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One carrier, multiple players

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Wondered why I haven't seen you in a while vengeance :)

I'm playing this and Tribes Ascend too. Will get back to Arma2 in a little while. Arma2 is like the wife, other things are like the mistress :)

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Multi-player a la the old "flight" on VMS (multiple players in the same plane, for example one pilot, one bomber and a tail-shoooter on different workstations all inside of the same B-52...) would be sooo cool and would be one of the best co-op experiences I've seen.

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Destroyer is a great idea but BIS won't do it. Because it's a beta already. It's to fix bugs, not to change the gameplay.

Although it would've been awesome to command destroyers in SP too, like order them to defend or take "secondary" islands while you are bothered with what you consider a "primary" one.

Not going to happen of course :<

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