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ArmA2 is sadly a bug disaster - give us tools for bug reporting please!

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Title basically says it all, if we have to test a horrible bugged game, please give us the right tools to bug probably report everything we see. The Czech testers probably hadn´t enough time or the manpower to test, so let the great community do it (at least the germans).

* Set up a wiki, where we can register and report bugs, sorted and categorized in A, B, C, D bugs.

* Give us the possibility to attach savegames and screenshots

* Give people examples how to bug something (What did they do in detail and show them how to list it)

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I'm guessing this thread should be in Arma2 - Suggestions, though I do agree with the notion.

Dev-Heaven already have an Arma2 community bugtracker AFAIK. I guess we just need to make sure BIS sees it.

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Here you go :) Report, Report and Awaaaaaaaaay :D


Dev-Heaven already have an Arma2 community bugtracker AFAIK. I guess we just need to make sure BIS sees it.
Cheers. Im sure BIS will see it, if it is useful for them.

Which means there need to be reports in there, and the best way would probably be to have short descriptions and sumarizations, with reproducability report and hardware+driver reports.

Incl ArmA.rpt and the memory dumps, etc.

We'll throw that in a wiki :D

Edited by Sickboy

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As this is just a thinly disguised attempt to reignite the issue supposedly raised from one source it should continue in the press discussion thread. Do not ignore a moderator's instruction again please.

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