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Another Custom Sounds thread

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hey guys these custom sounds are driving me to the point of madness as 1 wrong key and you have to restart the whole game :mad:.

Ok so my problem is that i am trying to define multiple custom sounds but my ext just doesnt like it

#include "bon_artillery\dialog\Common.hpp"

#include "bon_loadoutpresets\dialog\bon_LoadoutPreset.hpp"

#include "bon_settings\dialog\bon_Settings.hpp"

#include "bon_artillery\dialog\Artillery.hpp"

titleParam1="Time Of Day";




titleParam2="Time Multiplicator";



textsParam2[]={"24 hours day","12 hours day","8 hours day","6 hours day","4 hours day","2 hours day"};



class CfgSounds


tracks[] ={Tactical Nuke, Spawn};

class sound1


name = "Tactical Nuke";

sound[] = {\sounds\Tactical Nuke.ogg, db+10, 0.98};

titles[] =



class sound2


name = "Spawn";

sound[] = {\sounds\Spawn.ogg, db+10, 0.98};

titles[] =





The Error

description.ext, line 38:CfgSounds/: Missings '}'

And i am playing on combined ops should it make a diffrence, and yes i have created the sounds folder, converted to .ogg . thing that puzzles me is the first sound which is tactical nuke works fine but can not use duplicates. please help

Kind Regards

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Don't know if its because you used QUOTE instead of CODE to highlight code in your post, or if your spacing is just a bit "inappropriate". However, with reformatting your code just a little bit, it took me about 2 seconds to find the missing "}":

class CfgSounds
   tracks[] ={Tactical Nuke, Spawn};

   class sound1
       name = "Tactical Nuke";
       sound[] = {\sounds\Tactical Nuke.ogg, db+10, 0.98};
       titles[] = {};

   class sound2
       name = "Spawn";
       sound[] = {\sounds\Spawn.ogg, db+10, 0.98};
       titles[] = {};

So use the CODE thingy in your posts, its the button with the hash on it... Also much easier for others to read your code.


I also see a problem in this line:

tracks[] ={Tactical Nuke, Spawn};

I believe this blank between Tactical and Nuke causes a problem, better to change it to, lets say, Tactical_Nuke. Just in case...

Edited by Bon

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hey guys,

similar Problem here.

My sound is listet in the trigger/tracks drop down menu. But ingame there isnt any Sound.

I checked for spelling mistakes (Foldername / description.ext / Filename) But I cant find any mistakes.

class CfgMusic
   tracks[] ={warning_radio};

   class warning_radio
       name = "warning_radio";
       sound[] = {Sounds\warning_radio.ogg, db+10, 0.88};
       titles[] = {};


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  haroon said:
isn't it CfgSounds?

Yours have CfgMusic

yes, cause for some reason ArmA2 always ctd while saving after renaming CfgMusic to CfgSounds. The errormessage says.

Line 46:. CfgSounds: Member already defined

Line 46 is but empty...there´s no single letter.

This is strange

EDIT: CfgSounds always causes CTD, only CfgMusic seems to work. That means that I can select the Track from the Effeckt Track List. But no sound appears once the trigger activates. Any ideas?

Edited by MemphisBelle

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Search all your files in your mission for CfgSounds. If it's not defined in your description.ext, then it's defined in one of the includes. Note that any (or some?) preprocessor commands are stripped before execution, which may lead to wrong line numbers being reported. As for triggers, you need CfgSFX.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Line 46:. CfgSounds: Member already defined

You should provide the full description.ext contents so that we could find the error.

(As CarlGustaffa said,remember that you CAN'T define CfgSounds TWICE! or any other classes with the same name TWICE!)

But no sound appears once the trigger activates. Any ideas?

The problem of sounds NOT PLAYING in the editor can also be due to the Bitrate of the sound.

I heard you can only use 22xxxx and 44100 hz for radio.

(As for me, I always use the 2xxx (can't remember the exact numbers))

Try something like this :

playSound "YourSoundName";

playMusic "YourMusicName"

unit sideRadio "YourRadioSoundName";

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