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Weird artifacts on S3

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a friend of mine has got a new graphics card. Although I suggested him to

go with the bigger companies like Nvidia or ATI, he went for a S3 Chrome 500.

The performance is said to be comparable to an ATI 5x.

He is just able to play the game on low to very low and has weird artifacts (like very big sized black and white boxes) showing up.

Drivers are newest. (Newest: 2008)

Got any idea on how to solve that problem? Especially the low performance?

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Could be an overheating issue as even the top vendors sometimes use crappy cooling solutions to save money. Make sure he watches his temps when playing games to see if they're getting too hot

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too bad that's with a different graphics card type. so it might not help him at all

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Problem solved, I gave him my old GTX 260

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