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Change Domination entry song

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Can someone help me find out how to change the song during the fade in, in Domination?

I have an mp3 already that I want to use, just need to know if it is script directed or just a file in game.

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x_client\x_intro.sqf and x_client\x_endcam.sqf are the only places I can find playMusic.

I'll advice against it though, as the download increase is pretty big compared to what you get from it. Most couldn't care less about the music.

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Huh? I think x_ is just Xenos own script naming convention :) The i_ files are just to indicate initialization files.

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Can you simply just add;

class CfgMusic



class Music


name = "";

sound[] = {"Music.ogg", db+0, 1.0};



to the end of your description and it would override the default music?

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class CfgMusic


tracks[]={ Intro };

class Intro {


sound[]={"filepath\Intro.ogg", db+10, 1.0};



and then in the x_client\x_intro.sqf starting at line 42:

#ifndef __OA__

playMusic "Intro";


playMusic "Intro";


To your question, if you just add it in the description, you only define the class. Your mission still doesn't "know" what do to with it.

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And don't forget that some users have turned off music and they won't hear the song.


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I know I'm a bit late for this thread but anyway, I'm trying to insert music into my game as well using the coding that was written in this thread. For some reason, everytime I try to start my personal server up, my game force closes and an error code pops up saying:

File C:\Zak Nizam\Doucments\ArmA 2 Other


miCO!_(ACE)_Wounds.Takistan\description.ext, line 927: /Params/:

Missing '}'

Now, All I did was take the description:

class CfgMusic


tracks[]={ Intro };

class Intro {


sound[]={"filepath\Intro.ogg", db+10, 1.0};



quoted above and copied and pasted it exactly as stated (at the bottom of the description.ext just before the closing '};'. Can anyone explain to me what I did wrong? If you need more information just let me know.

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Why don't you just replace the intro.ogg with your own song file and not worry about configs and scripts and all that? :)

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I didn't see an Intro.ogg when I looked in the sounds file.

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I know that. I've already replaced the song from in game, the problem is getting it to work in the description file so the game knows to play it at intro. It's not working because it keeps giving me that error I mentioned 4 comments ago.

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Try this:

class CfgMusic

class Intro {
sound[]={"filepath\Intro.ogg", db+10, 1.0};
[color="Red"]titles[] = {};[/color]

Don't know if the spaces change anything, and don't know if titles is necessary, but it doesn't hurt to try. If this still does not work, I suggest moving to playSound instead of playMusic. There is already a cfgSounds defined, so you've got to add it there just as you did for cfgMusic, then when you call it use the command playSound. This also allows for fading and all that stuff.

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Thanks for trying to help, but that also gave me the same error... maybe if someone is on at the same time as me, they can edit the file themselves through teamview or something.. I don't understand why it won't work if it worked for others. It's Domination 2 just like fasterthanlight's mission.

Edited by znizam93

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