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Randomly generated roadside IEDs

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Hi all,

First of all, great addition to the game!.

I've got it working without much problems in Arma3, though while doing some tests between small/medium/large explosions i didn't really notice a lot of difference between them.

Even small explosives seem lethal to lighter vehicles, Two small explosions where enough to track a MBT.

When i went looking in the ExplosionFunctions.sqf i noticed the same sequences for small, medium & large. Should this not be different for each explosion?

Also, does the script pick one explosion out of the sequence to make for some randomness, or are they all actually fired off in this sequence?


_explosiveSequence = ["M_PG_AT","M_Zephyr","M_Titan_AA_long","M_PG_AT"];

[_this, _explosiveSequence, true, true] spawn PRIMARY_EXPLOSION;



_explosiveSequence = ["M_PG_AT","M_Zephyr","M_Titan_AA_long","M_PG_AT"];

[_this, _explosiveSequence, true, true] spawn PRIMARY_EXPLOSION;



_explosiveSequence = ["M_PG_AT","M_Zephyr","M_Titan_AA_long","M_PG_AT"];

[_this, _explosiveSequence, true, true] spawn PRIMARY_EXPLOSION;


best regards


Wow thanks for catching that copy paste mistake. They should be different. Those are all considered the small IEDs. BIS has increased the damage that explosives do in the latest update, so I will tweak those sequences later today.

To answer your question, they are all set off .01 seconds apart from each other. Setting them all off at the same time is a good way to grind your game to a halt.

Okay so i put the folder in patrol ops 3 and put the stuff in the description and init but im not sure if the script is working i havent seen any IEDS yet but is there a way to tell if the script is working?

Using a debug console, type "iedDictionary" into one of the fields.

If it looks like this, it is working.


If it looks like this, the script has been started, but you didn't give it any IEDS to create


If it looks like this, the script was never started.


it was already set to true

and im not seeing any ied markers on the map

http://i.imgur.com/eqVUltX.jpg (350 kB)

heres the init:

http://i.imgur.com/IoAGY1B.png (138 kB)

and heres the description:

http://i.imgur.com/wFSI2mo.png (171 kB)

Markers only show up for the player that passes the isserver check. If it is on a dedicated server, nobody will see them.

Yeah I noticed that ALL the IED's were Holy Cow moments... Lots of FPS lag... lol

Might be a good idea to reduce the small and medium one to just stock mine/grenades effects ?

My goals while working on this were to create confusion, panic, and fear.

Confusion in the sense of what just happened.

Panic in the sense of what do I need to do to get to safety now that I can't see and where is the enemy going to be at when this clears.

Fear in the sense of are all these benign objects around me going to blow up when I run by it.

The majority of your lag is probably coming from the smoke particle effects. As you can see in my videos, I don't get any lag when they go off, so it is hard to tell what other people's computers can handle. I will see if I can tone it down a little more when I get some time.

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Brians, don't go crazy, I love them the way they are... The BIG huge explosion is perfect !!!

I run a LOT of Ied's on the mission - upwards of 150 individual placements with some hotspots. I also run a custome object array, as I didn't like secondaries being visible and though some of the objects looked a little odd on takistan.

iedSecondaryItems = ["FxExploGround2","FxExploGround1","FxExploArmor4"];

iedSmallItems = ["Land_ButaneCanister_F","Land_GasCanister_F","Land_BottlePlastic_V1_F","Land_PowderedMilk_F","Land_TacticalBacon_F","Land_VitaminBottle_F","Land_BottlePlastic_V2_F","Land_Sacks_heap_F","Land_Can_Rusty_F","Land_Can_V2_F","Land_TacticalBacon_F","Land_Suitcase_F","FirstAidKit","HandGrenade","HandGrenade_Stone"];

iedMediumItems = ["Bomb","Land_WoodenBox_F","Land_MetalBarrel_F","Land_BarrelTrash_grey_F","Land_Sacks_heap_F","Land_WoodenLog_F","Land_WoodPile_F","Land_Ancient_Wall_8m_F","Land_Garbage_line_F","Land_Garbage_square3_F","Land_Garbage_square5_F","Land_GarbageBags_F","and_GarbagePallet_F","Land_GarbageWashingMachine_F","Land_JunkPile_F","CraterLong_small"];

iedLargeItems = ["Land_GarbageBags_F","Land_GarbagePallet_F","Land_GarbageWashingMachine_F","Land_JunkPile_F","Land_Tyres_F","Land_Wreck_Skodovka_F","Land_Wreck_Car_F","Land_Wreck_Car3_F","Land_Wreck_Car2_F","Land_Wreck_Offroad_F","Land_Wreck_Offroad2_F","Land_Wreck_BMP2_F","Land_Wreck_BRDM2_F","Land_Wreck_HMMWV_F","Land_Wreck_T72_hull_F","Land_Wreck_T72_turret_F","Land_Wreck_UAZ_F","Land_Wreck_Ural_F","Dir_3_F"];

So it can be that the chaps completely miss my IED's and walk over several, so having all Huge is not ideal, I run 10% large maximum, but Based on the above error on the script, that will explain the frustration my poor troopers are experiencing..



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Version 2.1

  • Fixed small bug with creating IEDs
  • Removed potential race case
  • Fixed incorrect copy paste error that appeared in version 2.0. Thanks Badger1815!
  • Reduced the number of particles in the IED smoke/rocks
  • Reduced to number of explosives used in each IED explosion
  • Changed the small IEDs. Their primary purpose is to kill infantry and damage hunter type vehicles.
  • Changed the medium IEDs. Their primary purpose is to take out infantry and hunter type vehicles. They can disable marshall type vehicles fairly easily.
  • Changed the large IEDs. These are bad for your health.
  • Changed secondary IEDs. Should not damage vehicles as much as before.

Let me know if the explosion and particle changes help with lag.

I am also trying to find a balance for the small IEDs. It seems weird, but it is hard to guarantee a kill on infantry, but keep the hunter safe. Right now, the shrapnel does most the damage of the small IED, which means if it hits your fuel tank, there is nothing I can do to help you. If you guys find any breakthroughs, let me know.

For those curious about how the shrapnel works, here are some line traces I did while testing them.



Also, I am working on new smoke effects. This is what I have for the small IEDs right now. Looking for some input

Edited by brians200

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Will test it out tonight... Great turnaround btw !!


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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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What is the best way to apply the update to my mission without having to redo things like defining markers and such?

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Save your settings to different folder, then merge it with the new one. They should be relatively the same.

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Indeed fast response. The IED are very good now.

I've noticed the following problem when trying to place IED markers near bridges/culvert. I thought that would make a nice idea to have a convoy check bridges before crossing them. The IEDs are nicely hidden in the streams & gullies which makes them a lot less easy to spot. But when crossing a bridge/culvert the blast is completely deflected by the bridge structure, rendering my nicely concealed IEDs useless. Could this be made to work? Like if IEDs near bridges jump up 5 meters before exploding? Otherwise, the placement script should probably avoid bridges (might do it already?).

A nice variation on this addon would be randomly placing booby-traps in the buildings of a city. That would add an extra touch to town clearing missions :) Not that i want to ask too much...

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Unfortunately, that has been an ongoing problem. With the way BIS handles explosions, if there is anything between you and the explosion, you will live.

I also cannot detect what type of road it was placed near. I also can't spawn the explosions in the air, because the explosions I am using do not blow up until they hit the ground.

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Version 2.1

Wow great video btw... Very cool.

Did anyone else spot the GBU which appeared at 2 mins 45 secs ? - Sneaky !


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Here is stuff I'm working on for this nice pack. This is just one of many different styles. I'm trying to keep it as realistic as possible. So, I'm trying to make them harder to spot but similar to real events. This one would be quit a big explosion.


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Nice - a custom IED Objects pack eh ?

Liking the wires...

Still wish we could get some devices tied into no roadside locations. i.e. over arches, under floors etc etc....

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Nice - a custom IED Objects pack eh ?

Liking the wires...

Still wish we could get some devices tied into no roadside locations. i.e. over arches, under floors etc etc....

Not sure I understand. From what I do understand I think, doesn't sound hard. I'm just making the objects for the guys, whipped this up in a few minutes but also switching in between my mods as well.

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Nice job!!!

Now at 2.1 how to check if a IED zone is cleared?

something like this in last version?

call compile (disarmedSections select 0)


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"sectionName" call GET_REMAINING_IED_COUNT; 

If that number is 0, there are no more IEDs.


Returns [#iedsExploded, #iedsDisarmed]

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TC-6 mine, this is the covered version and by that I mean with newspaper will have about 3 other variants to this one mine. Keep things changing.


---------- Post added at 08:33 ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 ----------

Some Arma 3


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is there an easy way to make them be tiggered by any side? civs nato aaf and csat? Because the newest patrol ops has random enemy patrols and i have a civ mod that has civilians driving around. and in the future do you plan on having some kind of disarm GUI for EOD where you have to cut a certain wire or something like that?

Edited by Rages123

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"sectionName" call GET_REMAINING_IED_COUNT; 

If that number is 0, there are no more IEDs.


Returns [#iedsExploded, #iedsDisarmed]


But i refer in last version i can place a trigger with

 call compile (disarmedSections select 0) 

and make a task to clean a route of IEDs, now with new code i know how many ieds have been disarmed or exploded but i cant use it for trigger condition.

there are a way to use "GET_IED_SECTION_INFORMATION" for a task condition??

Nice job and thanks for support

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TC-6 mine, this is the covered version and by that I mean with newspaper will have about 3 other variants to this one mine. Keep things changing.


---------- Post added at 08:33 ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 ----------

Some Arma 3


Very good work! What else do you plan to hide under there?

is there an easy way to make them be tiggered by any side? civs nato aaf and csat? Because the newest patrol ops has random enemy patrols and i have a civ mod that has civilians driving around. and in the future do you plan on having some kind of disarm GUI for EOD where you have to cut a certain wire or something like that?

Multiple sides can be specified using an array. For example,

["Lakka", 2, 8,  ["West","East"] ]

You can find all the sides here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/side

In terms of EOD, there are not any short term plans. I am currently busy trying to finish up school, so it will be a couple of months before anything major like that came out.


But i refer in last version i can place a trigger with

 call compile (disarmedSections select 0) 

and make a task to clean a route of IEDs, now with new code i know how many ieds have been disarmed or exploded but i cant use it for trigger condition.

there are a way to use "GET_IED_SECTION_INFORMATION" for a task condition??

Nice job and thanks for support


You should be able to combine the two to have it check if all of them were disarmed.

If there are zero left AND there are none exploded.

 ("sectionName" call GET_REMAINING_IED_COUNT == 0) && { "sectionName" call GET_IED_SECTION_INFORMATION select 0 == 0} 

Something like this should work. I don't have time to test it at the moment, but feel free to let me know if there are any errors.

Edited by brians200

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I have been working on the smoke a little bit and wanted to know your opinions.

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 ("sectionName" call GET_REMAINING_IED_COUNT == 0) && { "sectionName" call GET_IED_SECTION_INFORMATION select 0 == 0} 

Something like this should work. I don't have time to test it at the moment, but feel free to let me know if there are any errors.

it dont work, i dont know where is failure. Im not good scripter.

I think someone better than me can help you with that. It is essential to use for bomb squad deactivate IED mission.

Many thanks

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I think both smokes look good, the first is simple but fades a little quickly ?

The second looks a little more powerful ?

Can we have both (randomised ? ) :)

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