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Delayed spawning vehicles

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So for those of us who want to delay the spawn of say a helicopter at the beginning of a mission, tank, apc, etc. does anyone have said script?

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sleep...? Care to tell me how I would put that in to make it work, I can't write scripts.

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Sleep? :D

I guess there is a couple of ways, but they involves a little bit of scripting:

1) Instead of preplacing it, createVehicle it when you need it. You can do it from a trigger using the countdown timers, or start a script that indeed sleep before creation.

2) Preplace it, and put "hideObject this" in it's init line (without the "s). Then create a trigger that activates after a certain time ("time > 10" in condition field) that unhides it ("objectname hideObject false"). I'm showing both syntax'es to illustrate sometimes commands can have this.

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Sounds interesting i'll look into that thanks for the tip

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Just a question if i use createVehicle in a trigger and I have say 10 players playing would that create 10 createVehicle ? or just one who ever triggers it ?


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