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Make a vehicle act like a support truck or ambulance.

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Hi guys,

Is it atall possible to make a standard car or truck act like a support vehicle?

i mean how do i make a car act like a refuel, repair or an ambulance?

I'd like to do the same for a building too ( i know you can place a MASH tent, barrels and some ammo boxes, but waht about repairs?).

I know about this script;


It works, but i dont really like the way it does it (taking every mag off the vehicle, unit first, then putting back.

Any ideas guys? :confused:

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What does a MASH tent accomplish, by itself? Anything. When you place one in a map? Or do you have to have a script to go along with it...

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What does a MASH tent accomplish, by itself? Anything. When you place one in a map? Or do you have to have a script to go along with it...

the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, or MASH, allows players to heal them selves.

A wounded person aproaches the tent and selecs heal from the action menu, exactly like a ambulance.

Can you think of how to create such a script so i could attach it to another vehicle?

EG, the BAF units dont have support vehicles, but they do have a landrover that could server the purpose ...

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mashtent attachto [car,[0,0,1]]

0,0,1 is xyz coords relative to the center of the memory point of the vehicle

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mashtent attachto [car,[0,0,1]]

0,0,1 is xyz coords relative to the center of the memory point of the vehicle

interesting...I'll try it out.

but wont the car then have a big huge tent on /in it??

guess i could do the same with ammo boxes and fuel barrels.

Like I said, I'll try it out and see right now.


---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------



I put the tent on a hummvee, it looks daft, but thats not the funny thing.

I tried to drive the car but it shot up in to the air! hahahaha!!

Flying car with a big old tent strapped to it.

Well, it kind of works with ammo and fuel, but i cant get the AI drivers to work in a support capacity.

Also, how do you add repair to a vehicle?

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interesting...I'll try it out.

but wont the car then have a big huge tent on /in it??

guess i could do the same with ammo boxes and fuel barrels.

Like I said, I'll try it out and see right now.


---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------



I put the tent on a hummvee, it looks daft, but thats not the funny thing.

I tried to drive the car but it shot up in to the air! hahahaha!!

Flying car with a big old tent strapped to it.

Well, it kind of works with ammo and fuel, but i cant get the AI drivers to work in a support capacity.

Also, how do you add repair to a vehicle?

Yeah, attachTo, if you are not very careful, does tend to create collision problems. I had a mission with an ammo crate in the back of a truck and the truck would launch 100's of feet in the air upon hitting a bump. I had to shift the position around quite a bit to get it managable.


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