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Trigger help!!

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Need to no how to make something happen when one man in my squad has died, i tryed using:

((!alive man) and (!alive man2) and (!alive man3) and (!alive man4) and (!alive man5) and (!alive man6))

But all that does is activate the trigger when the whole squad is down, sorry im very noobish with triggers. But please help! im nearly done with a mission and i need to do this one little thing to top it off. :D

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!alive s1 && !alive s2 && !alive s3 && !alive s4

s1 s2 s3 s4 name of unit

sorry misread if you only want some thing to happen when one member dies just use it once

!alive s1;

Edited by muttly

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No i mean like anymember of the squad, not a specific one.. i.e fire fight breaks out with opfor, opfor kill one of blufor's squad mates, which decreased teamleaders morale to fight and calls for support.

you see it doesnt matter wat squad mate dies. its random...

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Use 'or' not 'and'. So your initial example would be modified to:

((!alive man) or (!alive man2) or (!alive man3) or (!alive man4) or (!alive man5) or (!alive man6))

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:/ it didnt seem to work, i put what u wrote on the condition field, made sure they units names were all in order. I wrote a sidechat message e.g. "Man Down". But it didnt seem to work. Not text came up and the trigger wasnt actived.... BTW i shot my squad mate to death to test it, does that change anything?

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Using units named above, I pasted my above example into a trigger's condition field, and a hint into the activation field, shot one of 'em, and it worked fine. Ensure you pasted correctly and that your soldier names are correct.

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triple checked that evrything was all put in correct, there must be sumthing im doing wrong... is ACE maybe the reason... i highly doupt it though... grr this is anoying.

I just have a simple trigger A 0, B 0. everything else is none, in condition o have:

((!alive man) or (!alive man2) or (!alive man3) or (!alive man4) or (!alive man5) or (!alive man6))

i have checked that all the unit names are correct (like a million times).

Then in the on act i have a hint.... click preview. Shoot the closest team mate...nothing, shoot some more. NOTHING! shoots hole team..... -_- u get the point. :/ so frustrating.

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I don't use ACE - but feel free to upload the mission and I'm sure myself or someone else can take a look :)

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I don't believe Ace will be changing the way triggers work, With none ACE the last code posted works here.

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Well im using ACE's Marines (desert) for the mission. its only a short little mission.. walk to A, ambush.. kill. obj complete. mission end.. but just this one trigger won't work... -_- u no what... stuff it. for now i will not use this trigger and have the mission will little immersion, and just a small basic fire fight.

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ACE's wounds system gets in the way of this. You need to interface with that vs the generic technique described so far.

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sooo. disable ACE? will i still be able to use the desert camo marines?

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It's not something very simple with your trigger settings is it, like Activation set to NONE and Present is it ?

If so, change the Activation to Anybody, Condition ! (alive manname) etc etc

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