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Overriding waypoint behavior when shot at?

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Is there anyway to override waypoint behavior such as (Safe, Aware, Danger, Stealth) or speed when the squad is being shot at? I have tried making patrols that look relaxed and walk at a limited speed and whenever I shoot at them, they never shoot back or change their behavior. And if possible, after assuming that it is safe, could they go back on the waypoint?

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Well, if the AI is not reacting, your rounds may not have been close enough to them?

If they are reacting to attack, then they are doing what they are 'suppose' to do.

Anyway, you can try CARELSS and LIMITED.

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Yes, just like what CyOp said, the AI will change behaviour automatically when being shot at, and will return fire/run (or even retreat in some circumstances).

Just one more thing. Make sure that waypoint's combat mode is not set to "NEVER FIRE" or "HOLD FIRE", as they won't (obviously) return fire then.

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Alright I will go try testing it again to see if they fire back. Also, how would I have a squad loaded into a helicopter at the start of the game, and then drop them off at a waypoint, and then have the helicopter go away?

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Actually I have seen this behavior numerous times. I just fought a battle against a column of Takistani walking up the road toward me from about 300m range. Despite shooting the lead elements, the others mostly ignored the deaths of their comrades in front of them. Some did react as you would expect, but others were oblivious, maybe listening to their iPods? Also, they were set to CARELESS.

Quick way to load a squad automatically:

{_x moveInCargo heloName} forEach units group nameOfGroupLeader;

Basically you can give the helo a transport unload waypoint for the drop off point, and give it more movement waypoints beyond that. It will automatically take off and go after the troops are off.

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Actually I have seen this behavior numerous times. I just fought a battle against a column of Takistani walking up the road toward me from about 300m range. Despite shooting the lead elements, the others mostly ignored the deaths of their comrades in front of them. Some did react as you would expect, but others were oblivious, maybe listening to their iPods? Also, they were set to CARELESS.

Yeah, but even if you do set their behaviour to CARELESS, they should really notice when their friend/leader gets shot. I can confirm your observations... I've noticed it a few times as well, but with vanilla AI, which sometimes seems to be a bit slow to react. A typical example of this is an ambush situation, where you can take down several enemies before you see any effective reaction from them. However, this problem seems to be fixed by the Zeus AI Combat Skills mod. Cookieeater, if you haven't tried it, I strongly recommend this mod; it makes the AI feel much more dynamic and smarter. Here's the link:


Give it a try!


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Your soldier columns should be set to safe, then they will react when shot at. CARELESS is just that, they dont care about enemy contact.

But if you set every wp to safe, then they will resume safe when they reach next wp. Best just to set behaviour on first WP.

Also one thing you could do, is when the group knowsabout the player, setbehaviour and combatmode to danger and RED.



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Those are all good advices for AI behavior, I just thought it funny that regardless of CARELESS or other setting, I expected the whole group to behave the same. One guy ran for cover, another went prone, and two of them kept walking normal even when rounds hit them! I was at least 300m prone with ACOG, so my rounds were not as effective.

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Well, no matter what settings you use, you just have to face the fact the the AI is just, too often, AI (Actually Incompetent).

The best use for CARELESS is when using a helo, with separate pilot, from gunners or cargo, and you need the helo to, say, land under fire. Also, that will help at night.

Set the pilot to CARELESS, and if the gunners are in the same group and set to AWARE, (using an empty helo), the pilot will keep the lights off (unless the pilot disembarks). I think I have that right. I am posting from memory.

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