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I havent seen this much of a slideshow since dancing on ice.

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Hello all,

After finally getting arma 2 patched up to 1.07 and finally being able to play it, just about, i've hit another brickwall. Operation arrowhead.

I have it patched to the latest (1.54) and it really is quite unplayable.

Specs -

8800 GTS

AMD 64 (+4000 running at 2.4 single core)

Windows XP pro

two gigabyte ddr ram.

Now I know as well as the next man that this PC might as well be in the museum next to stephenson's rocket but I have mildley enjoyed playing Arma 2 on it which doesnt actually play that bad considering it looks like the contents of the alley round the back of the local pub on a saturday morning.

But Operation Arrowhead is an enitirely different story. It absolutly kicks the living daylights out of my machine. It seems to be okay for a while but then seem that it's reading off the hdd like wildfire whilst it pauses the game (I know it's loading the objects ingame but Arma 2 wasnt this bad) It's just so hoggy on me system but like I say Arma 2 was playable

I have everything very low and even a resolution of 800x600, still poop.

I have the latest Nvidia drivers. I have defraged. I have done pretty much all the basics to get it running to an okay degree, but fail

I heard on the forums that turning off Physx in the Nvidia control panel can help but in the control panel on mine it just has the option to choose either the Gfx card on processor?

To be honest I lost touch with PC gaming back around 2007'ish. My heyday was back in battlefield 1942 whilst running it on a Geforce fx5900...

So basically i'm lost with all these I7's, t100's and whatever other fancy named graphics chips they have these days and I just want an okay'ish running OA. I just wondered if any of you ladies have any (ANY) tips on what I can do with my trusty old rig.

Is there anything in the config files I can change? Or is this just a case of waiting for another patch to bring some more optimization?

Love and kisses. :yay:

Edited by Autana

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Scrub this thread gents.

Seems like i'm up the creek without a paddle on this one after spending the entire afternoon burning me eyes out reading everyones problems running the game okay.

Will just wait for the next patch whilst I save for a better rig I suppose.

dunno if you've seen this allready, but it might help.


Aye. I read it, and am now crying after seeing what machines people have and what performance their getting. I really need an upgrade if i'm to get any thing out of OA. I thought there may be a little tweak or something that could help, Bum.

Edited by Autana

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You can do whatever you want but you will be limited by that CPU no matter what you do, it really isnt up for it. (And AFAIK below the official minimum specs, but i cant be bothered to check)

Even my x2 4200+ (comparable but overclocked to a higher clockspeed then your CPU, and with an extra core) had so much trouble with it that i eventually had to upgrade.

My Phenom II 955, 4gb DDR3, 4870 512mb runs the game perfectly fine on high settings. (Guess FPS at around 30, i dont have a counter turned on though because i prefer to play the game instead of worrying about my FPS)

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My Phenom II 955, 4gb DDR3, 4870 512mb runs the game perfectly fine on high

Oh C'mon! Theres no need to kick a man when he's down! ;)

yep its your CPU. Singlecores are more then outdated....

Do you know of a good (But cheap) dual core board and chip that would be okay'ish?

Like I say I went out of the loop years ago, hence me rig :(

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Do you know of a good (But cheap) dual core board and chip that would be okay'ish?

an AMD Athlon II X2 260 (3.2Ghz) would run it ok i think for a cheap ass chip, as for the board, well theres a few to choose from these days, best to see what suits you.

or wait for the (slightly) faster 265, should be out in the next month or 2.

probably worth saving a few more dollars for a nice fast quad or a phenom dual though.

Edited by NevilleBartos

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Shit dude no wonder your game is slow as snail shit:

you got 8800 GTS considered a low end card for this game, and a

2.4 single core

its been already said, just putting my 2 cents in whatever I can do to help.

to show you a comparison of what you can do

I also have a 2.4 single core but i have:

AmD 2.4 single core

Nvidia Gtx 260

2gigs ram

750watt power supply

1600x900 res

4 fans keeping the case cool (no overheating!)

with this i can run the game maxed out only if theres not alot going on the screen,

desert maps I can stay maxed, but 95% of the time I play low settings.

If you cannot afford a dual core, which might mean a new motherboard all depends on your existing one,

then upgrade your GPU, but i'm thinking you may have to

upgrade your Mobo as I dont think 8800 is pci express, is it? anyone know?

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Oh C'mon! Theres no need to kick a man when he's down! ;)

Just giving some advice in the direction for your new system. ;)

Dont hold back on the CPU though, you can mess with the graphics settings whatever you want, but most of them wont have any effect on the FPS if your CPU is holding you back.

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Aye. I read it, and am now crying after seeing what machines people have and what performance their getting. I really need an upgrade if i'm to get any thing out of OA. I thought there may be a little tweak or something that could help, Bum.

Sad but true, computers which will eat Crysis for breakfast go crying to their Mums after trying to run OA maxed. No offence, but you are probably wasting your time trying to play this game with hardware more than 3 years old.

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Im still running on a Athlon 6000+ 2x 3.2 gig and it seems this is the best option for "minimum spec" as regards fine to play until it gets overloaded with AI (overloaded IE warfare missions, MP with many AI enemy in one place, large battles) ... I need an upgrade and am doing so soon, but my CPU with a gtx260 OC 216 has worked really well and I have A2/OA/BAF ...

The best benchmark for any PC is populate zargabad with OA ambient civilians, place 12 man enemy team, place yourself with 12 men, then run around the town ordering your men into building positions .... will make anyone cry :)

For example my system will slip into a slideshow on the very last OA campaign mission where you have to get Aziz in zargabad, that mission above all is the showstopper for my system.

Edited by mrcash2009

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