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Weapon Loadout Problem

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I am going nuts - I have the player in my mission as a member of a group (not the group leader). I am trying to have a weapon selection through the description file so that the player can select a few other things before the start of the mission.

This is the code that I have in the description file:

class Weapons 
class M1014 {count = 1;};
class M107 {count = 1;};
class Binocular {count = 1;};
class Magazines 
class 8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug {count = 10;};
class 10Rnd_127x99_m107 {count = 5;};

It does not work - there are no other weapons to select from when I choose "Gear" in the briefing section before the mission starts.


(Yes I have searched for a solution and have found none, even using the code that is on the wiki).

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There have been problems with this and Arrowhead. Never have seen a fix though.

It might also be caused by the fact that you're only offering a shotgun or an anti-material rifle as choices. The game probably says "Wow, when would these ever be choices for the same mission?" and in a nod to reality is stopping you. :)

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Doubt the game would ever make judgement on what weapons you were allowing people to select. As it doesnt get in the way of starting a mission with no weapon, or just a pistol.

But there may be still a bug and thats why its not working.



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Can anyone get a simple kit selection to work in ArmA or OA? If so, please post an example mission.

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Thanks - that worked. It should be noted though it requires a briefing.sqf and briefing.html in the mission folder though.

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Other note - kit selections only work if the player is a group leader. If the are a subordinate member of a group, it does not work.

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I verified, page 72 of Mr Murray's editing guide indicates that players joining the game as the group leader (not as subordinates) may select weapon loadouts for the team (using Description.ext method), and it makes sense after thinking about it.

On a side note, so THAT's why doFire doesn't work?! 1.55 version. I was trying to get a guy to shoot someone in a cut scene, and he pulls the gun, but not trigger action. :(

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This always worked that way, only the squad leader is able to select gear loadout for the squad members..

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