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Ace Warfare

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Hello, please keep up the work.

I think, just a week is a little short for making such a decision and im pretty sure there are more ppl interestet as you think.

We are switching to OA shortly and then i think we need Takistan and can assist in betatesting.

At least, if you dont want to develop any further, keep the downloads available so the project can gain momentum later.

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Well, there were plenty of people interested.

But interested isn't important here. More important is: that new versions get beta-tested on a regular basis and that there are enough people around that actually play the mission afterwards.

The only person looking at the mission and giving some feedback was enforcer. And that eventhough we had the whole thing up for more than 2 weeks. and plenty of people saying they would beta-test it. Sorry, but I can't stop development after each version until I begged someone enough to make him betatest it for me.

I also think it's suspicious that I didn't get any progress for quite some time from the people who were so happy to do the lists of what was supposed to go where (except for McTavish, who was holding his word).

So sorry: I'm not going to keep developing a Warfare-Version just for myself. And I'm not letting people download an untested and unfinished Beta-Version. And the project will surely not gain any momentum any time soon.

If it will, you can surely come back to me with a group of about 5 RELIABLE people and try to convince me again.

(It's not like those people would need anything but reliability ...)

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You can, for instance look at Armaholic.com. There you can find almost any map you want.

But you might want to check out the appropriate sections of this forums since this thread is dedicated to ACE-Warfare ;)

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fREAk. also develops an ACE+ACRE compatible Warfare, based on bennys warfare which runs quite well.

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