Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 Hi guys Sorry for spamming the forum with my first post but I'm desperate, yeah I know.. My game crashes to desktop at random and I can't find a fix for the problem. I've searched the forum and also browsed through the issue tracker but all that gives me is a Headache.. My OS is windows 7 and the game runs fine except the random crashes.. Anybody here who could give me a quick hint or help? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted October 3, 2010 System specs? Are you overclocking? Any addons in use? Errors in client RPT? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 No addons, no overclocking nothing. Dunno if I have errors in Client RPT, where can i check? System specs: Intel core i3 330M 2.13GHZ 3MB L3 Cache ati mobility radeon had 5650, up to 2746MB 4GB ram 500GB HD btw. i checked the topic crash to desktop and put those files in a rar but didn't help that either.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted October 3, 2010 Client RPT is at C:\Users\#yourusername#\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA You're playing on a laptop? Oh dear, that doesn't usually end well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 funny thing is I cand find the appdata folder by going the c/user/, just doesn't appear in my list. I know it's there cause i can search for files in the folder and find them.. ---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ---------- well, now i've searched for the files and found them. How can i open/ check if anythings wrong? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted October 3, 2010 The file is called arma2oa.RPT. Search for that and open it with notepad or any decent text editor. I know it's not easy to tell what's bad in there or what isn't, but something that is causing a CTD might stand out. Are you monitoring the temps of your machine in any way? Often a CTD is an overheating issue. ---------- Post added at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ---------- funny thing is I cand find the appdata folder by going the c/user/, just doesn't appear in my list. I know it's there cause i can search for files in the folder and find them.. You might have to turn on show hidden files or what ever it's called. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 I have no program for monitoring temperature, you know one? Doesn't show in my task manager. It doesn't feel overheated when i touch the cover. No outstanding commands in the text that I can see. The game's running on patch 1.52, don't know if that has anything to say though. ---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ---------- btw it also crashes in the menu, not only when playing. Only have to click on t he campaign button and it goes down sometimes.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted October 3, 2010 Are you sure it's properly crashing and not just minimizing itself? I use some desktop gadgets to monitor temps. All CPU Meter, combined with coretemp to keep any eye on the CPU and GPUObserver for the graphics card. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 Yeah I'm sure, sadly enough, cause a windows window pops up stating that there has occured a problem and windows is searching for a solution, which it can't find and eventually wants me to close the program. It's damn sad cause the little I've tested of the game looks awesome and I really want to fix this bloody issue.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted October 3, 2010 Oh yes, that's a real CTD then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 yeah... Right now the game crashes each time i click continue in the campaign overview window; right before the actual game starts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfire257 3 Posted October 3, 2010 Are you using the latest patch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted October 3, 2010 If it's crashing at exactly the same place in the game, that would seem to suggest a bad install. Did you look at the RPT file? I would suggest deleting it so that everything you get in there is fresh and then making the game crash. Find the brand new RPT and post it's contents here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 I'm using version 1.52. Now i was able to actually play for 5 minutes until the crash. Well I'll post the RPT in a few minutes. ---------- Post added at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 PM ---------- ===================================================================== == C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2OA.exe == "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2OA.exe" ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2010/06/26 01:06:32 Current time: 2010/10/03 17:03:22 Item str_disp_server_control listed twice Updating base class ->RscText, by ca\ui\config.bin/RscSplashText/ Added texture headers from file "ca\air_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\animals_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\ca_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\characters_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\desert_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\l39\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\misc_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\missions_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\modules_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\plants_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\roads_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\rocks_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\signs_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\structures_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\takistan\data\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\takistan\data\layers\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\tracked_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\weapons_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\wheeled_e\texheaders.bin" Added texture headers from file "ca\zargabad\texheaders.bin" Checking texture headers done - ok = 5667, failed = 0, patched = 0. Exe version: 1.51.71083 Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: kia_uaz_cargo02 Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: uaz_cargo02 ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 01CEC594 graphics: D3D9, Device: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 , Driver:atiumdag.dll resolution: 1135x640x32 Addons: CACharacters_E in ca\characters_e\, CAWheeled_E_Volha in ca\wheeled_e\volha\ CAWeapons_E_KORD in ca\weapons_e\kord\ CA_Missions_GarbageCollector in ca\modules\garbage_collector\ CAWheeled_E_stryker in ca\wheeled_e\stryker\, CASounds_E in ca\sounds_e\ CAAir2 in ca\air2\, zargabad in ca\zargabad\ CA_Animals2_Chicken in ca\animals2\birds\chicken\ CAWheeled_E_LandRover in ca\wheeled_e\lr\, CAFonts in ca\uifonts\ CAWeapons_Colt1911 in ca\weapons\colt1911\, CAWheeled3 in ca\wheeled3\ CAWeapons_E_LeeEnfield in ca\weapons_e\leeenfield\ CA_Animals2_Cow in ca\animals2\cow\, CAWeapons_E_ZU23 in ca\weapons_e\zu23\ CA_Missions_BattlefieldClearance in ca\modules\bc\, CA_E in ca\ca_e\ CAAir2_ChukarTarget in ca\air2\chukar\, CA_Missions_E_SecOps in ca\missions_e\som\ BI_SRRS in ca\modules\srrs\, CAAir3 in ca\air3\, CARocks_E in ca\rocks_e\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Misc_PowerStation in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_powerstation\ CA_Modules_ARTY in ca\modules\arty\, CA_Animals2_WildBoar in ca\animals2\wildboar\ CAWeapons_E_TOW in ca\weapons_e\tow\, CARoads2Bridge in ca\roads2\bridge\ CATracked2_T34 in ca\tracked2\t34\, CAWheeled_E_UAZ in ca\wheeled_e\uaz\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_powerline in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_powerline\ CAWeapons_E_M14 in ca\weapons_e\m14\, CAWheeled_E_V3S in ca\wheeled_e\v3s\ CAAir_E_AH64D in ca\air_e\ah64\, Shed_wooden in ca\buildings2\shed_wooden\ CAWeapons_E in ca\weapons_e\ CA_Missions_AmbientCombat in ca\modules\ambient_combat\ CARoads2Dam in ca\roads2\dam\, CAWheeled2_LADA in ca\wheeled2\lada\ CA_Modules_E_OO in ca\modules_e\oo\, CA_Missions_SecOps in ca\missions\som\ CAAir2_F35B in ca\air2\f35b\, CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\config\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Garbage in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\ CAWheeled_E_SCUD in ca\wheeled_e\scud\, CAWeapons in ca\weapons\ CAWeapons_E_M119_Howitzer in ca\weapons_e\m119_howitzer\ CAWeapons_E_SPG9 in ca\weapons_e\spg9\, CA_Missions_Armory2 in ca\missions\armory\ CALanguage_missions in ca\languagemissions\, CAWeapons_E_M16 in ca\weapons_e\m16\ CA_Animals2_Dogs_Fin in ca\animals2\dogs\fin\ CAWheeled_E_Pickup in ca\wheeled_e\datsun_armed\, WarfareBuildings in ca\misc3\wf\ CATracked2_BMP3 in ca\tracked2\bmp3\ CAWheeled2_HMMWV_Ambulance in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m997a2_ambulance\ CA_L39 in ca\l39\, CAAir2_UH1Y in ca\air2\uh1y\, CA_Dubbing in ca\dubbing\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Garage01 in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_garage01\ CAStructures_E_HouseK in ca\structures_e\housek\ CAWater2_seafox_EP1 in ca\misc_e\seafox\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_BuildingWIP in ca\structures_e\housea\a_buildingwip\ CAWeapons_E_Javelin in ca\weapons_e\javelin\, CAAnimals in ca\animals\ CA_Modules_E_UAV_Heli in ca\modules_e\uav_heli\ CAWheeled_E_TT650 in ca\wheeled_e\tt650\ CA_Modules_E_Functions in ca\modules_e\functions\, CA_AH64D in ca\ah64\ CAWeapons_E_Igla in ca\weapons_e\igla\, CA_Modules_DynO in ca\modules\dyno\ CAStructures_E_HouseL in ca\structures_e\housel\, CARoads_E in ca\roads_e\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Coltan_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_coltan_mine\ CAAir in ca\air\, CA_Modules_E in ca\modules_e\ CAWeapons_E_M136 in ca\weapons_e\m136\, CAStructures_E_Ind in ca\structures_e\ind\ CA_HighCommand in ca\modules\hc\, CAWeapons_E_M240 in ca\weapons_e\m240\ CA_Animals2_Rabbit in ca\animals2\rabbit\ CAWheeled_E_Old_bike in ca\wheeled_e\old_bike\ CAWeapons_E_fnfal in ca\weapons_e\fnfal\, CAAir_E_Halo in ca\air_e\halo\ CATracked_E_BMP2 in ca\tracked_e\bmp\, CAStructures_Wall in ca\structures\wall\ CAWheeled2_Ikarus in ca\wheeled2\ikarus\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_cables in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_cables\ CAWheeled_E_MTVR in ca\wheeled_e\mtvr\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Villa in ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\ CA_Animals2_Goat in ca\animals2\goat\ CATracked2_2S6M_Tunguska in ca\tracked2\2s6m_tunguska\ CATracked2_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked2\us_m270mlrs\, CAWater2 in ca\water2\ CA_Animals_E in ca\animals_e\, CAWeapons_E_PK in ca\weapons_e\pk\ CABuildings2 in ca\buildings2\, CA_Modules_E_Gita in ca\modules_e\gita\ CATracked_E in ca\tracked_e\, CA_AIR_E_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air_e\mq9predatorb\ CAData_ParticleEffects in ca\data\particleeffects\, CA_Modules in ca\modules\ CATracked2_T90 in ca\tracked2\t90\, CATracked2 in ca\tracked2\ CAWeapons_AK in ca\weapons\ak\, CAWeapons_E_AK in ca\weapons_e\ak\ CA_Modules_ZoRA in ca\modules\zora\ CA_Animals2_Anim_Config in ca\animals2\animconfig\ CACharacters2 in ca\characters2\, CA_Modules_Coin in ca\modules\coin\ CAStructures_E_Wall in ca\structures_e\wall\ CATracked_E_M2A2_Bradley in ca\tracked_e\m2a2_bradley\ CATracked_E_M1_Abrams in ca\tracked_e\m1_abrams\ CAStructuresHouse_Shed_Ind in ca\structures\shed_ind\ CAWeapons_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\m252_81mm_mortar\ Warfare2_E in ca\warfare2_e\, CAWeapons_E_scar in ca\weapons_e\scar\ CAWeapons_E_M47 in ca\weapons_e\m47\, CA_Modules_UAV in ca\modules\uav\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Lamp in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_lamp\ CARoads2 in ca\roads2\, CAWeapons2 in ca\weapons2\ CA_Modules_Alice2 in ca\modules_e\alice2\, CA_Modules_clouds in ca\modules\clouds\ CAData in ca\, CAStructures_E_Wall_Wall_L in ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\ CAWeapons_E_RPG18 in ca\weapons_e\rpg18\, CAWheeled_E_s1203 in ca\wheeled_e\s1203\ CAWeapons_2b14_82mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\podnos_2b14_82mm\ CAWheeled_Pickup in ca\wheeled\datsun_armed\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Minaret_Porto in ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret_porto\ CAWheeled_E_BTR40 in ca\wheeled_e\btr40\, CAAir_E_UH60M in ca\air_e\uh60m\ CA_AIR_E_Su25 in ca\air_e\su25\, CAWeapons_E_Strela in ca\weapons_e\strela\ CA_Heads in ca\characters\heads\, CAAir3_Su34 in ca\air3\su34\ CA_Modules_Alice in ca\modules\alice\, CAWeapons_E_DSHKM in ca\weapons_e\dshkm\ CAWheeled_E_Ikarus in ca\wheeled_e\ikarus\ CA_E_ParticleEffects in ca\ca_e\data\particleeffects\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Minaret in ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret\ CAWheeled2_V3S in ca\wheeled2\v3s\ CAWheeled2_M1114_Armored in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m1114_armored\ CAWheeled3_M1030 in ca\wheeled3\m1030\, CAAir2_C130J in ca\air2\c130j\ CA_Missions_FirstAidSystem in ca\modules\fa\, CAAir_E_CH_47F in ca\air_e\ch47\ CAA10 in ca\a10\, CAWheeled_E_Offroad in ca\wheeled_e\hilux_armed\ CA_Modules_StratLayer in ca\modules\strat_layer\, CAStructures in ca\structures\ Warfare2 in ca\warfare2\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Office01 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_office01\ CAWeapons_E_ksvk in ca\weapons_e\ksvk\, CAWeapons_E_G36 in ca\weapons_e\g36\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Shed in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_shed\ CAMisc_E_WF in ca\misc_e\wf\, CAWeapons_E_MAAWS in ca\weapons_e\maaws\ CA_Modules_E_Jukebox in ca\modules_e\jukebox\ CATracked_E_M113 in ca\tracked_e\m113\, CAWater2_seafox in ca\water2\seafox\ CAWheeled2_MTVR in ca\wheeled2\mtvr\, CAWheeled2_HMMWV_BASE in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\ CAWeapons_E_M2StaticMG in ca\weapons_e\m2\ CAWeapons_E_M9 in ca\weapons_e\m9_beretta\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Interier in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_interier\ CAUI in ca\ui\, CA_Missions_E_Armory2 in ca\missions_e\armory\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Well in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_well\ CAStructures_E in ca\structures_e\, CALanguage in ca\language\ CAAir_E_AH6J in ca\air_e\ah6j\, CAMisc2 in ca\misc2\, CATracked in ca\tracked\ CAAir_E_An2 in ca\air_e\an2\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Construction in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_construction\ CA_Anims_E in ca\anims_e\, CATracked_E_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked_e\us_m270mlrs\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Mosque_big in ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_big\ CAWheeled_E_HMMWV in ca\wheeled_e\hmmwv\, CA_Modules_Silvie in ca\modules\silvie\ CAWheeled_E_BTR60 in ca\wheeled_e\btr60\, CAAir_E_A10 in ca\air_e\a10\ CAWeapons_E_Metis in ca\weapons_e\metis_at_13\, CAWheeled_E in ca\wheeled_e\ CAAir_E in ca\air_e\, CAMisc3 in ca\misc3\ CAWheeled_Offroad in ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Market in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Water in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_water\ CAWheeled_E_ATV in ca\wheeled_e\atv\ CA_Modules_Functions in ca\modules\functions\ CA_Modules_E_DynO in ca\modules_e\dyno\ CA_Animals2_Dogs_Pastor in ca\animals2\dogs\pastor\, Arma2_Ka52 in ca\air2\ka52\ CA_Missions_AlternativeInjurySimulation in ca\modules\ais\ CATracked_E_ZSU in ca\tracked_e\zsu\, CAWheeled_E_M1030 in ca\wheeled_e\m1030\ CAStructures_Nav_pier in ca\structures\nav_pier\ CAWeapons_Warfare_weapons in ca\weapons\static\ CA_Anims_E_Wmn in ca\anims_e\config\wmn\ CAStructures_E_Mil in ca\structures_e\mil\, CAweapons_m107 in ca\weapons\m107\ CA_Anims_E_Sdr in ca\anims_e\config\sdr\ CA_SoundsMissions_E in ca\soundmissions_e\ CA_Modules_Animals in ca\modules\animals\, CA_Animals2_Sheep in ca\animals2\sheep\ Ind_Tank in ca\buildings2\ind_tank\, CAAir_E_C130J in ca\air_e\c130j\ CATracked_E_T34 in ca\tracked_e\t34\, CAWeapons_ZU23 in ca\weapons\zu23\ CAWeapons_DMR in ca\weapons\dmr\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_FuelStation in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_fuelstation\ CASigns_E in ca\signs_e\, CA_AIR2_Su25 in ca\air2\su25\ CAWheeled_E_Old_moto in ca\wheeled_e\old_moto\, CA_Anims in ca\anims\ CA_Editor in ca\editor\, CAMisc in ca\misc\, CAWheeled_E_Ural in ca\wheeled_e\ural\ CA_Dubbing_E in ca\dubbing_e\, CA_DubbingRadio_E in ca\dubbingradio_e\ CAWheeled_E_BRDM2 in ca\wheeled_e\brdm2\ CAWeapons_E_AmmoBoxes in ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\, Desert_E in ca\desert_e\ CA_Support in ca\modules_e\ssm\ Ind_MalyKomin in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_malykomin\ CAWeapons_E_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons_e\m252_81mm_mortar\ CAWeapons2_RPG18 in ca\weapons2\rpg18\ CAWheeled2_M998A2_Avenger in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m998a2_avenger\ CAWeapons_E_RPG7 in ca\weapons_e\rpg7\ CAWeapons_E_Mk19_MiniTriPod in ca\weapons_e\mk19_minitripod\ CALanguage_missions_e in ca\languagemissions_e\ CAWeapons_E_Stinger in ca\weapons_e\stinger\, CAWeapons_SPG9 in ca\weapons\spg9\ CAWeapons_E_STATIC in ca\weapons_e\static\, CAMusic_E in ca\music_e\ CAStructures_E_HouseA in ca\structures_e\housea\ CAWheeled_E_LADA in ca\wheeled_e\lada\ CA_Anims_Wmn in ca\anims\characters\config\wmn\, Takistan in ca\takistan\ CA_Animals2_Dogs in ca\animals2\dogs\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Mosque_small in ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_small\ CAweapons_ksvk in ca\weapons\ksvk\, CA_Modules_E_UAV in ca\modules_e\uav\ CA_Missions_E_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions_e\templates\secops.west\ CATracked_E_T55 in ca\tracked_e\t55\ CAWeapons_E_Searchlight in ca\weapons_e\searchlight\ CA_Missions_E in ca\missions_e\, CAweapons_E_m107 in ca\weapons_e\m107\ CA_Anims_Sdr in ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\ CAWeapons_E_M110 in ca\weapons_e\m110\ CAWeapons_E_FIM92_static in ca\weapons_e\fim92_static\ CAStructures_A_CraneCon in ca\structures\a_cranecon\ CAWeapons_E_Podnos_2b14_82mm in ca\weapons_e\podnos_2b14_82mm\ CAWeapons_E_D30 in ca\weapons_e\d30\, CA_Modules_Marta in ca\modules\marta\ CAAir_E_MI8 in ca\air_e\mi17\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_a_stationhouse in ca\structures_e\housea\a_stationhouse\ CATracked_E_T72 in ca\tracked_e\t72\ CAStructures_E_HouseC in ca\structures_e\housec\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Oil_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_oil_mine\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_CityGate1 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_citygate1\ IndPipe2 in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\ CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 in ca\air_e\uh1h\ CAWeapons_E_GrenadeLauncher in ca\weapons_e\grenadelauncher\ CAAir2_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air2\mq9predatorb\, CAAir_E_Mi24 in ca\air_e\mi35\ CAStructuresLand_Nav_Boathouse in ca\structures\nav_boathouse\ CAWeapons_Kord in ca\weapons\kord\ CAStructures_IndPipe1_todo_delete in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\ CAStructures_E_Misc in ca\structures_e\misc\ CACharacters_E_Head in ca\characters_e\heads\, CALanguage_e in ca\language_e\ CAMisc_E in ca\misc_e\, CA_Modules_E_Weather in ca\modules_e\weather\ HALO_Test in ca\air2\halo\, CAWeapons_E_AGS in ca\weapons_e\ags30\ CAStructures_E_Ind_IndPipes in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_pipes\ CAWeapons_E_Colt1911 in ca\weapons_e\colt1911\ CAWeapons_E_Makarov in ca\weapons_e\makarov\, CABuildings in ca\buildings\ CAWheeled_E_SUV in ca\wheeled_e\suv\, CACharacters in ca\characters\ CA_Animals2 in ca\animals2\, CASounds in ca\sounds\ CAWeapons_Metis_AT_13 in ca\weapons\metis_at_13\, CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\ CAWheeled2 in ca\wheeled2\, CAWheeled2_MMT in ca\wheeled2\mmt\ CAWheeled3_TT650 in ca\wheeled3\tt650\ Mods: expansion Distribution: 1487 Version 1.51.71083 Fault address: 01CEC594 05:00D8D594 C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2OA.exe file: intro world: Desert_E Prev. code bytes: 01 BE F3 72 E8 EC CE 01 0F A2 83 E0 DF C3 90 90 Fault code bytes: 89 A8 8D 04 9C 94 01 68 8D D5 D8 01 C3 90 90 90 Registers: EAX:6E93FDE9 EBX:2465FC84 ECX:00000000 EDX:729C9DA4 ESI:28015C00 EDI:2465F800 CS:EIP:0023:01CEC594 SS:ESP:002B:029EF7D0 EBP:029EF7E0 DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010202 ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\Black Mamba\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\arma2OA.mdmp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted October 3, 2010 Eeeek. Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 01CEC594 graphics: D3D9, Device: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 , Driver:atiumdag.dll resolution: 1135x640x32 There's your problem. Graphics driver crash. Also, that file reports you're running 1.51, but you say you have 1.52. I think you may have had a failed patch install. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 huh? how can i fix it then? ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted October 3, 2010 I'm not familiar with ATI cards, so I'll leave that to someone else, but you might consider reinstalling the game and patches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 ok. I'll try that at least. but thanks so far! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 3, 2010 Well, i'm not a specialist either, but the driver crash isn't really enough to find what's going wrong, apart from the GPU having some troubles, because of the game or because of hardware troubles (overheating etc.). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastmaker 10 Posted October 3, 2010 hm.. I had a cpu and ram "speedometer" running during the game a couple of times and both never got more then 50% used. For the GPU i don't have any speedometer so it's hard to figure out if that's the cause I guess.. No other tricks I could try? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
callihn 10 Posted October 13, 2010 Try uninstalling and reinstalling or upgrading your drivers, if an upgrade is available I would uninstall first, ATI is VERY messy at this but you might get lucky, I didn't and had to search the system after the uninstall for all files related to ATI that did not come with Windows and manually delete them, obviously that's something that nobody will be able to hold your hand for and is not recommended but sometimes we have to do what we have to do. Hopefully you'll be able to fix it without going through that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EDcase 87 Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) There are a couple of programs to chose from that clean the computer of old drivers bits. DriverCleaner Pro DriverSweeper You boot into safe mode and then run one. Also make sure you have the latest version of DirectX 9 Try disabling the sound card as that can also cause crashes. (just to test) Edited October 13, 2010 by EDcase Share this post Link to post Share on other sites