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SAM SAFDS (Small arms fire detection system)

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SAM SAFDS (Small arms fire detection system) aka BBN Boomerang

4:50 in this video the system is explained


Short facts

Detects bullets fired by audio and then calculates where the shooter is showing azimut, o'clock, elevation and distance from the vehicle with Boomerang installed.

Kind of stuck right now but i thought I would post a video that shows some WIP.

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Way cool! I remember seeing that Future Weapons episode, and it looked pretty awesome. Great work getting it in game.

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Ive asked NZX like a week ago or so if he will add stuff like this to some of his humvees.

So its kinda cool someone comes up with it right now ;) Good job. Waiting for more to see

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Some real progress last night, managed to fix some problem and SAFDS is now quite reliable though some of the realism in the calcualtions had to be altered in favour for usability.

Planning a relase of an RC next weekend, have to fix respawn and addEventhandler problems first...

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Nice idea. Though i wonder what happens if the first shot hits the SAFDS...^^

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Later on I hope that I will be able to construct the microphone array as a model ingame and use attachTo on all the vehicles in the "useSAFDS" array.

If the microphone array get hit the system will be non functional.

But thats in the future....respawn (small problem) and addEventhandler (BIG problem) to handle first.

Cant understand why _this works if I add Fired eventhandlers in the editor and then dont work when I use a script, _this will give a faulty variable in my scripts.....:mad:

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Good thinking...to bad my 3ds knowledge are close to nill. But there is only one way to learn things...trying!

Good news about the core script, got it working as a addon insted with only two things for the user to add. Starting a script in init.sqf and add the names of all the units you want to use SAFDS in. Respawn and addEventhandler fixed...at least I hope so!

Beta tests during this week and a full release this weekend, also releasing the addon version of sam_handsignals at the same time.

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Nice work. Please keep a script version of handsignals as well as some ppl don't like mods. :)

The SAFDS will be a nice high techoption for vehicles. Can I have a personal one attached to my belt. lol. :D

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@ Cougs: Actully yes you can. click

(almost :cool:)

...and I have allowed this in my script to.

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Though i wonder what happens if the first shot hits the SAFDS...^^

That's exactly what I was thinking while watching the video. I guess that's a bit pessimistic. :P

Very nice thinking with this, looking forward to trying.

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