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Ambient Civilian traffic.

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If I place Ambient Civilians and Ambient Civilian cars. Would that make it so that I would start seeing civilians driving along the roads? Or is ambient civilian drivers just not possible? So far I've only seen civilians, and cars spawn. But no civlians IN cars. I've seen civies go up to a car and start driving in the main campaign, so is it possible?

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I might be wrong but as far as i know it works this way:

Ambient Civilians spawns random civs which do theyr work, go shopping...just anything.

Ambient Civilian Cars spawns random cars at random places.

Yeah, i know you knew that, just to recapitulate.

Now, those cars aren't "owned" by a specific civ but are free to be used by anyone. So if a civ want to travel a greater distance, he should look for a vehicle to use. It may take a while since they're not spawned right with the idea "oh, lets take a car and visit my uncle". Give them a few minutes.

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I have seen them get in a car once and he drove to the airport.

There was a bug as another AI also wanted to get into the car and he ended up running after it.

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I added some civilian vehicles at random around an area and used the urban patrol script and that works pretty good if a little tedious.

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I have seen them get in a car once and he drove to the airport.

There was a bug as another AI also wanted to get into the car and he ended up running after it.

In the campaign or in a mission you created?

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I did it myself as I haven't played any missions.

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Currently Ambient Civilians don't do much for me apart from get trapped in the doorways like Han Solo trapped in Carbonite.

Some of them moan as if they are injured, it freaked me the hell out playing a night mission after a few Js.

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Yeah sometimes they freak out and speak in tongues.

They repeat the same phrase in Chernarussian ALL THE DAMN TIME like some sort of demonic mantra...

They scare me.

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