wizbomb 10 Posted July 30, 2010 ok i have a great idea for a mission that could be easy to start when you just want to have fun i will title it Battle Field 2 style missions and it is exactly what it says there will be a US base and a TK base, as much as 4 flags to capture and i do not believe i will have an ending to it for hours of fun! but i need serous help , because its ganna be a battle field style map im ganna need 1. a simple re-spawn and move to multiple way-points script for infantry with unlimited re-spawns 2. a simple re-spawn and move to multiple way-points script for Armor/Helicopter/Light Vehicle with unlimited re-spawns 3. a simple re-spawn for the player with unlimited re-spawns 4. and some way to delete bodies and destroyed tanks for less lag and cluster now i have used the search function but no one really seems to have an answer to all these any help will be appreciated and your name will be listed in help&thanks when i upload it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted July 30, 2010 (edited) If its PVP why dont you use Tophes vehicle respawn script /* ========================================================= Simple Vehicle Respawn Script v1.6 by Tophe of Östgöta Ops [OOPS] Put this in the vehicles init line: veh = [this] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Options: There are some optional settings. The format for these are: veh = [this, Delay, Deserted timer, Respawns, Effect, Static] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Default respawn delay is 30 seconds, to set a custom respawn delay time, put that in the init as well. Like this: veh = [this, 15] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Default respawn time when vehicle is deserted, but not destroyed is 120 seconds. To set a custom timer for this first put the respawn delay, then the deserted vehicle timer- Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10] execVM "vehicle.sqf" By default the number of respawns is infinite. To set a limit First set the other values then the number of respawns you want (0 = infinite). Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Set this value to TRUE to add a special explosion effect to the wreck when respawning. Default value is FALSE, which will simply have the wreck disappear. Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE] execVM "vehicle.sqf" By default the vehicle will respawn to the point where it first was when the mission started (static). This can be changed to dynamic. Then the vehicle will respawn to the position where it was destroyed. First set all the other values then set TRUE for dynamic or FALSE for static. Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE, TRUE] execVM "vehicle.sqf" If you you want to set the INIT field of the respawned vehicle, first set all other values, then set init commands. Those must be inside quotations. Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE, FALSE, "this setDammage 0.5"] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Default values of all settings are: veh = [this, 30, 120, 0, FALSE, FALSE] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Contact & Bugreport: harlechin@hotmail.com ========================================================= */ if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // Define variables _unit = _this select 0; _delay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {30}; _deserted = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {120}; _respawns = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0}; _explode = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {false}; _dynamic = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false}; _unitinit = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {}; _haveinit = if (count _this > 6) then {true} else {false}; _hasname = false; _unitname = vehicleVarName _unit; if (isNil _unitname) then {_hasname = false;} else {_hasname = true;}; _noend = true; _run = true; _rounds = 0; if (_delay < 0) then {_delay = 0}; if (_deserted < 0) then {_deserted = 0}; if (_respawns <= 0) then {_respawns= 0; _noend = true;}; if (_respawns > 0) then {_noend = false}; _dir = getDir _unit; _position = getPosASL _unit; _type = typeOf _unit; _dead = false; _nodelay = false; // Start monitoring the vehicle while {_run} do { sleep (2 + random 10); if ((getDammage _unit > 0.8) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0)) then {_dead = true}; // Check if the vehicle is deserted. if ((getPosASL _unit distance _position > 10) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) and (getDammage _unit < 0.8)) then { _timeout = time + _deserted; sleep 0.1; waitUntil {_timeout < time or !alive _unit or {alive _x} count crew _unit > 0}; if ({alive _x} count crew _unit > 0) then {_dead = false}; if ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) then {_dead = true; _nodelay =true}; if !(alive _unit) then {_dead = true; _nodelay = false}; }; // Respawn vehicle if (_dead) then { if (_nodelay) then {sleep 0.1; _nodelay = false;} else {sleep _delay;}; if (_dynamic) then {_position = getPosASL _unit; _dir = getDir _unit;}; if (_explode) then {_effect = "M_TOW_AT" createVehicle getPosASL _unit; _effect setPosASL getPosASL _unit;}; sleep 0.1; deleteVehicle _unit; sleep 2; _unit = _type createVehicle _position; _unit setPosASL _position; _unit setDir _dir; if (_haveinit) then {_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1;", _unitinit]; processInitCommands;}; if (_hasname) then {_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1 = this; this setVehicleVarName ""%1""",_unitname]; processInitCommands;}; _dead = false; // Check respawn amount if !(_noend) then {_rounds = _rounds + 1}; if ((_rounds == _respawns) and !(_noend)) then {_run = false;}; }; }; Also use Tophes weapon crate filler // Universal Crate Filler 1.0 // by Tophe of Östgöta Ops // Usage: // nul = [this] execVM "crateFiller.sqf" // // Optional settings: // nul = [this,side(west,east,all),game(arma,ao,all),refill(true/false),weapons(amount),magazines(amount),equipment(amount)] execVM "crateFiller.sqf" // // Default values: // nul = [this,"west","all",false,30,75,30] execVM "crateFiller.sqf" // Set variables _box = _this select 0; _side = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {"west"}; _game = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {"all"}; _refill = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {false}; _amountw = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {30}; _amountm = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {75}; _amounte = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {30}; _run = true; // Check variables //hint format ["%1", typename _side]; if !(typename _side == "STRING") then {hint "Universal Box Filler:\n Side setting must be West/East/All \n \n It is now changed to West \n Set it in the map editor"; _side = "west"}; if !(typename _game == "STRING") then {hint "Universal Box Filler:\n Game setting must be Arma/AO/All \n \n It is now changed to All \n Set it in the map editor"; _side = "west"}; if !(_side == "west" or _side == "east" or _side == "all") then {hint "Universal Box Filler:\n Side setting must be West/East/All \n \n It is now changed to West \n Set it in the map editor"; _side = "west"}; if !(_game == "arma" or _game == "AO" or _game == "all") then {hint "Universal Box Filler:\n Game setting must be Arma/AO/All \n \n It is now changed to All \n Set it in the map editor";_game = "all"}; if !(typename _refill == "BOOL") then {hint "Universal Box Filler:\n Refill must be set to True/False \n \n It is now changed to False\n Set it in the map editor";_refill = false}; if !(typename _amountw == "SCALAR") then {hint "Universal Box Filler:\n Weapon amount must be a number \n \n It is now changed to 30\n Set it in the map editor"; _amountw = 30}; if !(typename _amountm == "SCALAR") then {hint "Universal Box Filler:\n Magazine amount must be a number \n \n It is now changed to 75\n Set it in the map editor"; _amountw = 75}; if !(typename _amounte == "SCALAR") then {hint "Universal Box Filler:\n Equipment amount must be a number \n \n It is now changed to 30\n Set it in the map editor"; _amountw = 30}; // Debug //hint format["Side: %1, Game: %2, Refill: %3, w: %4, m: %5, e: %6",_side, _game, _refill, _amountw, _amountm, _amounte]; while {_run} do { clearWeaponCargo _box; clearMagazineCargo _box; // Add Common equipment _box addMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["Mine", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade",_amountm]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Binocular", _amounte]; _box addWeaponCargo ["ItemCompass", _amounte]; _box addWeaponCargo ["ItemGPS", _amounte]; _box addWeaponCargo ["ItemMap", _amounte]; _box addWeaponCargo ["ItemRadio", _amounte]; _box addWeaponCargo ["ItemWatch", _amounte]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator", _amounte]; _box addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles", _amounte]; _box addMagazineCargo ["Laserbatteries", _amounte]; // Add Arrowhead Equipment if ((_game == "AO") or (_game == "all" )) then { _box addWeaponCargo ["Binocular_Vector", _amounte]; _box addMagazineCargo ["IR_Strobe_Target", _amounte]; _box addMagazineCargo ["IR_Strobe_Marker", _amounte]; }; // Fill with West Equipment if (_side == "west" or _side == "all") then { // Add Arma2 Weapons if (_game == "arma" or _game == "all") then { // Rifles _box addWeaponCargo ["M16A2", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M16A4", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_GL", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_AIM", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_AIM_CAMO", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_RCO_GL", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_AIM_SD_CAMO", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_CAMO", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_CAMO", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4SPR", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["m8_Carbine", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["m8_CarbineGL", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["m8_Compact", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["m8_Sharpshooter", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["m8_SAW", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36A", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36K", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36C", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_Eotech", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["MG36", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["DMR", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", _amountw]; // Machineguns _box addWeaponCargo ["M249", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M240", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["MK_48", _amountw]; // Sniper _box addWeaponCargo ["M24", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M40A3", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["m107", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M1014", _amountw]; // Sidearms _box addWeaponCargo ["Colt1911", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M9", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M9SD", _amountw]; // Launchers _box addWeaponCargo ["M136", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SMAW", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Javelin", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Stinger", _amountw]; }; // Add Arrowhead Weapons if (_game == "AO" or _game == "all") then { // Making sure some equipment is not added twice if !((_side == "all" and _game == "all") or (_side == "all" and _game == "AO")) then { _box addWeaponCargo ["G36A_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36C_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36K_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["LeeEnfield", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["FN_FAL", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4", _amountw]; }; // Rifles _box addWeaponCargo ["M14_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A3_CCO_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_CQC_CCO_SD", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_CQC", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_CQC_Holo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_CQC_EGLM_Holo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_TWS", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_HOLO", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD", _amountw]; // Machineguns _box addWeaponCargo ["MG36_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["m240_scoped_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M249_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M249_m145_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M249_TWS_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M60A4_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Mk_48_DES_EP1", _amountw]; // Sniper _box addWeaponCargo ["m107_TWS_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M110_NVG_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M110_TWS_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M24_des_EP1", _amountw]; // Handguns _box addWeaponCargo ["glock17_EP1", _amountw]; // Launchers _box addWeaponCargo ["M47Launcher_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["MAAWS", _amountw]; // Grenade Launchers _box addWeaponCargo ["Mk13_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M32_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M79_EP1", _amountw]; }; // Add Arma 2 magazines if ((_game == "arma") or (_game == "all")) then { _box addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEAA", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEDP", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30rnd_9x19_MP5", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30rnd_9x19_MP5SD", _amountm]; }; // Add Arrowhead Magazines if ((_game == "AO") or (_game == "all")) then { if !((_game == "all" and _side == "all") or (_game == "AO" and _side == "all")) then { _box addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL", _amountm]; }; _box addMagazineCargo ["10x_303", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["17Rnd_9x19_glock17", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["Dragon_EP1", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["MAAWS_HEAT", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["MAAWS_HEDP", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["6Rnd_HE_M203", _amountm]; }; // Add Common Magazines if !((_game == "all" and _side == "all") or (_game == "AO" and _side == "all")) then { _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", _amountm]; }; _box addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_556x45_Stanag", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_127x99_M107", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["M136", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["Javelin", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["Stinger", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_West", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellYellow", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellPurple", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellBlue", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellOrange", _amountm]; // Add Common Weapons _box addWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["M4A1", _amountw]; }; // Fill with East Equipment if (_side == "east" or _side == "all") then { // Add Arma2 Weapons if (_game == "arma" or _game == "all") then { //Rifles _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_107_kobra", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_107_GL_kobra", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_107_GL_pso", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_107_pso",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_UN_kobra",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Bizon",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["bizon_silenced",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Saiga12K",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["VSS_vintorez",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Pecheneg",_amountw]; // Machineguns _box addWeaponCargo ["Huntingrifle",_amountw]; // Sniper Rifles _box addWeaponCargo ["SVD_CAMO",_amountw]; // Arma2 Ammo _box addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AKSD", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["64Rnd_9x19_Bizon", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS", _amountm]; }; if (_game == "AO" or _game == "all") then { // Rifles _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_74_GL_kobra", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_GOSHAWK", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_NSPU", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["FN_FAL", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36A_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36C_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["G36K_camo", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["LeeEnfield", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Sa58P_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Sa58V_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Sa58V_RCO_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Sa58V_CCO_EP1", _amountw]; // Sniper rifles _box addWeaponCargo ["SVD_des_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SVD_NSPU_EP1", _amountw]; // Sidearm _box addWeaponCargo ["revolver_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["revolver_gold_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Sa61_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["UZI_EP1", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["UZI_SD_EP1", _amountw]; // AT _box addWeaponCargo ["MetisLauncher", _amountw]; // Arrowhead Ammo _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_SA58", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["6Rnd_45ACP", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_UZI", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD", _amountm]; }; // Common East Weapons // Rifles _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_74_GL",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_kobra", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_pso", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_74", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_U",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_47_M",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["AK_47_S",_amountw]; // Sniper Rifles _box addWeaponCargo ["KSVK",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["SVD",_amountw]; // Machineguns _box addWeaponCargo ["PK", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["RPK_74", _amountw]; // Sidearms _box addWeaponCargo ["Makarov",_amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["MakarovSD",_amountw]; // Launchers _box addWeaponCargo ["RPG18", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["RPG7V", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Strela", _amountw]; _box addWeaponCargo ["Igla", _amountw]; // Common East Ammo _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AK", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_762x54_SVD", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["75Rnd_545x39_RPK", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_East", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["Igla", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["RPG18", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["Strela", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["AT13", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["PG7V", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["PG7VL", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["PG7VR", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["OG7", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_GP25", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_GP25", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_GP25", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_GP25", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_GP25", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_GP25", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_GP25", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_GP25", _amountm]; _box addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_GP25", _amountm]; }; if (!alive _box) then {_run = false}; if (!_refill) then {_run = false}; sleep 300; }; Another option is using the F2 framework here. The F2 framework can help delete bodies as well. Here is a PVP mission wizard here. You should also read up on respawns here description.ext Edited July 30, 2010 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted July 30, 2010 Latest version of Tophe's respawn script is 1.7 btw. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wizbomb 10 Posted July 30, 2010 its not PVP, i dont think i made this clear.....i do not believe this is ganna be multiplayer....I meant for this to be a single player mission that you can just pick up out of the blue for great fun, im ganna be using actual groups of soldiers and actual groups of crewmen in one tank or light vehicle with only two waypoints.......the rest like objectives and things i can do on my own Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Przemek_kondor 14 Posted July 30, 2010 There are already BF style missions: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7630 or http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7904 - you can just download it and play (instead of creating another one) or download, extract and see how it's done Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon zen 16 Posted July 30, 2010 hehe ,thx kondor, never notice the BF2 missions. It is a good idea and it will be huge work to make such a mission. Wishes those missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wizbomb 10 Posted July 31, 2010 hey i have found a good respawn for vehicles but i dont have a respawn and move to waypoint for groups and i dont have one for the player...can someone point me in the right direction? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wizbomb 10 Posted August 1, 2010 i guess no one knows? hmmmm...pitty....i guess sometimes i feel the editor can do everything Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACPL Jon 68 Posted August 1, 2010 Norrin example scripts on the OFPEC.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wizbomb 10 Posted August 1, 2010 (edited) Norrin example scripts on the OFPEC.com im sorry but i cant find anything titled.... Norrin's example scripts.....can u give me a link --EDIT-- Ok i found it! thank you guys! everyone involved will get a piece of the pie! ---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ---------- ok im sure that norrins script works great but i cant load the mission cuz i have arma2 not arma1! it need arma1 for the demo mission and there is no readme explaining how to do it! help! FPDR Edited August 1, 2010 by wizbomb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites