columdrum 11 Posted February 29, 2012 Any default ACE( yes, there are a lot of radio backpacks in ACE without ACRE) radios should work. But anyways i am working on a minor bugfix with some minor things i found, so i will try to add an option so you can choose the condition(or simply make it always available) to be able to call the medevac. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted March 4, 2012 (edited) Small hotfix release 1.9.1: Changelog: *Fixed: AI medic stopped working on long duration missions. *Some minor fixes to the "disconectsave" option *Changed: Now the green smoke for AI medevac its optional. If you mark the LZ with green smoke the AI will suppose a clear LZ and will try to land more accurately, if not, the AI will keep hovering over the ground on the nearest clear area for a hot LZ extraction. +Added: You can define the condition to call the medevac, so you can change if you will need a radio to call it,complete an objetive or whatever you want. Download: Great Script , is there a way to take away the ACRE radio requirement to call Medic heli ? as We do not use ACREThanks With this new version, if you dont want to use a radio : xx=[this, "true"] execvm "revive\MedEvac\Helicoptero.sqf"; With that "true", the option will be avaliable to anyone without needing any radio. Note that the option to call the helicopter its on ACE self-interation menu, the same where you put on your earplugs. Edited March 4, 2012 by columdrum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 4, 2012 Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Revive script for ACE2 Wounding system v1.9.1Advanced Combat Environment 2 OA - Core Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted March 17, 2012 Not sure wht I have done , but for some reason when i die i get "SCALAR of 9 lives" and they do not go down it stays at 9 ? It all works great appart from number of lives Colum_revive_Vidas_Side= true; if (Colum_revive_Vidas_Side) then { // life number if Colum_revive_Vidas_Side= true; //lifes for bluefor team / west side Colum_revive_VidasMax_WEST=10; //lifes for opfor team / east side Colum_revive_VidasMax_EAST=99; //lifes for indepen team / guer side Colum_revive_VidasMax_GUER=99; //lifes for civilian team / CIV side Colum_revive_VidasMax_CIV=99; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted March 21, 2012 (edited) First of all i understand that you want that west side have 10 lives and the other sides 99, if thats what you want that config seems right.(note that if you define Colum_revive_Vidas_Side= false that config isnt needed ) And second its weird, i am not able to reproduce that error, it just works fine for me for all of the sides with the correct number of lives. So plz send me your revive config file or the whole mission so i can take a look at whats wrong there. Also more info would be apreciated: like if you are running singleplayer, on a dedicated server or on a non dedicated one and the RPT for example). Edited March 21, 2012 by columdrum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted March 22, 2012 (edited) Sorry should have said ! It wortks great when i test the mission i.e host myslef but when i put it on our Dedi server that is when i get the issue ! PM you the mission so you can see if you get the same issue. Many thanks! BTW. is it possible to be able to Spawn back to a Carrier , i have put this in my INI but it still seems to spawn into the sea and not at the correct hight ? , would i need to amend anything in the script ? "Respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "Respawn_west" select 0, markerPos "Respawn_west" select 1, 15.9]; Edited March 22, 2012 by psvialli Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted March 24, 2012 Sorry should have said !It wortks great when i test the mission i.e host myslef but when i put it on our Dedi server that is when i get the issue ! PM you the mission so you can see if you get the same issue. Many thanks! BTW. is it possible to be able to Spawn back to a Carrier , i have put this in my INI but it still seems to spawn into the sea and not at the correct hight ? , would i need to amend anything in the script ? "Respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "Respawn_west" select 0, markerPos "Respawn_west" select 1, 15.9]; Well that problem seems to be a mission bug. About the respawn on the carrier, set the RespawnOffset of that respawn point to 15(more or less, just tweak it to the carrier height), because markers cant have height :P. Its already commented on the config file ^^. For example if the carrier is the first respawn for bluefor: Colum_revive_RespawnOffset_WEST=[15,0,0,0]; Or if there is no respawn by sides and the carrier is the second respawn on the list: Colum_revive_RespawnOffset= [0,15,0,0]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted March 26, 2012 @columdrum Many thanks both issues solved now, thanks for your help ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another Question is there a way to tweak how much a player needs to get back on their feet , as we played last night and the medics was taking a very very long time to revive , and on some missions I wanted it to be a little quicker, is that possible to tweek ? if so where would I look Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted March 26, 2012 No, this revive uses the ace wounding system, so to change that you will need to modify it and that could cause a lot of troubles. The only thing that you can do is to enable the option(i dont remember the name and cant look at it right now) that removes the need of a medkit after revived, but you will still need to apply bandage+morphine+ephi to revive, but the times you need to apply each one ( around 6 seconds) can't be changed. The only solution there would be : 1- Create a custom revive option that would do all actions in one, and would allow you to control the exact time needed to do that.(later today i will edit this post with an example, i dont have time right now) 2- Create a ticket at ACE tracker asking the addition of a variable/something that allows you to control the time needed to heal people with ace wounding system enabled(still would be complitacted for the bandage, because the anim last 6 seconds and that can't be changed) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b1944 10 Posted April 18, 2012 Hi The respawn point issue is now gone, everything works fine I have two more questions though: - when I want to use an ACE_ParachutePack I have to put the medic's default backpack on his "on back" slot as he cannot have a parachute pack and a backpack at the same time. Is that right? Or is there any other way to get around this? - when we choose the weapons during the briefing the medical things (e.g. bandage, etc.) are not visible in the backpack. When the mission actually starts then a predefined number of each medical thing is added to the backpack. So for example in the mission that I have just made I manually (by using an ACE function) add 11 medkits to the backpack and 11 are visible during the briefing and then when the mission starts I have 15 (the desired number). It is not a serious issue, just simply looks kind of strange if you check the contents of the backpack during the briefing and afterwards. In the configuracion.sqf I set the contents of the medic backpack I want to use to [0,0,0,0,0] but it doesn't make a difference. Is this the way it should be? Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted April 18, 2012 (edited) First the ACE_parachutePack is no problem at all, its already planed to happen. If a medic unit has a parachute, the medic backpack would be automatically added on his "on back" slot. So the parachute would work anyways, the medic should only take the parachute and if the Colum_revive_MochilaMedico="...... name of the backpack.... " is present he would have it automatically added some seconds after mision start. If you are adding it manually, just be sure that you move your backpack to "on back" slot and then add the parachute ^^. Second if you put [0,0,0,0,0] or the Colum_revive_MochilaMedico to "", the revive script wont add anything to the backpack(if set to "" not event a backpack). But be aware that if the units already has a backpack(because the unit have it or because you have added it on the unit init by addweapon), ace wounds automatically adds some medicaments to medic backpacks, to disable that use (On the init.sqf for example): ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_gear=true; More info: But also note that briefing screen gear has known issues on large player missions: Edited April 18, 2012 by columdrum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b1944 10 Posted April 18, 2012 Thanks for the info. Actually neither of the above was a real problem, simply minor things with which I can make the mission "nicer". Thank you for the script again, it's one of my favourites! :ok: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b1944 10 Posted April 19, 2012 (edited) It may not be connected directly with your script but as you are much better at this than me I would like to ask you one more thing. I have put ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_gear=true; in my init.sqf and now I can manually determine the gear of each player. However, if I add e.g. two bandages to a non-medic player, they appear in the magazine slots of the secondary weapon and not in the bandage slot of the ACE wounding system. Obviously the same thing happens to epi and morphine too. Is there any way to put them there? (I mean other than using ACE to give the gear automatically.) I don't know of any ACE function with which it would be possible. The surprising thing is that if I preview the mission in the editor e.g. bandages are added to the right slots (if I use addMagazine) but in MP they are in the magazine slot of the secondary weapon. I think that this may be connected with your script as it stops running with an error when I preview the mission because paramsarrays are not defined but are referred to in the configuracion.sqf. Edited April 19, 2012 by b1944 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b1944 10 Posted April 20, 2012 As we tested the script again, there are some new things: - in some cases we cannot see the counter (it is set to 300s in paramsarray) in some cases we can - we were surprised to see one or two times the counter got to 0, and then started again from 1000 We played a five-person hosted game. Do you have any idea about the above? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted April 20, 2012 (edited) It may not be connected directly with your script but as you are much better at this than me I would like to ask you one more thing. I have put ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_gear=true; in my init.sqf and now I can manually determine the gear of each player. However, if I add e.g. two bandages to a non-medic player, they appear in the magazine slots of the secondary weapon and not in the bandage slot of the ACE wounding system. Obviously the same thing happens to epi and morphine too. Is there any way to put them there? (I mean other than using ACE to give the gear automatically.) I don't know of any ACE function with which it would be possible.The surprising thing is that if I preview the mission in the editor e.g. bandages are added to the right slots (if I use addMagazine) but in MP they are in the magazine slot of the secondary weapon. I think that this may be connected with your script as it stops running with an error when I preview the mission because paramsarrays are not defined but are referred to in the configuracion.sqf. As far as i know if you add medical gear to a unit before the mision starts its normal that it goes to the secondary weapon slots, but it should automatically move to the medical slots when the mission starts. If you want them to be directly on the medical slots you can use this: But i havent tested if that would show up fine on the briefing screen( in game works for sure). About the paramsarray error on the config, that is something you added because the revive script doesn't refer to paramsarray anywhere. Note that paramsarray is nill when playing singleplayer/editor preview, so if you haven't done a isnil check for singleplayer you will have that error when testing, but should work on on MP. if (isNil "paramsArray") then { paramsArray=[1,343,23543434,34,233]; // default parameters values for singleplayer/testing }; As we tested the script again, there are some new things:- in some cases we cannot see the counter (it is set to 300s in paramsarray) in some cases we can - we were surprised to see one or two times the counter got to 0, and then started again from 1000 We played a five-person hosted game. Do you have any idea about the above? -If you are using lastest version( 1.7 had some issues like that after 1.60 OA update that messed up ScriptDone command) i have never seen it, but its more likely to be a mission error or the way you use the paramsarray. If you cant see the counter means that the revive wasn't init correctly. -If respawn is enabled, and you still have lives, when the timer runs out you will respawn on the first respawn point. Its normal that just before you die the time its set to 1000, its done on purpose to make sure you respawn without really dying( if the mission is "script heavy", the timer may run out before you really respawned), also gives a medic a little extra seconds to heal the wounded before he respawns, but just some seconds, 15 to be precise, after the 1000 countdown you should auto respawn :s. If it happened to someone with no lives left(well with no lives left you wont have any counter so the bug its that the timers showed up ) or it keeped counting down from 1000 to 0 another time, it may be a bug, but i need more info about what happened, we have played thousands of misions with the revive but always without respawn so it may be still a little bug with it ^^. Edited April 20, 2012 by columdrum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted April 23, 2012 Was is IA hospital zone ? looked but could not find anything apart from on the description on page 1 ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted April 23, 2012 Is just an AI that will heal you if you come close or if you bring a wounded one close to him, its on the readme. Just put on a AI init: xx= [this,15] execVM "revive\MedEvac\Medico.sqf" 15 its the radius in meters(15m) that the AI will move to heal players. Mostly we use it as a medic at base for medevacs, but its an old feature because some ACE versions ago the AI will never heal you, so this was the only way. Right now, there are options in ACE( ace_sys_wounds_auto_assist_any, i think, read the wounding system notes, link 4 post above) that can archieve the same thing, but this option was left in the script anyways because our editors got used to it ;), and also for retro compact( i always try to keep it retrocompatible so you can easily update any mission) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b1944 10 Posted April 26, 2012 As far as i know if you add medical gear to a unit before the mision starts its normal that it goes to the secondary weapon slots, but it should automatically move to the medical slots when the mission starts. If you want them to be directly on the medical slots you can use this: But i havent tested if that would show up fine on the briefing screen( in game works for sure). Thanks for the tip, I could have noticed this ACE function myself. About the paramsarray error on the config, that is something you added because the revive script doesn't refer to paramsarray anywhere. Note that paramsarray is nill when playing singleplayer/editor preview, so if you haven't done a isnil check for singleplayer you will have that error when testing, but should work on on MP. I couldn't explain what I really wanted to. Actually there is no real error, I was just saying that because I had put a reference to the paramsarray (number of lives, respawn button) the script did not run when I previewed the mission in the editor, only in MP. Nevermind. If you are using latest version( 1.7 had some issues like that after 1.60 OA update that messed up ScriptDone command) i have never seen it, but its more likely to be a mission error or the way you use the paramsarray. If you cant see the counter means that the revive wasn't init correctly. I am using the latest version (V1.9.1) but still experience the same problem: sometimes we see the timer, sometimes we don't. Last time there was something even more surprising: we got into an armoured SUV and when we got out again, two of the players dropped to the ground dead. It turned out a few seconds later that they just seemed to be dead (their bodies were still on the ground without any struggling animation) but they were still playing. It was a hosted game with five players. So on the server and on one of the clients two of the other players seemed to be dead but in fact they weren't - their dead bodies were moving on the ground wherever they went. Just two more things: To avoid radio and text messages completely, I never group the five players. I have the "respawn with the same weapons / magazines ACE module" in the mission. Is one or the other likely to cause any trouble? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted April 27, 2012 (edited) Having an issue getting the save on disconect to work , is there anything else i need to do other than set ? Colum_revive_DisconectSave=true; Solved Please ignore Edited April 27, 2012 by psvialli Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted April 27, 2012 (edited) I am using the latest version (V1.9.1) but still experience the same problem: sometimes we see the timer, sometimes we don't. Last time there was something even more surprising: we got into an armoured SUV and when we got out again, two of the players dropped to the ground dead. It turned out a few seconds later that they just seemed to be dead (their bodies were still on the ground without any struggling animation) but they were still playing. It was a hosted game with five players. So on the server and on one of the clients two of the other players seemed to be dead but in fact they weren't - their dead bodies were moving on the ground wherever they went. Just two more things: To avoid radio and text messages completely, I never group the five players. I have the "respawn with the same weapons / magazines ACE module" in the mission. Is one or the other likely to cause any trouble? The "respawn with the same weapons / magazines ACE module" isnt necesary if the revive script is working right, and yes may cause problems( just duplicated weapons) on some circustances( if you hit the "ESC" menu-->respawn button for example, thing that you should never do) The thing with the player that seems dead have nothing to do with the revive script, because it doesnt play any anim, seems to be a ace wounding system bug, i have seem it on some previous version and was pretty rare, but its a long time that i don't se it happening. This have nothing to do with the timer not showing its just a visual bug. When you say the timer doesnt show, the player can still be revived? because the only situation when you should be spectating without countdown is when you have no lives left. Also note that you can fall unconscious, thats doesnt mean that you are dead, so is normal that you dont have a countdown. If its nothing of this and it happens again, just send me the mission and your RPT by pm and i will take a look at it. Edited April 27, 2012 by columdrum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted April 27, 2012 OK thought I had it working but it does not. I have set the following : Colum_revive_DisconectSave=true; Is there anything else i need to do ? So if i join , then travel somewhere and disconnect , when i join again i should end up at my last destination , with the same equipment , is that correct ? Do i need to do anything before i disconnect ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fruity_rudy 16 Posted April 27, 2012 whats the difference between ace revive and your revive? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b1944 10 Posted April 28, 2012 I'll remove "respawn with the same weapons / magazines ACE module" and test it again. I'll check if a player can be revived when there is no timer and post the results. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted April 28, 2012 whats the difference between ace revive and your revive? Is just the same(actually it uses it),but my script just add a limited number of lifes( with PMR you can be healed infinite times), wounded markers.... respawn... and some other features, check the readme/config file Share this post Link to post Share on other sites