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Shock's Building Garrison Function (SBGF)

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Thanks as always Foxhound!






>>Optimizations and error fixes

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Thanks as always Foxhound!






>>Optimizations and error fixes

Finally... It gets updated. :D

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Finally... It gets updated. :D

Your're more than welcome to take over at anytime :p.

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Your're more than welcome to take over at anytime :P.

Ok tried it first time and getting this error:



This is my call line:

_units = [_sidepos,WEST,500,0.3,["B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_lite_F","B_Soldier_GL_F","B_soldier_AR_F","B_Soldier_SL_F","B_Soldier_TL_F","B_soldier_M_F","B_soldier_LAT_F","B_medic_F","B_Soldier_A_F","B_soldier_AT_F","B_soldier_AA_F"],-1] spawn SBGF_fnc_garrison;

And even the previous version started getting an error since latest stable update:

........ #call SBGF_fnc_Garrison;

undefined variable in SBGF_fnc_Garrison

Any clues J?

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What is "_sidepos"?


I just tested in Stratis at Camp Rogain and copied your call line, changed "_sidepos" to "player" and no error.

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What is "_sidepos"?


I just tested in Stratis at Camp Rogain and copied your call line, changed "_sidepos" to "player" and no error.

I put the call line in side1.sqf, and _sidepos is a marker position. Derived like so at the top of side1.sqf:

_sidepos = _this select 0;

And the source file has this:


...[getmarkerPos _city] execVM "side1.sqf";

Where _city is a selectrandom from marker array. Was working well in your previous version. :)

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Hello J,


I know you have been busy. But I am not able to find any conflicts with _sidepos as explained above. As I use the same variable flawlessly for your JSHK_patrol function which by the way is another slim and sleek masterpiece.


Need a little attention here man. My mission is incomplete without CQB :(

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@ jshock I have just played around with 6 different garrison scripts in one mission at different locations your script is top of the line with the ability to use editor and spawn units via trigger. The one downside of your script is that Only one unit will garrison a building. Yes more total buildings get garrison in the AO but the makes it a little easy to clear a build if only one unit inside. Will your script allow for 2-3 units to garrison the same building with some simple modifications. Is that something you are willing to do in a update? Avibird.


Garrison script A3[bETA] by zorilya v1.7.1 you can set the number of units that will garrison a building but the script is only for editor units that are on the map at start of the mission not good for big missions with multiple AO.

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Was able to get groups in building with : [this,"mrk2",20] call SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison;

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Was that editor units or spawned units and how many in a build from a group any more the 2-4 is KlusterF in my opinion lol I am only looking for spaw2-4 units and 2-4 per building

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