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glitch? half of face shows up when looking through ironsights

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hey guys, i just noticed something odd, i played arma today and noticed when i look throught the ironsights of the AT4 and the SAW, and maybe other weapons, it shows the side of a human head, almost like he was looking down the barrel? whats up with this?

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Probably an issue with either where the camera is placed when looking through the sights of those weapons, or it's something wrong with the unit itself. Are you using any mods?

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That might be a feature, not a bug. ARMA2 does model reflections, if you're lined up with the sun right you could be seeing your face in the scope.

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I guess you're right, it's just light, not a reflection per se. Well that's an interesting bug then.

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I've had an issue with the AT4 where I'd look down the sights but it'd be rendering my head in first person, so I wouldn't be able to look down the sights because my massive heads in the way.

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it's because someone forgot to delete the head proxy when they made the 1st person LOD.

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