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Operation ArrowHead - Dedicated Server Download - Complete

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I have a server in the US but live in Australia. I would like to create a dedicated server for OA but for me to do that I have to "somehow" get the complete version of the game on the server.

Why is it that BI dont make a Dedicated server version of ArmaII or OA available for download? As it is now Im stuck :-(

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How doesn't that make sense? The server.exe needs to access all those addons which is included in the install. If you found server.exe floating around it just wouldn't do you anything good without the game data there. The thing it doesn't do is require the DVD to be present.

Edit: Oh, guess I misread that a bit.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Cant he upload his game with the server.exe to the Hosting server...?

With linux, u just copy your full map to the place you want to host a dedicated server

and then add the server.exe thing, it will sett your stuff rite for the linux way of reading files, is that not possible to do with windows...?

Or else, i dunno on what operating system it runs...?

if its on linux, you can do the trick, just upload your arma2 game folder to the server, then add the server.exe file you can download @ the bis arma 2 website....

for windows i dont know if possible that way....?

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I noticed I was unable to run any of the co-op campaigns through a dedicated server.

Which was a disappointment.

Obviously stock campaigns are well balanced but not all fan made ones are.

Edited by Baff1

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Ice I don't really understand your problem. The dedicated server .exe files are included with the game and you need a full install on the server for it to work. There IS a downloadable version, it's called buying the game on sprocket. To distribute it free would be really really daft. If you need to move stuff to your hosting provider you will need to upload it there yourself. As CG says you need all the contents of the arma2 game folder to make it work so just upload your entire A2 or OA folder .... It might take you a couple of days.

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