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In the end its depending on mission design and the "military knowledge" of the mission creator. Why should every mission have an AC130 or unlimited access to it? ;)

If you dont like the mission - ask the creator to change it or to implement an option and ask the server admin to use the options... or make your own mission and see how it works on public servers.

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Mission can be designed nicely, but pubbers will abuse anything (ridiculing features that was put in for good purpose), and server admins will do anything (including putting stuff that doesn't belong there) in order to attract the masses. And with 90% of these servers running the same kinds of missions, public gaming is killed, or at least good public gaming. I want an AC130 myself (who wouldn't). I just think it is bad for public gaming to do so, so I vote against my personal desires...

It's not all bad though, because with it we would get (would have to) the tech to overcome the current limitations on the plane class, which in turn would lead to some really useful addons. But it's still problematically overpowered, not on the modern battlefield, but with the force sizes we are doomed to live with. If tech is implemented, I'd say use it for something much less devastating and let addon makers make a decent AC130. This way it stays clear of the public games since they tend to be addon free.

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AC130 may be good for realism, but it is for sure bad for gaming.

I sign up -- Spooky I and IIs would be awesome additions. I primarily play single player vs AI since there is only very few players/clans out there that restrict themselves to realistic behavior, no respawns (hell, when you are dead, you are dead!) and realistically corrected weapons/vehicle properties (see ACE, for one example) etc. So I don't care about disbalancing anything, and I don't bother about the gaming issue.

I really would like to see realism and play with that, figure out "what-ifs", and if necessary get the true feeling of "overpowered" US forces hunting a few poor Taliban out in the mountains. In real life, there is just no overpowered.

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I sign up -- Spooky I and IIs would be awesome additions. I primarily play single player vs AI since there is only very few players/clans out there that restrict themselves to realistic behavior, no respawns (hell, when you are dead, you are dead!) and realistically corrected weapons/vehicle properties (see ACE, for one example) etc. So I don't care about disbalancing anything, and I don't bother about the gaming issue.

I really would like to see realism and play with that, figure out "what-ifs", and if necessary get the true feeling of "overpowered" US forces hunting a few poor Taliban out in the mountains. In real life, there is just no overpowered.

In real life, the problem is that it can be shot down real easy, and its bloody noisy.

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I don't think that AC-130 will be some kind of terminator ingame. Modern MANPADS or light SAM systems been put in different unexpected places may become serious treat to this plane. So, its missions can be not only 'shooting range - like'. The main trouble is to teach AI to operate it properly.

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Speaking of the AC-130, is the current mod the people usually use accurate? It shows the ammo type of the 40mm as sabot, which baffles me given that it is an explosive round. And is the 105mm cannon really HEAT? Why fire an anti-tank weapon at clusters of infantry?

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Speaking of the AC-130, is the current mod the people usually use accurate? It shows the ammo type of the 40mm as sabot, which baffles me given that it is an explosive round. And is the 105mm cannon really HEAT? Why fire an anti-tank weapon at clusters of infantry?

Cos anti-tank or not, a high explosive shell of that calibre will do some serious damage to a group of infantry.

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There will be a gunship coming to the game.

After patch 1.56 (PMC DLC, 1.55 before PMC)

And it won't be AC-130 as stated by Dwarden in my PM, as he won't wish to excite MW2 Fanboys.

100% legit

(P.s. I asked during a conversation in IRC while seeking his help in regedit.exe about a corrupted Installation on ArmA 2 from Sprocket)


A little nice details about AC-130

General characteristics

Crew: 13

Officers: 5 (pilot, copilot, navigator, fire control officer, electronic warfare officer)

Enlisted: 8 (flight engineer, TV operator, infrared detection set operator, loadmaster, four aerial gunners)

Length: 97 ft 9 in (29.8 m)

Wingspan: 132 ft 7 in (40.4 m)

Height: 38 ft 6 in (11.7 m)

Loaded weight: 122,400 lb (55,520 kg)

Powerplant: 4× Allison T56-A-15 turboprops, 4,910 shp (3,700 kW) each


Maximum speed: 260 knots (300 mph, 480 km/h)

Range: 2,200 nm (2,530 mi, 4,070 km)

Service ceiling: 30,000 ft (9,100 m)

Weapon Loadouts

AC-130H Spectre

2× 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannon

1× 40 mm (1.58 in) L/60 Bofors cannon

1× 105 mm (4.13 in) M102 howitzer

(Current Armament)

1× 40 mm (1.58 in) L/60 Bofors cannon

1× 105 mm (4.13 in) M102 howitzer

AC-130U Spooky II

1× General Dynamics 25 mm (0.984 in) GAU-12/U Equalizer 5-barreled gatling cannon

1× 40 mm (1.58 in) L/60 Bofors cannon

1× 105 mm (4.13 in) M102 howitzer

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_AC-130

Edited by avengerzx

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I would love to see an official AC-130 addon. It may not be relevant to the OA campaign, but since when does BIS add things simply because they are used in an official campaign?

I would LOVE to see an official AC-130. I would have a field-day with it! Flying howitzer? Sign me up!

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There will be a gunship coming to the game.

After patch 1.56 (PMC DLC, 1.55 before PMC)

And it won't be AC-130 as stated by Dwarden in my PM, as he won't wish to excite MW2 Fanboys.

100% legit

(P.s. I asked during a conversation in IRC while seeking his help in regedit.exe about a corrupted Installation on ArmA 2 from Sprocket)


OK , Well I'm excited . :D

Regarding the AC-130 ... it's a beautiful machine and I would love to see it ingame , but if BIS ever decides to introduce it , I want them to take their time to tweak everything so that it's not simply a C 130 with guns on it's left side released to please us .

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sweet...so this is guaranteed right??? Dwarden said it will be in arma2 as a DLC? but it wont be an AC-130? so did he say or hint as to what it will be? does any body have an idea cause we only used ac-130's when i was in the USAF, i mean they did research work on a Gunship version of the MV-22, but they canceled it...and even tho it would be cool to see it in arma2 i'd very much have something realistic and in service!

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With the way that DLCs are going, its likely to come up in the form of another faction, Maybe the Chinese or the French.

Gunship doesnt have to mean an areoplane, He could of been talking about a helicopter for all we know, Time will tell and eventually we will all find out

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I personally see nothing wrong with adding a AC-130 to the game. They are very useful in afganistan, regardless of what some "Expert" would have you believe in this forum. It seems that when it comes to USAF hardware, equipment, and even personnel some people want to shove a US. Army or Marine Corp label on it. There have been demo maps constructed to a fairly large size, so I'm sure BIS or a team could construct a map large enough to handle it and with all due respect to the AC-130 script creators it shows that there is a demand for the aircraft.

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sweet...so this is guaranteed right??? Dwarden said it will be in arma2 as a DLC? but it wont be an AC-130? so did he say or hint as to what it will be? does any body have an idea cause we only used ac-130's when i was in the USAF, i mean they did research work on a Gunship version of the MV-22, but they canceled it...and even tho it would be cool to see it in arma2 i'd very much have something realistic and in service!

Yup, a Gunship to use for providing CAS for ground units but will not be AC-130. Although it is a legit hint but it will become a further developement in future.

Since the announcement of OA Patch 1.55 (multiple fix on BAF), 1.56 patch (PMC DLC) and ArmA 2 Patch 1.08 on STEAM Official groups, further developement will still become a discussion among BI Developers and also depend the public's feedback on CIT.

Now the CIT has over 300 bug, issue reports and over 100 wishes. So it is a busy time for the team.

Edited by avengerzx

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yeah i understand, when aint our beloved BIS not busy??? but still got my fingers crossed for an ac-130? and at the very least maby after the stuff done on BIS's "Gunship" will open new doors to addon makers to then make ac-130's and other gunships!

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Everyone here wanted an ac130 only because of COD.......

I hate CoD, I wan't one cos my mate was in Afghanistan and when he was working with the marines (he is Australian Army) the US Air-force had an AC-130 in one of there ops

I don't see how adding more units and vehicles to the game would ruine it.

There is already a AC130 script and someone is making a model so your prayers have been heard.

btw, we already got the MLRS, thats far more overkill than a Spooky II. What's up with all the nay sayers? Just because it was in COD doesnt restrict the use.(and hey, we all played it and enjoyed it) If so, we better get all the SF models out of the game!

Yeah but the MRLS hardly ever gets used in Domi

Cant you ristrict the use of certain weapons in MP?

I think an AC-130 is not really the weapon you want to use when you go house seaching, when doing specops in the middle of the night being outnumberd and outgunned it might be usefull against technicals and light armour.

Maybe the scenario has to keep the balance and not the weapons available to make the scanario with.

Maybe a unlock for doing like 100 kills in MP, lets you be in one of the gunners

Soz for diggin up a old thread, I just had some things to say

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