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modding tutorials?

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hi all

i would like to have ago at making some mods for arma2/OA, is there tutorials on sound mods, models ect ect? i cant seem to find any


if this dont belong here, can a mod please move instead of delete? would be great

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oh yeah, i only have the section where its got general, suggestions ect bookmarked, will have to change that

thankyou. got it :)

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good luck with tutorials, they didn't help me too much. Try studying example models , (ie binkowski's sample models, a1 sample models) and go from there. I did most things until I met snake man, my 'mentor' i suppose. So yeah, basically try to learn as much on your own and then try to find someone who can help you from there on.

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the subject is very wide (modding in general). Each part of the process requires another set of skills.

Depending on the project you want to make, you would need a to know and use a different software.

Anyways, there are some tutorials for O2 on those forums. For modelling in general (no matter what commercial software out there), there are tons of tutorials around the web.

No matter what you plan to do, you need to be armed with a lot of patience for it. It is not rocket science, but it's not easy either.

For modelling (in the case you never used a 3d modelling software before), i would recommend Blender since it is free, it has a lot of support and documentation available for a product that can go head to head with any other commercial big software out there (max, modo, lightwave, etc).

The big plus is that there are also a set of plug-ins/scripts making it able to export the model right into O2, while doing 90% of the work outside it.

I cannot really recommend O2 for anything else but basic work, since it misses a lot of the features that are standard in todays modelling packages.

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I started in arma1 using Brsseb's tutorials for OFP.

althoug completely out dated in the confgi department, they can still be a good place to start to learn modelling, O2 functions, and proxies.

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I recommend finding someone that will help you out, here in there tutorials are cool. But some time if you have know idea what your doing the wording can be confusing. I just stated textureing about a mouth ago I think, with the help of my mentor Fox '09, in I still don't know what I'm doing all the time, but Im still committed learning. But yea Id suggest finding someone with patience that knows what there doing to help you out when you get stuck. Most if not all the modders on here that i've met are real cool, so if it was me that's were id start.

Edited by esco7800

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