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GWAR 3 patch 1.54 broke the Attachments
soundblaster posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Fellow members, I am working on a tweaked realism version of the beautiful mod GWAR3 made by GossamerSolid. I noticed after patch 1.54 the attachment purchasing is broken. I am still investigating this issue but maybe someone here more experienced can point me to the right direction. Sorry for the long ass code but I want to avoid giving too few info. The attachment part is processed in line 502. Thank you for your time. disableSerialization; _display = _this select 0; //Block UI for network call _netBlockBGCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1110; _netBlockBGCTRL ctrlShow true; _netBlockTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1111; _netBlockTextCTRL ctrlShow true; //Vars GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = false; GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = false; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = false; GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT = false; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = false; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = false; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = false; GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_GETTEMPLATES = false; GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; GW_PUREQUIP_TOTALCOST = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = []; GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM = 131072; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX = 0; //Redraw template inventory fnc_purequip_redrawInventory = { private["_parentDisplay"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisplay = _this select 0; _uniformCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1200; _vestCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1201; _backpackCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1202; _headgearCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1203; _faceCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1204; _nvgCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1205; _binocsCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1206; _mapCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1222; _gpsCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1223; _radioCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1224; _compassCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1225; _watchCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1226; _primaryCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1207; _primaryMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1210; _primarySideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1211; _primaryTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1208; _primaryBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1209; _secondaryCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1212; _secondaryMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1213; _secondarySideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1214; _secondaryTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1215; _secondaryBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1216; _handgunCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1217; _handgunMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1218; _handgunSideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1219; _handgunTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1220; _handgunBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1221; _removeUniformCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1606; _removeVestCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1607; _removeBackpackCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1608; //Uniform _uniformPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_uniform_gs.paa"; _uniformTT = "No Uniform"; _uniformClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0; if (_uniformClass != "") then { _uniformPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _uniformClass >> "Picture"); _uniformTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _uniformClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_uniformClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_UNIFORMS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_uniformTT = _uniformTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_UNIFORMS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeUniformCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeUniformCTRL ctrlShow false}; _uniformCTRL ctrlSetText _uniformPic; _uniformCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _uniformTT; //Vest _vestPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_vest_gs.paa"; _vestTT = "No Vest"; _vestClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0; if (_vestClass != "") then { _vestPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _vestClass >> "Picture"); _vestTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _vestClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_vestClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_VESTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_vestTT = _vestTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_VESTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeVestCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeVestCTRL ctrlShow false}; _vestCTRL ctrlSetText _vestPic; _vestCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _vestTT; //Backpack _backpackPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_backpack_gs.paa"; _backpackTT = "No Backpack"; _backClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0; if (_backClass != "") then { _backpackPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backClass >> "Picture"); _backpackTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_backClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_BACKPACKS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_backpackTT = _backpackTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_BACKPACKS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeBackpackCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeBackpackCTRL ctrlShow false}; _backpackCTRL ctrlSetText _backpackPic; _backpackCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _backpackTT; //Headgear _headgearPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_helmet_gs.paa"; _headgearTT = "No Headgear"; _headClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 0; if (_headClass != "") then { _headgearPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _headClass >> "Picture"); _headgearTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _headClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_headClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_HEADGEAR] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_headgearTT = _headgearTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_HEADGEAR select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _headgearCTRL ctrlSetText _headgearPic; _headgearCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _headgearTT; //Facewear _facePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_glasses_gs.paa"; _faceTT = "No Facewear"; _faceClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 1; if (_faceClass != "") then { _facePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _faceClass >> "Picture"); _faceTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _faceClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_faceClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_FACEWEAR] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_faceTT = _faceTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_FACEWEAR select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _faceCTRL ctrlSetText _facePic; _faceCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _faceTT; //NVG _nvgPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_nvg_gs.paa"; _nvgTT = "No Head Mounted Display"; _nvgClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 3; if (_nvgClass != "") then { _nvgPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nvgClass >> "Picture"); _nvgTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nvgClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_nvgClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_nvgTT = _nvgTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _nvgCTRL ctrlSetText _nvgPic; _nvgCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _nvgTT; //Binoculars _binocsPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_binocular_gs.paa"; _binocsTT = "No Binocular"; _binocClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 2; if (_binocClass != "") then { _binocsPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _binocClass >> "Picture"); _binocsTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _binocClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_binocClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_binocsTT = _binocsTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _binocsCTRL ctrlSetText _binocsPic; _binocsCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _binocsTT; //Map _mapPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_map_gs.paa"; _mapTT = "No Map"; _mapClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 2; if (_mapClass != "") then { _mapPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _mapClass >> "Picture"); _mapTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _mapClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_mapClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_mapTT = _mapTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _mapCTRL ctrlSetText _mapPic; _mapCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _mapTT; //GPS _gpsPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_gps_gs.paa"; _gpsTT = "No GPS"; _gpsClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 1; if (_gpsClass != "") then { _gpsPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _gpsClass >> "Picture"); _gpsTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _gpsClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_gpsClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_gpsTT = _gpsTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _gpsCTRL ctrlSetText _gpsPic; _gpsCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _gpsTT; //Radio _radioPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_radio_gs.paa"; _radioTT = "No Radio"; _radioClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 3; if (_radioClass != "") then { _radioPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _radioClass >> "Picture"); _radioTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _radioClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_radioClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_radioTT = _radioTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _radioCTRL ctrlSetText _radioPic; _radioCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _radioTT; //Compass _compassPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_compass_gs.paa"; _compassTT = "No Compass"; _compassClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 0; if (_compassClass != "") then { _compassPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _compassClass >> "Picture"); _compassTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _compassClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_compassClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_compassTT = _compassTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _compassCTRL ctrlSetText _compassPic; _compassCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _compassTT; //Watch _watchPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_watch_gs.paa"; _watchTT = "No Watch"; _watchClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 4; if (_watchClass != "") then { _watchPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _watchClass >> "Picture"); _watchTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _watchClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_watchClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_watchTT = _watchTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _watchCTRL ctrlSetText _watchPic; _watchCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _watchTT; //Primary Weapon _primaryPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_primary_gs.paa"; _primaryTT = "No Primary Weapon"; _primaryMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _primaryMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _primarySidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _primarySideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _primaryTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _primaryTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _primaryBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _primaryBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _primaryClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 7) select 0; if (_primaryClass != "") then { _primaryPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryClass >> "Picture"); _primaryTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_primaryClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_PRIMARY] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryTT = _primaryTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_PRIMARY select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _primaryAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 7) select 1; if (_primaryAttach select 0 != "") then { _primaryMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _primaryMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryMuzTT = _primaryMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if (_primaryAttach select 1 != "") then { _primarySidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _primarySideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primarySideTT = _primarySideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if (_primaryAttach select 2 != "") then { _primaryTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _primaryTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryTopTT = _primaryTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_primaryAttach select 3) != "") then { _primaryBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _primaryBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryBipodTT = _primaryBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _primaryCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryPic; _primaryCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryTT; _primaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryMuzPic; _primaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryMuzTT; _primarySideCTRL ctrlSetText _primarySidePic; _primarySideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primarySideTT; _primaryTopCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryTopPic; _primaryTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryTopTT; _primaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryBipodPic; _primaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryBipodTT; //Secondary Weapon _secondaryPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_secondary_gs.paa"; _secondaryTT = "No Secondary Weapon"; _secondaryMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _secondaryMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _secondarySidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _secondarySideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _secondaryTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _secondaryTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _secondaryBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _secondaryBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _secondaryClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 8) select 0; if (_secondaryClass != "") then { _secondaryPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _secondaryClass >> "Picture"); _secondaryTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _secondaryClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_secondaryClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SECONDARY] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryTT = _secondaryTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SECONDARY select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _secondaryAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 8) select 1; if ((_secondaryAttach select 0) != "") then { _secondaryMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _secondaryMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryMuzTT = _secondaryMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 1) != "") then { _secondarySidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _secondarySideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondarySideTT = _secondarySideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 2) != "") then { _secondaryTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _secondaryTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryTopTT = _secondaryTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 3) != "") then { _secondaryBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _secondaryBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryBipodTT = _secondaryBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _secondaryCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryPic; _secondaryCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryTT; _secondaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryMuzPic; _secondaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryMuzTT; _secondarySideCTRL ctrlSetText _secondarySidePic; _secondarySideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondarySideTT; _secondaryTopCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryTopPic; _secondaryTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryTopTT; _secondaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryBipodPic; _secondaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryBipodTT; //Handgun _handgunPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_hgun_gs.paa"; _handgunTT = "No Handgun"; _handgunMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _handgunMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _handgunSidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _handgunSideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _handgunTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _handgunTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _handgunBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _handgunBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _handgunClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 9) select 0; if (_handgunClass != "") then { _handgunPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunClass >> "Picture"); _handgunTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_handgunClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SIDEARM] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunTT = _handgunTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SIDEARM select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _handgunAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 9) select 1; if ((_handgunAttach select 0) != "") then { _handgunMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _handgunMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunMuzTT = _handgunMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 1) != "") then { _handgunSidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _handgunSideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunSideTT = _handgunSideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 2) != "") then { _handgunTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _handgunTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunTopTT = _handgunTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 3) != "") then { _handgunBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _handgunBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunBipodTT = _handgunBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _handgunCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunPic; _handgunCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunTT; _handgunMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunMuzPic; _handgunMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunMuzTT; _handgunSideCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunSidePic; _handgunSideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunSideTT; _handgunTopCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunTopPic; _handgunTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunTopTT; _handgunBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunBipodPic; _handgunBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunBipodTT; }; //Populate list depending on category selected fnc_purequip_populateGearList = { private["_categoryIndex","_parentDisp","_equipPopulateNetCall","_equipPopulateNetCall"]; disableSerialization; _categoryIndex = _this select 0; _parentDisp = _this select 1; //Clear lists lbClear 1500; lbClear 1501; lbClear 1505; GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; //What array should we work with GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST = Call Compile Format["GW_PUREQUIP_%1",lbData[2100, _categoryIndex]]; //Populate the main list { lbAdd [1500, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1500, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST; if ((count GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST) > 0) then {lbSetCurSel [1500, 0]}; //If a primary entry is selected, attempt to populate related magazines if ((lbCurSel 1500) > -1) then {GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = true}; }; //Populate the magazine list depending on what weapon is selected fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList = { private["_currentSelectedPrimary","_weapClassname","_configMagsArray"]; _currentSelectedPrimary = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1501; //Figure out what classname of weapon is selected in the main list _weapClassname = (GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST select _currentSelectedPrimary) select 0; //Get a list of magazines the gun can use from the config (Safe to hardcode CfgWeapons) _configMagsArray = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "magazines"); _allConfigMagsArray = _configMagsArray; //Check for magazines under muzzles _muzzlesCfg = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "muzzles"); _muzzleMags = []; { if (_x != "this") then { _muzMagList = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> _x >> "magazines"); _allConfigMagsArray = [_allConfigMagsArray, _muzMagList] Call fnc_shr_mergeArrays; }; } forEach _muzzlesCfg; //Parse out magazines list GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; { _cfgMagsClass = _x; { if ((_x select 0) == _cfgMagsClass) exitWith {GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST set [count GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST, _x]}; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_MAGAZINES; } forEach _allConfigMagsArray; //Populate the second list { lbAdd [1501, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1501, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1501, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST; }; //Populate attachments list depending on what weapon is selected fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList = { private["_currentSelectedPrimary","_weapClassname","_configCows","_configMuzzle","_configPointer","_configAttach"]; _currentSelectedPrimary = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1505; //Figure out what classname of weapon is selected in the main list _weapClassname = (GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST select _currentSelectedPrimary) select 0; _configAttach = []; { configProperties [ configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> _x >> "compatibleItems", "_configAttach pushBack (configName _x)", true ]; } forEach ["CowsSlot", "MuzzleSlot", "PointerSlot", "UnderBarrelSlot"]; //Parse out attachments list GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; { _cfgAttachClass = _x; { if ((_x select 0) == _cfgAttachClass) exitWith {GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST set [count GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST, _x]}; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHMENTS; } forEach _configAttach; //Populate the attachment list { lbAdd [1505, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1505, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1505, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST; }; //Populate inventory container list fnc_purequip_populateContainerList = { private["_containerIndex","_containerContents"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1504; _containerContents = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex) select 1; { _classname = _x; _cfgClass = _x Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; //Get the price of the item (we don't know what category it's in, so unfortunately we need to search the entire equipment array) _price = 0; _classNameIndex = [_classname, 0, GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_classNameIndex != -1) then {_price = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _classNameIndex) select 1}; _displayString = format["$%1 - %2",_price,(getText (configFile >> _cfgClass >> _classname >> "DisplayName"))]; lbAdd [1504, _displayString]; lbSetTooltip [1504, _forEachIndex, _displayString]; lbSetPicture [1504, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> _cfgClass >> _classname >> "Picture"))]; } forEach _containerContents; }; //Can an item fit in a specified container fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer = { private["_itemClass","_container","_cfgClass","_canFit","_classType","_allowedSlots"]; _itemClass = _this select 0; _container = _this select 1; _canFit = false; //Make sure the container actually exists in the template if (_container != "") then { if (_container == "Uniform") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; if (_container == "Vest") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; if (_container == "Backpack") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; }; //Check if the item can fit inside the container if (_itemClass != "" && _canFit) then { _cfgClass = _itemClass Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _classType = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "type"); if (_classType == GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM) then { _configsProperties = []; configProperties [configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "ItemInfo", "_configsProperties pushBack (configName _x); true", true]; if ("allowedSlots" in _configsProperties) then { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "ItemInfo" >> "allowedSlots"); if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; } else { _canFit = true; }; } else { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "allowedSlots"); if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; }; }; if (_cfgClass == "CfgGlasses") then {_canFit = true}; if (_cfgClass == "CfgMagazines") then { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "allowedSlots"); if (count _allowedSlots == 0) then { _canFit = true; } else { if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; }; }; }; _canFit }; //Get item's mass fnc_purequip_getItemMass = { private["_mass","_cfgClass","_classType"]; _mass = 0; if (_this != "") then { _cfgClass = _this Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _classType = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "type"); _mass = if (_classType == GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM) then {getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "ItemInfo" >> "mass")} else {getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "mass")}; } else { _mass = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "mass"); }; }; _mass }; //Get a specific container's current mass fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass = { private["_currentMass","_containerArray","_itemMass"]; _currentMass = 0; _containerArray = []; if (_this == "Uniform" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 1); }; if (_this == "Vest" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 1); }; if (_this == "Backpack" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 1); }; //Go through container's contents { _itemMass = _x Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; _currentMass = _currentMass + _itemMass; } forEach _containerArray; _currentMass }; //Get a specific container's max mass fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass = { private["_maxMass","_cfgClass","_containerClass"]; _maxMass = 0; _containerClassName = ""; if (_this == "Uniform") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0}; if (_this == "Vest") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0}; if (_this == "Backpack") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0}; if (_containerClassName != "") then { _cfgClass = _containerClassName Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgVehicles") then { _maxMass = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _containerClassName >> "maximumLoad"); }; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _containerClass = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _containerClassName >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass"); _maxMass = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _containerClass >> "maximumLoad"); }; }; _maxMass }; //Update all container's masses fnc_purequip_updateMasses = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR = "Uniform" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX = "Uniform" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGUniformMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1102; _BarUniformMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1105; if (GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX == 0) then { _BGUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGUniformMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGUniformMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarUniformMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarUniformMassCtrl; _BarUniformMassCurPos set [2, _BGUniformMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX)]; _BarUniformMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarUniformMassCurPos; _BarUniformMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR = "Vest" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX = "Vest" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGVestMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1103; _BarVestMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1106; if (GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX == 0) then { _BGVestMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarVestMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGVestMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarVestMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGVestMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGVestMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarVestMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarVestMassCtrl; _BarVestMassCurPos set [2, _BGVestMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX)]; _BarVestMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarVestMassCurPos; _BarVestMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR = "Backpack" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX = "Backpack" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGBackpackMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1104; _BarBackpackMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1107; if (GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX == 0) then { _BGBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGBackpackMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGBackpackMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarBackpackMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarBackpackMassCtrl; _BarBackpackMassCurPos set [2, _BGBackpackMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX)]; _BarBackpackMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarBackpackMassCurPos; _BarBackpackMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; }; //Get the value of the current template fnc_purequip_updateCost = { private["_parentDisp","_totalCost"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; _equipArray = _this select 1; _totalCost = 0; //Get the value of the current template _templateCost = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE Call fnc_shr_getEquipmentCost; //Get the value of what's on the player _playerEquip = player Call fnc_shr_getEquipArray; _playerCost = _playerEquip Call fnc_shr_getEquipmentCost; //Difference between them (Can't refund, $0 is minimum) _totalCost = (_templateCost - _playerCost) max 0; _textColor = if (_totalCost <= GW_CVAR_MONEY) then {"#269024"} else {"#c75454"}; if (_totalCost <= GW_CVAR_MONEY) then {ctrlEnable [1604, true]} else {ctrlEnable [1604, true]}; _totalCostCTRL = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1109; _totalCostCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["Total Cost of Equipment: <t color='%1'>$%2</t>",_textColor, _totalCost]); GW_PUREQUIP_TOTALCOST = _totalCost; }; //Remove item from equipment fnc_purequip_removeItem = { private["_itemSlotArray","_invQuery","_preSaveArray","_innerPreSaveArray"]; _itemSlotArray = _this; _invQuery = ""; //Helmet, Facewear, Binocs, NVGs if (count _itemSlotArray == 1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 0, ""]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; }; //Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Sidearm or Assigned Items if (count _itemSlotArray == 2) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 1, ""]; //Removed weapon, be sure to remove attachments as well if (((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 7) || ((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 8) || ((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 9)) then { if ((_preSaveArray select 0) == "") then {_preSaveArray set [1, ["","","",""]]}; }; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _preSaveArray]; }; //Weapon Attachments if (count _itemSlotArray == 3) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1); _innerPreSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 2, ""]; _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _preSaveArray]; }; //Call for update of inv GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; }; //Remove a given index from the selected container fnc_purequip_removeContainerItem = { private["_itemIndex","_refresh","_preSaveArray","_innerPreSaveArray","_item"]; _itemIndex = _this select 0; _refresh = _this select 1; //Don't do anything if there's no container selected (shouldn't ever happen) if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == -1) exitWith {}; //Remove specified item _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select 1; _innerPreSaveArray set [_itemIndex, "REMOVE"]; _innerPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray - ["REMOVE"]; _preSaveArray set [1, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _preSaveArray]; //Call for update of inv (Set this to false if emptying entire container, then redraw once at end) if (_refresh) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; }; }; //Remove container fnc_purequip_removeContainer = { private["_containerIndex", "_preSaveArray"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; _preSaveArray =+ (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex); if (_preSaveArray select 0 != "") then { //If the container previously selected matches our removed one, update container selected logic if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == _containerIndex) then {GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true}; //Update template _preSaveArray set [0, ""]; _preSaveArray set [1, []]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_containerIndex, _preSaveArray]; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; }; }; //Empty container fnc_purequip_emptyContainer = { private["_containerIndex"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; //Update template _preSaveArray =+ (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex); _preSaveArray set [1, []]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_containerIndex, _preSaveArray]; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; }; //Can an attachment work on the weapon fnc_purequip_attachmentFits = { private["_attachClass","_weaponClass","_configAttach","_newAttachClasses","_oldAttachClasses"]; _attachClass = _this select 0; _weaponClass = _this select 1; _attachmentFits = false; _configAttach = []; { configProperties [ configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponClass >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> _x >> "compatibleItems", "_configAttach pushBack (configName _x)", true ]; } forEach ["CowsSlot", "MuzzleSlot", "PointerSlot", "UnderBarrelSlot"]; //Search for our attachment { if (_x == _attachClass) exitWith {_attachmentFits = true}; } forEach _configAttach; _attachmentFits }; //Add item to template fnc_purequip_addItem = { private["_ctrl","_clickIndex","_itemIndex","_itemSlotArray","_itemClassName","_itemSlotArray"]; disableSerialization; _ctrl = _this select 0; _clickIndex = _this select 1; _itemIndex = [(lbData[_ctrl, _clickIndex]), 0, GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then { _itemClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _itemIndex) select 0; _itemSlotArray = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _itemIndex) select 4; //Helmet, Facewear, Binocs, NVGs if ((count _itemSlotArray) == 1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; //Equipable item if ((_itemSlotArray select 0) != -1) then { if ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 0)) == "") then { _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _itemClassName]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; } else { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; } else //Only fits in a container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Sidearm or Assigned Items if ((count _itemSlotArray) == 2) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); //No current item if ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1)) == "") then { _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _itemClassName]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [(_itemSlotArray select 0), _preSaveArray]; } else //Current item is already populated, try to put in container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Weapon Attachments if (count _itemSlotArray == 3) then { _equipSlot = (_itemSlotArray select 0); _preSaveIndex = -1; if (typeName _equipSlot == "ARRAY") then { _gunIndex = 7; if ((lbCurSel 2100) == 1) then {_gunIndex = 8}; if ((lbCurSel 2100) == 2) then {_gunIndex = 9}; if (_gunIndex in _equipSlot) then { _preSaveIndex = _gunIndex; }; } else { _preSaveIndex = _equipSlot; }; _preSaveArray = []; _gunClass = ""; _attachmentSlot = ""; _attachmentFits = false; //If we found a suitable slot to equip if (_preSaveIndex != -1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _preSaveIndex; //Does it fit on the weapon? _gunClass = (_preSaveArray select 0); _attachmentSlot = ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1)) select (_itemSlotArray select 2)); _attachmentFits = if (_gunClass != "") then {[_itemClassName, _gunClass] Call fnc_purequip_attachmentFits} else {false}; }; //Has a weapon for the attachment type if (_gunClass != "" && _attachmentSlot == "" && _attachmentFits) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1); _innerPreSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 2), _itemClassName]; _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_preSaveIndex, _preSaveArray]; } else //Current item is already populated, try to put in container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; }; }; //Purchase current template of gear fnc_purequip_purchaseGear = { GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _buyNetCall = ["equipment","buy",[(getPlayerUID player), GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, false, true], "GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _buyNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to purchase gear - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; //Update last purchased template GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES set [0, ["Last Purchased", false, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 1)]]; //Equip the player _unitEquipScript = [player, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE] spawn fnc_shr_equipUnit; waitUntil{scriptDone _unitEquipScript}; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; }; }; //Populate Templates List (Don't get array from server) fnc_purequip_populateTemplates = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Populate the list lbClear 1502; { lbAdd [1502, format["%1",(_x select 0)]]; if (_x select 1) then {lbSetColor [1502, _forEachIndex, [0,0.7490,1,1]]}; } forEach GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES; }; //Load template fnc_purequip_loadTemplate = { private["_index","_templateSelected"]; _index = lbCurSel 1502; if (_index != -1) then { _templateSelected = GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select _index; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE =+ _templateSelected select 2; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; //Save new template fnc_purequip_saveNewTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateNameCTRL = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1400; _templateName = ctrlText _templateNameCTRL; if (_templateName != "") then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templatenew",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to save new template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; lbAdd [1502, format["%1",_templateName]]; lbSetColor [1502, ((lbSize 1500) - 1), [0,0.7490,1,1]]; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES pushBack [_templateName, true, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 1)]; _templateNameCTRL ctrlSetText ""; }; } else { systemChat "Templates must have a unique name"; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Update template fnc_purequip_updateTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateName = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 0} else {""}; _canModify = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 1} else {false}; if (_templateName != "" && _canModify) then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templateupdate",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to update template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES set[(lbCurSel 1502), [_templateName, true, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 1)]]; }; } else { if (_templateName == "") then {systemChat "No template selected to delete"}; if (!_canModify) then {systemChat "You can only modify templates you made"}; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Delete template fnc_purequip_deleteTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateName = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 0} else {""}; _canModify = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 1} else {false}; if (_templateName != "" && _canModify) then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templatedelete",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to delete template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; lbDelete [1502, (lbCurSel 1502)]; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES deleteAt ((lbCurSel 1502) + 1); }; } else { if (_templateName == "") then {systemChat "No template selected to delete"}; if (!_canModify) then {systemChat "You can only modify templates you made"}; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Button should be hidden by default _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow false; //Fill the purchase categories combobox with all the categories lbClear 2100; lbAdd [2100, "Primary Weapons"]; lbSetData [2100, 0, "WEAP_PRIMARY"]; lbAdd [2100, "Secondary Weapons"]; lbSetData [2100, 1, "WEAP_SECONDARY"]; lbAdd [2100, "Sidearms"]; lbSetData [2100, 2, "WEAP_SIDEARM"]; lbAdd [2100, "Ammo & Ordnance"]; lbSetData [2100, 3, "MAGAZINES"]; lbAdd [2100, "Attachments"]; lbSetData [2100, 4, "ATTACHMENTS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Headgear"]; lbSetData [2100, 5, "HEADGEAR"]; lbAdd [2100, "Vests"]; lbSetData [2100, 6, "VESTS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Uniforms"]; lbSetData [2100, 7, "UNIFORMS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Backpacks"]; lbSetData [2100, 8, "BACKPACKS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Facewear"]; lbSetData [2100, 9, "FACEWEAR"]; lbAdd [2100, "Other Items"]; lbSetData [2100, 10, "OTHERS"]; //First template shown should be what the player currently has equipped GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = [player, true] Call fnc_shr_getEquipArray; //Select primary weapons by default lbSetCurSel [2100, 0]; GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = true; //Need to draw the inventory _redrawUI = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_redrawInventory; _recalcPrice = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateCost; _recalcMass = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateMasses; _templatePop = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateTemplates; //Unblock UI for network call _netBlockBGCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1110; _netBlockBGCTRL ctrlShow false; _netBlockTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1111; _netBlockTextCTRL ctrlShow false; //Main Updater while {dialog} do { //If player dies, close dialog if (!alive player) exitWith {closeDialog 60003}; //Disable/Enable purchase button depending on if there are enemies near the player _hostiles = [GW_CVAR_SIDE, (getPosATL player), 100] Call fnc_shr_getHostilesInArea; if (_hostiles == 0) then {(_display displayCtrl 1604) ctrlEnable true} else {(_display displayCtrl 1604) ctrlEnable false}; //User selected to load a template if (GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE = false; _templateLoad = [] Spawn fnc_purequip_loadTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateLoad}; }; //User selected purchase equipment if (GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT) then { GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT = false; _gearPurchase = [] Spawn fnc_purequip_purchaseGear; waitUntil {scriptDone _gearPurchase}; }; //Changed category (Need to halt execution to make sure it's done populating) if (GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY) then { GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = false; _gearPopulate = [(lbCurSel 2100), _display] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateGearList; waitUntil {scriptDone _gearPopulate}; }; //Recalc Total of Template if (GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = false; _recalcPrice = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateCost; waitUntil {scriptDone _recalcPrice}; }; //Figure out mass of containers if (GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = false; _recalcMass = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateMasses; waitUntil {scriptDone _recalcMass}; }; //Changed primary selection (Only need to do this if we're on the weapons categories) if (GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED) then { GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = false; _categorySelected = lbCurSel 2100; if (_categorySelected == 0 || _categorySelected == 1 || _categorySelected == 2) then { _currentSelectedPrimary = lbCurSel 1500; if (_currentSelectedPrimary != -1) then { //Make sure our selected index is a valid index within the new category if ((lbSize 1500) > _currentSelectedPrimary) then { _magsPopulate = [_currentSelectedPrimary] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList; _attachPopulate = [_currentSelectedPrimary] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList; waitUntil {scriptDone _magsPopulate && scriptDone _attachPopulate}; } else { //If there's at least 1 weapon in there, select that one if ((lbSize 1500) > 0) then { lbSetCurSel [1500, 0]; _magsPopulate = [0] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList; _attachPopulate = [0] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList; waitUntil {scriptDone _magsPopulate && scriptDone _attachPopulate}; } } }; }; }; //Container Changed if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED) then { GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = false; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL) select 0; if (_containerClass != "") then { _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; } else { GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; }; }; //Update container text if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == -1) then { lbClear 1504; _containerTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1108; _containerTextCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["No Container Selected"]); _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow false; } else { _containerText = ""; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerText = "Uniform"}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerText = "Vest"}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerText = "Backpack"}; _containerTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1108; _containerTextCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["Contents of %1",_containerText]); _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow true; }; }; //Redraw requested if (GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV) then { GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = false; _redrawUI = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_redrawInventory; waitUntil {scriptDone _redrawUI}; }; //Update selected template if (GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE = false; _templateUpdate = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateUpdate}; }; //Delete selected template if (GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE = false; _templateDelete = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_deleteTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateDelete}; }; //Save new template if (GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE = false; _templateSaveNew = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_saveNewTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateSaveNew}; }; uiSleep 0.1; };