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TDM A few questions

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Looking for some lightweight solutions for a small set of TDM missions I'm constructing. I've got three quesitons in no particular order.

1. 5 second freezetime upon mission start.

Is it possible to prevent all movement for some X seconds upon mission start?

2. Script based tracers

Are there any existing drop-in non-addon solutions that add tracers to a select number of weapons? Its a small mission so it'd really only be a matter of 2-3 different weapon systems (30rnd_556x45_STANAG, 30rnd_545x39_ak, and 200rnd_556x45_<whachamacallit> really) with max 8-12 players.

3. A small lightweight universal heal ability.

Looking for a tiny snippet that allows all soldiers to heal themselves-- without the complexity of norrins.

Thank you kindly,


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1. 5 second freezetime upon mission start.

Is it possible to prevent all movement for some X seconds upon mission start?


2. Script based tracers

Are there any existing drop-in non-addon solutions that add tracers to a select number of weapons? Its a small mission so it'd really only be a matter of 2-3 different weapon systems (30rnd_556x45_STANAG, 30rnd_545x39_ak, and 200rnd_556x45_<whachamacallit> really) with max 8-12 players.

Nope. In theory a particle based system might be possible but it would be a bitch to make it work across clients.

3. A small lightweight universal heal ability.

Looking for a tiny snippet that allows all soldiers to heal themselves-- without the complexity of norrins.

CLY Heal is the answer to your healing needs. ;)

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DisableuserInput only disables user (ie player) input (obviously), not AI movements. If you wanna freeze the game, you may use "setacctime" with a very small value (like 0.001), but it doesn't work in MP AFAIK.

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DisableuserInput only disables user (ie player) input (obviously), not AI movements. If you wanna freeze the game, you may use "setacctime" with a very small value (like 0.001), but it doesn't work in MP AFAIK.

Nope, it doesn't.

To stop AI from moving, you could use disableAI.

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Thanks for the quick responses. Also that heal script looks absolutely fabulous! If I may impose on another quick question (before even doing a forum search boo hiss!)

4. Is there are a simple way to disable Crosshairs?

I do believe I've seen it done. Essentially overriding the difficulty level of the server-- and removing crosshairs.


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2. You could possibly create new ammo that enables tracers, by using the new beta command mergeConfigFile. I've created own artillery shells already using this method, that the mission createVehicle's. Haven't tested in MP yet though, was just toying with the command.

Edit: Note that this command might become inoperative in MP in the future, as it's meant as a developing tool rather than a mission tool, and have some unwanted side effects and bugs. Use at your own risk. See beta forum for more information.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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