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Anyone else having extreme difficulty moving their squad when enemies are around?

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I find it very hard to move my squad when there are enemies around. The AI always (almost) stops listening to my commands and goes prone/goes behind cover and fires at the enemy. Now this is a good thing in most cases and demonstrates the intelligence of the ArmA 2 AI, however, sometimes I really need them to keep moving, even if we're under fire. So I constanly tell them to "return to formation", however they seem to just ignore that and remain prone or keep fire. Maybe there is a way to stress the command? Or some sort of a force-move comand that a squad leader can give to the AI?

Another thing: What is the advantage of splitting your squad to teams? (I though it allowed the player to quickly select a group of squad members, but I haven't found any quick method of selecting a team without having to scroll through several command menues).

Thanks for the help

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I find it very hard to move my squad when there are enemies around. The AI always (almost) stops listening to my commands and goes prone/goes behind cover and fires at the enemy. Now this is a good thing in most cases and demonstrates the intelligence of the ArmA 2 AI, however, sometimes I really need them to keep moving, even if we're under fire. So I constanly tell them to "return to formation", however they seem to just ignore that and remain prone or keep fire. Maybe there is a way to stress the command? Or some sort of a force-move comand that a squad leader can give to the AI?

Another thing: What is the advantage of splitting your squad to teams? (I though it allowed the player to quickly select a group of squad members, but I haven't found any quick method of selecting a team without having to scroll through several command menues).

Thanks for the help

If you see the AI's pictures having little red bulleyes on them, means they are under fire or stressed. Under such circumstances they won't respond well to return to formation commands, reason being that they felt their life is more important than listening to the SL's whim of going back into line.... Until the red bullseyes goes away, you will be having tougher times to get them back in formation.

Workaround: Use mod such as GL4 that forces AI to move even under fire.

Splitting your squad to teams promote fireteam based command style, such as team green stick with you and team red goes into flanking pos. Alot easier then selecting 1 unit at a time. (Shift F keys allows you to select the team at 1 keystroke).

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I find it very hard to move my squad when there are enemies around. The AI always (almost) stops listening to my commands and goes prone/goes behind cover and fires at the enemy. Now this is a good thing in most cases and demonstrates the intelligence of the ArmA 2 AI, however, sometimes I really need them to keep moving, even if we're under fire. So I constanly tell them to "return to formation", however they seem to just ignore that and remain prone or keep fire. Maybe there is a way to stress the command? Or some sort of a force-move comand that a squad leader can give to the AI?

Another thing: What is the advantage of splitting your squad to teams? (I though it allowed the player to quickly select a group of squad members, but I haven't found any quick method of selecting a team without having to scroll through several command menues).

Thanks for the help

i do not worry about Ai buddies stop moving when they're in danger. But I just feel confused that sometimes my team will stop for no reasons!

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(Shift F keys allows you to select the team at 1 keystroke).

Excellent, just what I was looking for. Thanks. I always wondered how an AI squad leader was so much better than me (when I played as a squad memeber, not the leader). They were able to quickly issue commands to for example units 3,6,7 and 9 to flank right or whatever and then tell 2,3,4 to do "X" and etc. Me on the other hand... well let's just say before I found the position of the appropriate F keys and selected the appropriate units, half my squad was already down, and before I'd manage to issue any effective command, we were already flanked. That really annoyed me.

Use mod such as GL4 that forces AI to move even under fire.

Sound like a useful mod. But when I search "GL4" in the title-search, I only find a few threads with some questions on the mod, not the actual download thread. Could you please provide a link?

You know, this is really one of the few things that really annoys me about the ARMA2 AI, and the ONLY thing that I believe was done better in Dragon Rising. I am by no means saying that Dragon Rising's AI is better; I already know that ARMA2's AI is far superior. It's just that in Dragon Rising it was so much easier to get the AI to follow you, and you wouldn't have to "babysit" them as much if you know what I mean. In ARMA2 on the other hand, I have to turn around every now and then, only to find out that all of my squad are some 300+ meters away from me because they saw some guy 600 meters away in some far away hill (that was probably not a threat) and refuse to come doesn't matter how many time I repeat, "RETURN TO FORMATION" or "ALL AT EASE".

By the way, I have a noobish question: How do you report your position as a squad leader?

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If you've got all AI subordinates, you don't need to. They basically ask to let you know that they're far away.

If you've got human subordinates who ask, best to type in a GR over chat, or give them a "move to" waypoint.

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Sound like a useful mod. But when I search "GL4" in the title-search, I only find a few threads with some questions on the mod, not the actual download thread. Could you please provide a link?

Beware, once you use this mod, you might like it so much that you might not want to play vanilla AI anymore.


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WOW... just WOW :wow:

Enemy A.I. Request Reinforcement

Enemy A.I. Request Artillery Strikes

Enemy A.I. Request Air Support

Enemy A.I. React to / Detect Gun Fire

Enemy A.I. React to / Detect Suppressed Fire

Enemy A.I. React to / Detect explosion of vehicles

Enemy A.I. House Search

...:eek:. I think I don't want to play with the vanilla AI anymore, before I have even tried the mod :D Thanks man

If you've got all AI subordinates, you don't need to. They basically ask to let you know that they're far away.

Yeah, I was talking about the AI subordinates. I was wondering why I didn't have a "report position" option in my character's action options. Thanks

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put your AI to Column(close) or Delta formations to force them to follow you.


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You might want to check out these video too ref AI control :


That is one detailed guide. Very useful thanks.


put your AI to Column(close) or Delta formations to force them to follow you.

I just tried that (with vanilla AI for testing). It works pretty well actually. Thanks alot.

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If the AI are under fire, they'll try to suppress and leap frog from position to position, covering each other. They still have your goals in mind, but they try to stay safe and aggressive while they are achieving your objectives.

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