MUST be the name of the proxy in the model example proxy[color="seagreen"][b]NAMEOFPROXY[/b][/color]): ProxyGoggles {
 	model = "\mar_inf_marines\proxies\nvg\[color="seagreen"][b]pvs14[/b][/color].p3d";
//If you made you own NVG model, you must make it a weapon to assign it to your units.
class CfgWeapons {
class Default;
class Binocular;
class NVGoggles;

class PVS14: NVGoggles {
 		displayName = "PVS-14";
 		model = "\mar_inf_marines\proxies\nvg\pvs14.p3d";
 		picture = "\mar_inf_marines\proxies\nvg\data\mar_pvs14_ca.paa";
 		class Library  {
  			libTextDesc="Night vision goggles are intended for observation and terrain orientation at night. They work by intensifying the already available light in conditions of low illumination using, for instance, light from the moon or the stars.";
 			descriptionShort = "Night Vision Goggles";

** of course some of the class names will be dependant on what your p3d name is (green)

7. IMPORTANT you must rename your "NVG_proxy" not to the file path of your NVG model, but to its p3d name example: it should look like this when you are done proxy: pvs14

YourNVG.p3d should show in game when you are using your NVG.

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Hello! sorry for the gravedigging , i need your help... I've made a PVS5A model for CWR2 and i was tryin to put this NVG in game.


I've done this config file based on what as been written here:

class CfgNonAIVehicles {
	class ProxyGoggles;  // External class reference
	class ProxyBysta;
 	class proxyPVS5A : ProxyGoggles {
	 	model = "\beppe_mod\proxies\nvg\pvs5a.p3d";
//If you made you own NVG model, you must make it a weapon to assign it to your units.
class CfgWeapons {
	class Default;
	class Binocular;
	class NVGoggles;
	class PVS5A : NVGoggles {
  		displayName = "PVS5A";
		nameSound = "nvgoggles";
  		simulation = "NVGoggles";
  		showEmpty = 0;
  		muzzlePos = "usti hlavne";
  		muzzleEnd = "konec hlavne";
  		value = 5;
  		opticsZoomMin = 1.0;
  		opticsZoomMax = 1.0;
		modelOptics = "\ca\weapons\optika_night";
  		model = "\beppe_mod\proxies\nvg\pvs5a.p3dd";
  		picture = "\beppe_mod\proxies\nvg\tubo.paa";
  		class Library  {
   			libTextDesc="Night vision goggles are intended for observation and terrain orientation at night. They work by intensifying the already available light in conditions of low illumination using, for instance, light from the moon or the stars.";
  			descriptionShort = "PVS-5A";

It doesn't work and i dont understand why. 


In game it shows the default NVG, even if i try  removeallweapons this; this addWeapon "PVS5A" . 
It gives me the error "bin/config.bin/cfgweapon.PVS5A not exist".


Any tip?

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Hello! sorry for the gravedigging , i need your help... I've made a PVS5A model for CWR2 and i was tryin to put this NVG in game.


I've done this config file based on what as been written here:

class CfgNonAIVehicles {
	class ProxyGoggles;  // External class reference
	class ProxyBysta;
 	class proxyPVS5A : ProxyGoggles {
	 	model = "\beppe_mod\proxies\nvg\pvs5a.p3d";
//If you made you own NVG model, you must make it a weapon to assign it to your units.
class CfgWeapons {
	class Default;
	class Binocular;
	class NVGoggles;
	class PVS5A : NVGoggles {
  		displayName = "PVS5A";
		nameSound = "nvgoggles";
  		simulation = "NVGoggles";
  		showEmpty = 0;
  		muzzlePos = "usti hlavne";
  		muzzleEnd = "konec hlavne";
  		value = 5;
  		opticsZoomMin = 1.0;
  		opticsZoomMax = 1.0;
		modelOptics = "\ca\weapons\optika_night";
  		model = "\beppe_mod\proxies\nvg\pvs5a.p3dd";
  		picture = "\beppe_mod\proxies\nvg\tubo.paa";
  		class Library  {
   			libTextDesc="Night vision goggles are intended for observation and terrain orientation at night. They work by intensifying the already available light in conditions of low illumination using, for instance, light from the moon or the stars.";
  			descriptionShort = "PVS-5A";

It doesn't work and i dont understand why. 


In game it shows the default NVG, even if i try  removeallweapons this; this addWeapon "PVS5A" . 

It gives me the error "bin/config.bin/cfgweapon.PVS5A not exist".


Any tip?


You wrote p3dd instead of p3d.

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