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Approaches to filling map with objects..

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So, I've got my terrain, sat pic, mask, clutter, surfaces all working great. I've even configured the runways and ILS correctly. Next step is to fill the map with natural and artificial objects. Its a 10kmx10km map, so not small. Looking at Takistan map, BIS had around 30+ locations. Getting that many locations added by individually placing objects is going to take some time!

I was hoping that for areas where I want towns, industrial areas, military facilities I could use the Town Construction Set Module (GITA) in the editor, then use something like RealTimeEditor (RTE) to export the "towns" created to SQM and then use World Tools to import into Visitor?

I got the Town Construction Set Module working great. By changing the classes it uses you can lay down lots of structures and miscellany really quickly for say a small village, large town, industrial area, military base etc

The problem I have is when I fire up RTE and use Add Preplaced Units (to import objects into RTE from GITA), RTE doesn't pick up on anything that I've added using the GITA.

Is there a way to do this? Is there another approach?



Edited by Tupolov

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Hey Tup,

Sorry I didn't read this post sooner, thought I had.. I'm not aware of a way to get GITA data into RTE. Problem is all the GITA stuff is dynamic and I assume not saved in a space RTE checks. The only workaround I could think of would be to write a script to capture all the building xyz info after GITA has initialized and done it's thing. I personally just use the RTE.



Hope it helps.

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Yep, nothing special about it. Except you might want to rename your .exe to arma2.exe ;)

Make sure you have the latest version of course, but yeah other than the occasional bad connection (usually requires restarting the game/rte to fix, for me) it works just fine.

I recommend exporting on a fairly regular basis. Just remember to clear capture before you re-export. Otherwise it'll add to the exsisting list, in full, duplicating what might already be on the list.

Edited by Gnome_AS

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Yep, nothing special about it. Except you might want to rename your .exe to arma2.exe ;)

Make sure you have the latest version of course, but yeah other than the occasional bad connection (usually requires restarting the game/rte to fix, for me) it works just fine.

I recommend exporting on a fairly regular basis. Just remember to clear capture before you re-export. Otherwise it'll add to the exsisting list, in full, duplicating what might already be on the list.

Oh yeah! Export on a fairly basis, and dont get killed while building your map!

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