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WKK Gimbal

Jedi knight outcast

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I bought Jedi Knight Outcast today, without having tried a demo first...

Please tell me that the game play becomes more interesting later on?

It's totally jump,shoot,jump,shoot,jump,shoot in the beginning. Pretty much like the very first Dark Forces game, just with better graphics... sad.gif

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My advice is try a demo before you buy a game. I don't have that game so i can't really answer your question!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ May 01 2002,14:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My advice is try a demo before you buy a game.<span id='postcolor'>

Don't step in it!


I feel stoopid sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ May 01 2002,14:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ May 01 2002,14:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My advice is try a demo before you buy a game.<span id='postcolor'>

Don't step in it!


I feel stoopid sad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

LOL, sorry man but it's the truth biggrin.gif

Hilandor, you sound like my mom when you do that biggrin.gif

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I liked the fist DarkForces, so i enjoyed the first two levels. Although i got lost very much. The later levels are great. The 3rd level you have a training for force powers, which i didn't like, but the rest of the game is great. Really, i have no regrets. But i have to admit that Deus Ex is still the best game ever wink.gif

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Okay Gimbal, jsut bare with it. I didnt like the earleir sections of the game but I kid you not, the moment you get your lightsaber the game just totally comes into its own. If your much of a star wars fan, then your in for some very nice surprises. IF you keep plowing through the early boring stuff.

Ive played it through three times now and its still fun as hell.

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Ok, that sounds relieving... smile.gif I'll wait for my lightsaber then.

I too liked Dark Forces, but that was back when the only alternative was Doom.

BTW, Gorgi... I see you found good use in the "Happy Website" biggrin.gif

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And at the end of the game, you will be able to ride an AT-ST. Yessir, i can boogie. It is the only level where you can actually ride one. It's hatch is open, so jump upon it and ride it. It is in third person, but it is fun to step on the dark jedi's.

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aye you'll be slicin through stormtroopers before you know it! after i got the saber i used it 95% of the time. the only time i used another gun was when i had to deal with a sniper.

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And at the end of the game, you will be able to ride an AT-ST. Yessir, i can boogie. It is the only level where you can actually ride one. It's hatch is open, so jump upon it and ride it. It is in third person, but it is fun to step on the dark jedi's.

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Try multiplayer....key to the sabre only, no Force power duels. Almost pulled me away from OFP smile.gif

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i like force powers tho smile.gif i get kicked so much for force pushing people off in bespin exhaust shafts. it's just hilarious to see them fall down and fly off and hear them scream

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Yea...thats why I like to no Force duels LOL

I get sick and tired of trying to get a good duel going(especially in the FFA servers).....and have someone do that to me....just seems a little cheap to me smile.gif

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it's slowly growing on me now. I can feel entertained for 1 hour of continous gameplay, which is a big improvement. And I haven't even gotten to the light saber yet smile.gif

I think I began to remember the old Dark Forces better.

BTW, how do you use those coloured access cards in the main-array-switch-hall-thingy at the first level? You need all keys before any doors can open?

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Hmm if your talkign about what i think you are, you need to pick up 3 different codes and do some stuff, then when you go back t othat middle area you enter the codes (you have to arrange shapes) and then when the shapes are in the right order, you flip some switches. I think the shapes are blue green and red or something. I know this hasnt helped you at all smile.gif

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yes it has - now I know I have to get all access cards first, not one at a time smile.gif


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lol no worries. I remember every single part of the game, quite literally. Just not in perfect detail smile.gif

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If the game becomes repetative to you after playing through, you can also tweak your enemies AI to be much harder to beat, lots of things you can do in the configuration files. I didn´t liked that Stormtroopers for example were just cannonfodder in the films and games, hardly hitting a target etc, so i tweaked their abilities a little to be a bit more how i think they should be.

If you´ve played through the game you can experiment with the content of the assets0.pk3 file found in the JK2\Gamedata\base directory, from sounds to music, textures, 3Dmodels and config files everything is in there. Just rename the assets0.pk3 to assets0.zip, and you can handle it like a zipped archive, what it basically is.

If you want to change unit parameters, look for npcs.cfg.

Things you can adjust in there:

//Star Wars


defaults and explanations of fields:

aggression- 3 How likely they are to attack (from 1 (least) to 5 (most))

aim- 3 How good their aim is (from 1 (worst) to 5 (best))

earshot- 1024 How far in map units they can hear, in map units

evasion- 3 How likely they are to take cover or defensive maneuvers (from 1 (least) to 5 (most))

hfov- 45 Horizontal field of view, in angles

intelligence- 3 How smart they are, in general (from 1 (least) to 5 (most))

move- 3 How complex their moves are when evading or in combat  (from 1 (least) to 5 (most))

reactions- 3 How quickly they react  (from 1 (worst) to 5 (best))

shootDistance- 0 Overrides current weapon's max range

vfov- 34 Vertical field of view, in angles

vigilance- 0.1 How likely they are to notice something (from 0 (never) to 1 (always))

visrange- 2048 How far away they can see something, in map units

race- none human, borg, parasite, klingon, malon, hirogen, stasis, species8472, dreadnought, harvester, reaver, avatar, vulcan

playerTeam none player, enemy, neutral

enemyTeam none player, enemy, neutral

health- 100 Health of entity (if not supplied by designer)

moveType- "runjump" Which movetype they can be (other choices are "static", "walk" and "flyswim"

yawSpeed- 50 How quickly they can turn

walkSpeed- 150 How fast they walk

runSpeed - 300 How fast they run

acceleration- 15 Acceleration (accel x 20fps = speed up per second, so accel of 15 means they can go from 0 to 300 in one second)

Accel of 0 means don't accel/decel - just start/stop (good if you're a slow mover anyway and/or robotic - like a Borg)

scaleX- 100 X (horiz) scale, 100 is normal 100% scale

scaleY- 100 Y (horiz) scale, 100 is normal 100% scale

scaleZ- 100 Z (vert) scale, 100 is normal 100% scale

scale- 100 Sets all above 3 to what you specify

headModel "hazard" model directory/skin name

torsoModel "hazard" model directory/skin name

legsModel "hazard" model directory/skin name

headYawRangeLeft- 70 How far left you can turn your head (angles)

headYawRangeRight- 70 How far right you can turn your head (angles)

headPitchRangeUp- 60 How far up you can tilt your head (angles)

headPitchRangeDown- 60 How far down you can tilt your head (angles)

torsoYawRangeLeft- 60 How far left you can turn your torso (angles)

torsoYawRangeRight- 60 How far right you can turn your torso (angles)

torsoPitchRangeUp- 30 How far up you can tilt your torso (angles)

torsoPitchRangeDown- 70 How far down you can tilt your torso (angles)

snd "munro" subdirectory of sound/player from which to get custom sounds (pain, death, jump, etc.)

dismemberProbHead- 0 probability of head being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )

dismemberProbArms- 0 probability of arms being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )

dismemberProbHands- 0 probability of hands being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )

dismemberProbLegs- 0 probability of legs being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )

dismemberProbWaist- 0 probability of waist being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )


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There is a great disturbance in the force... that disturbance is me. Most of the time in Dark Forces: Jedi Knight 2 I would end up on the dark side, altho the light side have some very useful powers indeed. Mulitplayer kicks smile.gif I was always gripping my friends neck and throwing crates at him, then as the light jedi I would blind him make him think i was not there and then crack him with my lightsabre biggrin.gif also it was funny I had my sabre ready and he ran right up to me firing his little laser blaster only to cop all his shots himself and die! Having sabre duels is the best but you HAVE to have force powers too! In this game you can counter certain force powers with powers of your own, like force absorb I think gives you force power instead of damaging you when a dark jedi attacks you with it. This is the old Jedi Knight 2 tho, real soon I'm getting Outcast.

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Jedi Outcast is Jedi Knight 2.

The one before that was Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight and the addon pack, Mysteries of the Sith


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Yeah I know its Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. However it has been refered to by some as Jedi Knight 2, altho I can't see the logic in it being called Jedi Knight 2 anyway because in Dark Forces there WERE no jedi knights (I think so anyway I only ever tried the demo)

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true, it was about these super-stormtroopers (Dark Troopers)who where shit-hard to kick. At one point you are stuck in a small ventilation shaft with one of them, in skeletal form, hunting you like terminator. Very good game in it's time.

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