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Using Camera at start up

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When the mission starts I would like the same effect as domination with the moving camera from a point to the player, I have been trying to get this to work for a couple of days now , but still no joy.

Can anyone please assist me in this does anyone have a temple I can use look at ?

Many thanks

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I have no temple, that's a bit too religious for me :p Why not take a look at how Domination does it? De-pbo mission, then x_client\x_intro.sqf (I think). Or search for camera tutorial. Keep in mind the Domination intro isn't there "to make it look pretty", but to hide that a lot of things is happening to your character, such as i.e. loadout, actions given etc. That short flyby makes you not notice anything.

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What little I know about intros I learned from Mr. Murray's Arma Editing Guide (the camera stuff is pretty much the same for Arma and Arma 2).

Lots of good info in there, and I think (hope) he is still working on a guide for Arma 2.

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Thanks , how do I find the (X,Y,Z) from the map ? i,e if i want the xyz from the airfield how do i find them ?...


camera camPrepareTarget [101880.56,-28486.36,1887.85] ? where is 101880.56


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Theres scripts and such to do that. But a simple way I use is place a marker on the map where you want the Coords (X,Y,Z) and name it something like 'Coords' or 'ZipptyMArker' what ever. Save the mission then go into your mission folder. Open the Mission.sqm with notepad (It's what I use) and scroll down untill you find the name of your marker. It'll give the (X,Y,Z) of the marker. Then just copy and paste that where it needs ^^

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