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Invasion 1944 - DDay 2.0

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought all soldiers of that era were issued with maps and a compass - or atleast the officers and NCO's perhaps. The unrealistic part is all the little markers that float around, but that's easy enough for a server admin to disable.

I don't think everyone of the few million soldiers had a map and a compass no, afaik the practice was for lower rung soldiers to re-draw a copy of the map themselves and be able to do it from memory using main roads and landmarks for navigation.

With regards to the markers - do you mean the ShackTactical markers I used on the MP missions? The idea was to be able to know where your squad mates (immediate squad) were as well as the leaders of the other squads to help in combined assaults, simulating awareness you would otherwise have through radio contact and pre-planning in real life that often isn't possible on a public server.

I think its counter productive to force players to play in a certain way, especially on public servers where mainly individuals just drop in to play and might not want to take orders or have to ask others where they are etc.

Which is why all the missions I made and released with the mod I tried to add at least a map, compass is pretty redundant on the small omaha small map, and again pushes sticking with your squad leader over running off solo.

a module would be good.

A module is a bit overkill for what is a very easy cut and paste add item line of code for our coder to really be spending time on.

Btw any ETA on teh patch? We're really hot for I44 Coops on the dedi, but we don't like the idea of the dead markers in the modern warfare (You know, the regular arma-reality) missions.

ETA - when its ready! You lost me with the dead markers though? Are you referring to the Norrin revive markers? (If so those only occur on Norrin enabled missions and only show up after a player has pressed 'H', AI though will automatically do it so other AI medics can revive them).

Can you script the LCVP ramp to drop?

The driver of the landing craft has the lower/raise ramp option I think, its definitely there, the script for it would be:

UnitsName animate ["Ramp", 1];

If you ask me, i would say a bullet is a bullet. Ofcourse caliber depends, but right now i sometimes have to spray an entire Sten mag at a German to kill him, even headshots arent always lethal. Right now it just feels completely gamey, not something i expect from an ArmA2 mod.

Personally you're preaching to the choir here as I pushed for increased damage across the board for a long time its a reasonably easy change to make if enough of you make noise about it, the others might listen ;) You may want to give the wounding module a try if you're just doing quick SP missions as it does make the weapons more effective.

Well, if you made the SMG's more of a suppression tool and for CQB Room clearence. It could be "balanced" out as it were.

SMG's are not for supression but CQB, a BAR/MP43 would be more efficient suppression tool ;) Oh and I personally use pboview to open and extract pbo files as its a nice winip-esque interface.

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Well, I was throwing an idea for making the SMG's useful. As they're extreamlly inaccurate (like these things are in real life), but that makes them terrible for anything thats not inside buildings.

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So that would mean i need to make every soldier on every side compatible with the wounding system?

It does seem nice to have, but this can be a really big bother on larger missions i guess.

Anyways, i'm glad that you agree with me on this. If you cant convince the others to increase the damage, that would be a terrible shame but perhaps, with all the talks about modules, it could be made into a module that increases the damage done by weapons?

Then there at least would be the option to have more realistic gunfights.

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I agree about the ineffectiveness of the SMGs and would like to see the damage increased, especially the Sten Gun which is nigh on useless IMO.

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I have one quick question. When I install the mod on the server, I put in the patches and the DAC hotfix...... Do the clients also have to install the DAC also? It usually kicks them for not having the file......Any idea?

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So that would mean i need to make every soldier on every side compatible with the wounding system?

No just placing the wounding module automatically links it to all infantry units, you don't need to manually link/synchronise or group them too it just place the module and its good to go!

I agree about the ineffectiveness of the SMGs and would like to see the damage increased, especially the Sten Gun which is nigh on useless IMO.

Yeah the Stens use 9mm ammo so it really suffers from the low damage.

I have one quick question. When I install the mod on the server, I put in the patches and the DAC hotfix...... Do the clients also have to install the DAC

Yes all files are now keyed and the clients keys and files must match the server.

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Hey guys i remember a while ago i saw German soldiers with the overcoats or "greatcoats" in a WIP video. Will those be added in the next update or so? Also i hear talk of a mission called Aloft? i dont see that in my "Scenarios"/SP missions section of the game :(

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The overcoats were WIP tests for WaR so I wouldn't expect them anytime soon. Aloft is an MP mission and I didn't produce a SP demo version like I did with some of the other MP missions as it was ready pretty late into development.

Also its worth noting all SP Demo's of MP missions aren't to be considered fully playable (or even possible) just there for a taster of what to expect in MP and a way to familiarise yourself with the environment and challenges that each one brings without having to play online. There are a few SP only missions but any marked with MP Demo are just that.

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Overcoats would be great though ^^

Makes me think of this old photograph of Russians running across trenches.

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A better idea would be coming up with some way to get proper support into the game. Like mortars and bombing runs.

I would like to see a module (yeah, I like modules ;)) That creates a setup for the player to be able to select a mortar, its target and ammunition and other variables like how many shots, time between them etc etc

or some form of calling in a bombing run from a formation of Heinkels or B-17's (even if you can't physicly see the planes, perhaps a overlay sound and a Hint showing what it is..... )

But done in a way off WW2. So not just by pressing map coordinate. But by having a radio and calling it in via coordinates using that or binocs..... something that would be realistic and not over-powered for WW2.

And, Fun to play about with. Who doesn't like watching a bombing run onto an enemy target. :D

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A better idea would be coming up with some way to get proper support into the game. Like mortars and bombing runs.

I would like to see a module (yeah, I like modules ;)) That creates a setup for the player to be able to select a mortar, its target and ammunition and other variables like how many shots, time between them etc etc

or some form of calling in a bombing run from a formation of Heinkels or B-17's (even if you can't physicly see the planes, perhaps a overlay sound and a Hint showing what it is..... )

But done in a way off WW2. So not just by pressing map coordinate. But by having a radio and calling it in via coordinates using that or binocs..... something that would be realistic and not over-powered for WW2.

And, Fun to play about with. Who doesn't like watching a bombing run onto an enemy target. :D

This is a good idea, if artillery / air strikes were allocated to certain player types it would add another tactical layer to the missions and as importantly enhance the atmosphere.

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A better idea would be coming up with some way to get proper support into the game. Like mortars and bombing runs.

We already have artillery support through BIS artillery module for use with our units, they *should* work with any user based scripts that work off the same principals but will obviously need to be altered to work with our classnames and rounds (no SABOT for example).

Producing something that isn't based on BIS' existing system ingame requires some heavy scripting which is more based on a per mission basis so extending beyond BIS' basic functionality of its artillery support isn't something thats likely to be used in every mission. So your best bet here is to either learn the scripting language and do it yourself releasing the script as many others have done for people to use, or put a request up for one from someone else.

Actually implementing a new system like that into the mod would again be very time consuming for our coder and scripters, thats not to say we won't but we don't have any immediate plans to do so, as like I said a user could just as easily create a script for a more accurate WW2 artillery support as we would, with the added benefit of not having a few hundred other things to be working on the mod for already.

Regarding bombing runs we don't have bomber units in yet so there's your first hurdle ;) The AI pilots however are capable of engaging units so if you wanted to script in air support for example it should be very possible.

Mortars are all very much working with the artillery module, I included them in D+1 for player controlled support, any player can mount the vehicle, use the 'Target Artillery' mouse wheel commands and then use the map to help aim their rounds with the interface, IMO its not futuristic so a very effective way of providing player controlled support using Grid references and voice comms, then as long as you're playing with someone who knows the proper voice calls etc you can get as WW2 authentic as you like.

This is a good idea, if artillery / air strikes were allocated to certain player types it would add another tactical layer to the missions and as importantly enhance the atmosphere.

Which would be the reason why we have an RTO placeholder unit who could act as the communicating link between front line units and support units in the rear. I had originally intended to give the RTO unit on D-Day the option for calling in Naval strikes but found the position was too open for abuse especially in public play where more often than not players go the rambo route and are just out to get high kill scores, and something like an artillery barrage was just too appealing.

Edited by PacUK

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Perhaps you're right, on both points. I just wanted to see an easy-to-use, yet, realistic for WW2 style support system... The rest of the mod is ace so far though. :)

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Well, I was kinda hoping for something a tad more realistic in terms of WW2. Not sure what That means, but oh well. Thanks anyway.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys but remember we're not getting paid for this so go easy on the demands. ;) We really need a break - especially Pac.

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Don't worry, we're just bouncing ideas about. Seeing if they fit :)

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Thanks for the suggestions guys but remember we're not getting paid for this so go easy on the demands. ;) We really need a break - especially Pac.

On my hand, i like the mod and its design (weapon accuracy etc.) as it is now.

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someone can tell me how do you make the AI respawn with the same weapons?


example: AI AT man = respawn but only with M1 Garand rifle

AI Sniper = respawn only with M1 Garand rifle

etc etc etc etc

Help me please...

---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 PM ----------

I use this file init.sqf work only for player not AI :(

_unit = (_this select 0) select 0;

_weapons = (_this select 1) select 0;

_magazines = (_this select 1) select 1;

waituntil {alive player};

_unit = player;

removeallweapons _unit;

{_unit addmagazine _x} foreach _magazines;

{_unit addweapon _x} foreach _weapons;

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...someone can tell me how do you make the AI respawn with the same weapons?..

Check the setup for the mission Para's this uses a simple script to respawn players with the same equipment they died with, there's a bunch of other methods and scripts your best bet is to check/ask the mission editing forums for detailed scripting advice:


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Plz leave the weapon settings as they are, the SMGs are Trench cleaners, no assault rifles :p

Yeah, But they need to have some form of usage. Even if they just tweak a few AI values to make it a little better at suppression. OR just edit the sound (to do the same)

Perhaps a tad stronger?

It just feels a bit. Err, Not underpowered as such, but, more Useless.

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Check the setup for the mission Para's this uses a simple script to respawn players with the same equipment they died with, there's a bunch of other methods and scripts your best bet is to check/ask the mission editing forums for detailed scripting advice:


ok i found this file and it works fine.

here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1554


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Ive noticed that in some tanks and the german armoured car that you have to physically get out of the vehicle to swap from driver to gunner seat.

Is it possible to fix this in a future patch ?

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